1、gre考试分数提升有什么好办法 很多同学不知道如何提升gre考试,其实最重要的就是gre阅读考试的分数提高,下面就和大家分享gre考试分数提升有什么好办法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试分数提升有什么好办法?快速提高gre阅读成绩的方法如下:生词问题许多GRE阅读测试*来自国外原创期刊或杂志。它们涵盖了科学技术、自然、环境保护、社会、文化、工作、生物、地理等多个领域。因此,遇到生词是合理的。但有些考生遇到生词就失去了信心。他们非常慌乱。他们打破了原来的阅读节奏和速度。当他们问问题时,他们因为生词而陷入困境。因此,问题不仅没有解决,而且影响了后续问题的速度和时间。可以说,“一旦开始
2、,他们就到处移动”。在这方面,专家认为新词的出现是不可避免的,只要你有一个基本的词汇,就可以一个一个地彻底新词的问题。有时新词属于更专业的词汇。他们的出现不是为了考察考生的词汇,而是为了考察考生的适应能力和判断能力。gre阅读怎么练习尤其是标题中出现的所谓生词,可以使不好的事情变得更好,成为考生寻找答案的线索词。有时生词的意义可以直接在上下文中获得。gre阅读备考, gre考试有什么用中遇到的生词的相当一部分意义可以通过各种方式猜测得到。因此,在生词周围或语境中寻找解释是一种有效的方法。时间问题很多学生面对gre阅读考试,都会感叹时间不够,往往考生来不及读完整篇*。问题解决速度达不到要求的原因
3、有很多,如词汇、阅读方法和解决问题的能力。此外,还有一个重要因素:没有权衡,没有衡量问题的优先性。鉴于GRE考试模式不倒箭,如果遇到很难阅读的问题,就要花很多时间去定位和分析那些难以保证正确率的问题。建议你直接猜出答案,然后输入下一个问题,gre阅读备考, gre考试有什么用不要在这些问题上花太多时间。只有学会选择或拒绝,才能保证解决以下问题的时间,从而弥补损失,取得更好的效果。理解问题很多考生在日常练习和gre考试考场遇到需要查找关键词和中心句的问题时,总是跟着感觉走,完全失去了方向和焦点,这直接导致了在面对问题时很难回到原来的位置。因此,考生应学会在阅读过程中直接寻找线索,即中心句的关键词
4、。建议我们在日常的课堂和习题中总结试题的特点,用一两个词覆盖整个题目。使用关键词来定位答案,更多地关注目标,更有方向性。其实,只要有经验的考生都会知道,在最后一个错误造成之后,就应该尽量避免在同类问题面前再次犯错。这样,就更容易知道他们的弱点在哪里。如何提高gre阅读的效率,是掌握gre阅读解决问题的技巧,避免其弱点失分的关键。GRE阅读:具体模拟练习1. Patel: Although enrollment in the regions high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementar
5、y school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students.Which of the following, if true, most helps to support
6、 Quinteros alternative proposal?(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school.(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the num
7、ber of families sending their children to the regions high school has increased markedly.(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.(E) Even before the regions high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms ra
8、rely needed to be used.2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough.Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for th
9、e simple reason that there are not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of these graduates.Which of the following, if true in Risland, would most undermine the reasoning in Peters argument?(A) The college graduates with science degrees who are not working in science are currently earning
10、lower salaries than they would earn as scientists.(B) Fewer college students than ever before are receiving degrees in science.(C) The number of jobs in science has steadily risen in the last decade.(D) A significant number of college graduates with science degrees worked at low-paying jobs while th
11、ey were in college.(E) Every year some recent college graduates with science degrees accept permanent jobs in nonscientific fields.3.Counselor: Every year a popular newsmagazine pub-lishes a list of United States colleges, ranking them according to an overall numerical score that is a composite of r
12、atings according to sev-eral criteria. However, the overall scores gen-erally should not be used by students as the basis for deciding to which colleges to apply.Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the counselors recommendation?(A) The vast majority of people who purchase the maga
13、zine in which the list appears are not college-bound students.(B) Colleges that are ranked highest in the magazines list use this fact in advertisements aimed at attracting students.(C) The rankings seldom change from one year to the next.(D) The significance that particular criteria have for any tw
14、o students is likely to differ according to the students differing needs.(E) Some college students who are pleased with their schools considered the magazines rankings before deciding which college to attend.4. A thorough search of Edgar Allan Poes correspon-dence has turned up not a single letter i
15、n which he mentions his reputed morphine addiction. On the basis of this evidence it is safe to say that Poes reputation for having been a morphine addict is undeserved and that reports of his supposed addiction are untrue.Which of the following is assumed by the argument above?(A) Reports claiming
16、that Poe was addicted to mor-phine did not begin to circulate until after his death.(B) None of the reports of Poes supposed morphine addiction can be traced to individuals who actu-ally knew Poe.(C) Poes income from writing would not have been sufficient to support a morphine addiction.(D) Poe woul
17、d have been unable to carry on an extensive correspondence while under the influence of morphine.(E) Fear of the consequences would not have pre-vented Poe from indicating in his correspon-dence that he was addicted to morphine.5. Adelle: The governments prram to reduce the unemployment rate in the
18、province of Carthena by encouraging job creation has failed, since the rate there has not changed appreciably since the prram began a year ago.Fran: But the unemployment rate in Carthena had been rising for three years before the prram began, so the prram is helping.Which of the following, if true,
19、most strongly counters Frans objection to Adelles argument?(A) The government is advised by expert economists, some of whom specialize in employment issues.(B) The unemployment rate in the province of Carthena has historically been higher than that of the country as a whole.(C) The current governmen
20、t was elected by a wide margin, because of its promises to reduce the unemployment rate in Carthena.(D) Around the time the government prram began, large numbers of unemployed Carthena residents began leaving the province to look for work elsewhere.(E) The unemployment rate in Carthena had been rela
21、tively stable until shortly before the current government took office.6. Soft Drink Manufacturer:Our new childrens soft drink, RipeCal, is fortified with calcium.Since calcium is essential for developing healthy bones, drinking RipeCal regularly will help make children healthy.Consumer Advocate:But
22、RipeCal also contains large amounts of sugar, and regularly consuming large amounts of sugar is unhealthful, especially for children.In responding to the soft drink manufacturer, the consumer advocate does which of the following?(A)Challenges the manufacturers claim about the nutritional value of ca
23、lcium in childrens di(B)Argues that the evidence cited by the manufac-turer, when properly considered, leads to a conclusion opposite to that reached by the manufacturer.(C)Implies that the manufacturer of a product is typically unconcerned with the nutritional value of that product.(D)Questions whe
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