1、gre考试写作审题技巧接收 如何在gre写作考试中拿到高分吗?如何读懂gre写作题目?下面就和大家分享gre考试写作审题技巧接收,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试写作审题技巧接收1. 写作宗旨“老美是一个崇尚自由,个性,创造力,个人能力的国家,所以我们的立题最后也是偏向这一方面。从的出题倾向中可以很明显的感觉到这种偏好。对于很肯定的题目,不要脚踩两只船,要有自己鲜明的观点!(我觉得凭自己的水平是写不好两边都讨好的题目的,所以与其攻其十指,不如伤其一指。)论点不要重复题目。由于我有时候找不出什么论点了,会把题目的再重复一遍,所以也想提醒一下和自己有相同毛病的g友,不要犯同样的错误。其
2、实有时候可以把题目再读一遍,你就会有新的发现。”2. 如何审题“题目中的话说到绝对的,就diagree。比如题目中有这些词的as long as,anything,everything,all,only,我们可以把它们作为一个论点进行攻击,这是很容易找到反例的。我考试的时候就遇到了这样的情况:题目是:Practicality is now our GREat idol,which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today s worl
3、d.可以看到题目中有三处很绝对的地方(all,anything,little ),一一反驳就是三个论点了。题目对X.X不满,就agree。这种gre考试题目一般很明显的可以察觉到出题者的意图,所以你就跟着他不满。若有比较,就顺着agree。题目中会出现诸如as.more.than.这样的词,看到了,你也可以顺着他的意思同意。题目会很明显的提示你从哪些方面来写,比如说:In any realm of life-whether academic,social,business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical,
4、rather than an idealistic,point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival,whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler,more immediate options.你可以看到破折号里面的academic,social,business,or political,所以你就跟着他一个个举例子。”3. 例子“第一种是经典型:比如说Einstein,Newton,Galileo,Edison这些科学家的例子被用的烂了,不过也不失为好东西。the
5、earth orbiting around the sun;Copernicus,Bruno等等。Picasso,Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky,Nixon Watergate等。第二种是时尚型:为了与众不同,胜人一筹可以找一些新的例子。比如文艺类的,电影Matrix,可以用于arts;the project of Three gorges;High speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai;可以用于政治类的政府决策方面。以及写道Scandal时,Tony Blair和那个倒霉的武器核查专家也可以用。还有Iraq和U
6、SA的战争,朝鲜的核弹问题,都可以从不同侧面来分析。我在准备过程中,每天看看yahoo网站的英语新闻,这样,不但可以了解最新的实事,练练泛读,还可以看到很多现代美语的用法以及一些不知道怎么表达的专业词汇,得益非浅。”作文引用注意要点1. 内容与GRE作文范文高度相似官方说明:“text that is substantially similar to that found in one or more other GRE essay responses.”每年的GRE考生们,为了更好的准备作文部分,会背诵大量的范围,学习和借鉴其中出彩的表达,但是千万注意,学习好词好句,不代表整段直接照搬到考卷
7、上。2. 部分句子*于出版或未出版资料官方说明:“quoting or paraphrasing,without attribution,language or ideas that appear in published or unpublished sources.”大家若在一些材料中看到了一些词句并且想要在考试的时候引用,一定要正确的做注释,这一点非常的重要。3. 观点来自他人官方说明:“essays that are submitted as work of the examinee when the ideas or words have,in fact,been borrowed
8、from elsewhere or prepared by another person.”写作时的观点,一定要注意不能是与已存在的论点十分相似的,要基于自己的理解,给出和论点紧密联系的论据以支撑。GRE写作高分范文:知识让事情变得神秘As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.当我们获得越来越多的知识,事情并没有变的更加透彻,相反是变的更复杂更神秘。GRE写作范文:With the development of the
9、society, natural science and social science help people learn more about the world and the things seems to be clear, actually, under some circumstance, in-depth researches on things cause three consequences at the some time: comprehensible, complex and mysterious rather than merely understand.Accumu
10、lated knowledge helps problems or theories to be expressed clearly and lucidly so that people feel easy to understand the issues. For example, Galileo, who was a famous Italian astronomer who despise the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his question to the nature instead of
11、 the ancient, and who drew his conclusion fearlessly. Eventually, his experiment and observation established a new theory and overthrew the old one from Aristotle. Because of his success and theories,people learn how to observe the sky with telescope and begin to understand another space, which is f
12、ar from the earth. Obviously, without knowledge from Galileos theory, universe might also be a inspiration and even a vacancy. Take another scientist for example, Edison, who invented electric bulb by making thousand experiment and brought the society into a brilliant century. Recently, people live
13、in a society which full of light and help them to learn what they can see and observe. With the revolution of human beings, knowledge solves various problems and creates a more comprehensible and comfortable life to the people.However, those knowledge makes us to considered the reason and origin for
14、 human nature of curiosity, as a result, the world become increasingly complex. Take the same instance what have pointed above, although people learn to use telescope to observe the sky, people unsatisfied with such a observation and desire to touch with the outer space and understand other planets.
15、 In this case, scientists invented the spacecraft which have successfully landed on the Moon and Mars, after these experiments, people know that there are no water and few gravitation in Moon, and the Mas might have the similar condition of the earth. however, the complex problems come out, because
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