1、摘 要 国有企业改革关系着社会主义经济的健康快速发展,关系着我国和谐社会建设,关系着我国社会主义各项事业建设的成败。目前,国有企业负担沉重、大量亏损,严重影响了其竞争能力和生存能力。产权结构多元化、政企分开、建设现代企业制度等方面困难重重。本文通过对国有企业改革的历程、现状进行分析和研究,借鉴国内外国有企业改革的成功经验,为国有企业改革突破困境提出有针对性的策略。为此,笔者提出了以产权改革为根本,以深化国有企业股份制改革为突破口,以建立政府与国有企业新型关系为推动力,系统推进国有企业改革的一系列观点和措施。继续深化所有权结构的改革是解决国有企业现存问题的主要课题。但要完成这一步骤仍需要采取一系
4、革,首要的问题是政企关系调整,关键问题是政府职能的转变和与之相适应的政府机构改革。政府职能转变的好坏直接关系到建立现代化企业制度密切相关的各项配套能否切实到位,对进入创新阶段的国有企业改革具有休戚与共的决定性影响,各级党委和政府应把这项工作放到更加突出的位置。 关键词:国企改革 产权改革 股份制改革 国资委定位 配套推进ABSTRACTThe reform of state-owned enterprises is concerning the healthy and fast development of socialist economy, the building of harmony
5、society, as well as the success or failure of the socialist causes construction. However, many aspects of the reform (e.g. multiple property equity structure, separation of government and business, construction of modern enterprise system, etc.) meet great difficulties resulted from the poor competi
6、tive and survival abilities of state-owned enterprises influenced by the heavy load and loss. Therefore, through analyzing the current reform of state-owned enterprises and drawing lessons from overseas successful experiences, the author put forward some pertinent strategies to overcome the predicam
7、ent, that is, to promote a series of viewpoints and measures on the basis of property equity while taking the deepening reform of share holding system as the breakthrough point and the establishment of new relationship between government and state-owned enterprises as the impetus. The main task of s
8、ettling current issues in state-owned enterprises is to keep strengthening the reform of ownership structure, which must be fulfilled by increasing payment in dependent ways through a series of related system arrangements. Both state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned ones do not have comprehensi
9、ve advantages but comparative superiorities, which should be subordinated to the overall demands of national economy. Thus the emphases of strategic reconstruction should be carrying out tactics which can both advance and retreat, changing the fossilization of over-covered national assets, withdrawi
10、ng appropriately industries and fields without national management, as well as improving areas acting as the lifeblood, foundation and most advanced and prcised technology, which are not suitable to introduced in non-state-owned enterprises. Reducing the entry limit of state-owned enterprises is to
11、realize the diversification of share holdings which not only aims at financing, but more importantly, at solving mechanism problems such as responsibility subjects, scientific decisions and risk sharing.Considering the operating management of enterprises, the performance of stock cooperation system,
12、 joint stock system for labors and virtual shareholding system can settle problems at a certain extent as follows: doing away with long-term insufficient incentive of managers effectively; implementing ownership driving function for managers; decreasing the principal-agent expense for share holding
13、enterprises; attracting and keeping talents by low cost. Therefore, the development of above three systems not only satisfies the demands of strengthening competitive ability and managing human capital, but also works on below aspects: in macro-level, it will improve the socialist basic economic sys
14、tem; middle-level, explore an effective way to combine public ownership and market economy; micro-level, benefit the investment subject diversification, the equity structure rationalization and the corporate governance structure standardization, which has important significance on the construction a
15、nd implement of modern enterprises system. The first important question to quicken the reform of state-owned enterprises is adjusting its relationship with the government while the key point is transforming the government function and reforming its adapted organizations. The performance of the trans
16、formation affects the realization of assets which are closely related to the construction of Modern enterprise system and influences decisively on the reform of state-owned enterprises at innovative stage. Therefore, in order to speed up the pace of reform, party committees at all levels and the gov
17、ernment should emphasize the transformation, strengthen the leadership, fulfill the targets and take forceful measures.Key words: State-owned enterprise reform, Reform of property equity structure Reform of shareholding system, Orientation of SASAC, Complementary promotion.目 录目 录摘 要IABSTRACT第一章 绪 论1
18、1.1 问题提出11.2国内外文献综述31.3研究思路和主要内容4第二章 国有企业改革的历史进程62.1国有企业改革的第一阶段62.1.1 进程62.1.2 评价62.2国有企业改革的第二阶段72.2.1 进程72.2.2 评价9第三章 深化国有企业改革面临的困难和挑战103.1环境变化给国有企业带来新的挑战103.2国有企业负担沉重113.3产权结构多元化困难重重123.4传统观念阻碍了国企改革133.5 国企改革过程中凸显的几个问题14第四章 国外国有企业改革的启示164.1英国的国有企业改革164.2德国的国有企业改革184.3俄罗斯、东欧国家国有企业的私有化改革194.4国企改革必须重
19、视的几个问题20第五章 深化国有企业改革的基本策略225.1从全局出发深化所有权结构改革225.1.1继续降低进入国有企业的门槛235.1.2健全和深化国有企业的退出制度235.1.3建立相对稳定的国有财产代理人队伍245.2着力于机制创建,推进国有企业的股份制改革255.2.1创建新机制255.2.2深化国有企业股份制改革265.2.3通过整体上市深化国企转机建制305.3明确国资委定位,配套推进国企改革315.3.1明确国资委定位的必要性315.3.2 明确国资委定位325.3.3转变政府职能,建立新型政企关系33结 论39参考文献41攻读学位期间发表的论文43广东工业大学学位论文独创性声
20、明44致 谢42CONTENTSABSTRACT (IN CHINISE) ABSTRACT (IN ENGLISH) Chapter 1 Introduction.11.1 Pointing out the question11.2 Literature review31.3 Research methods and main contents4Chapter 2 The historical course of the reform of state-owned enterprises62.1 The first period.6 2.1.1 The course.6 2.1.2The e
21、valuation.62.2 The second period7 2.2.1 The course7 2.2.2 The evaluation8Chapter 3 Difficulties and challenges in deepening the reform103.1 New challenges brought forth by environment changes103.2 The heavy loads of the state-owned enterprises113.3 The promotion of multiple property equity structure
22、 meets great difficulties.123.4 Traditional concepts hinder state-owned enterprises from reforming.133.5 Problems raised in the process .14Chapter 4 Enlightenments from overseas.164.1 The reform in the UK.164.2 The reform in Germany.184.3 The privatization reform in Russia and East Europe194.4 Probl
23、ems be attached importance to in the reform20Chapter 5 Basic strategies on deepening the reform235.1 Deepen the reform of ownership structure prudently from overall situation23 5.1.1 Keeping reducing the entry limit of state-owned enterprises24 5.1.2 Perfect and deepen the seceding system of state-o
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- 进一步 深化 国有企业 改革 策略 研究 论文
