1、 Project ManagementProject Management Body of KnowledgeBody of Knowledge 项目管理知识体系学习项目管理知识体系学习 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Third Edition (PMBOK Guide) 项目管理知识体系指南(第3版,2004版) PMBOK 指南 第一部分第一部分 项目管理框架项目管理框架 Section I The Project Management Framework 第一章 引论 Chapter 1 Introduction
2、第二章 项目生命期与组织 Chapter 2 Project Life Cycle and Organization 1. 引论引论 Introduction 项目管理知识体系是项目管理职业的知识总和。 The Project Management Body of Knowledge is the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. 1.1 本指南的目的本指南的目的 基本目的:识别项目管理知识体系普遍公认良好做法的那一部分 The primary purpose of the PMBOK Guide is
3、to identify that subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice. 对任何一个指定的项目,项目管理团队负责决定体系中的哪些知识适用 The project management team is responsible for determining what is appropriate for any given project 本指南还旨在成为该职业和实践一个共同的术语汇编 The PMBOK Guide also provide
4、s and promotes a common lexicon for discussing, writing, and applying project management. PMI 用于作为项目管理职业培养计划的基本但非唯一的参考资料 The Project Management Institute uses this document as a foundational, but not the sole, project management reference for its professional development programs 1.2 什么是项目什么是项目 1.2.
5、1 项目的特征项目的特征 Project Characteristics 项目是为提供某独特产品、服务或成果所做的临时性努力。项目是为提供某独特产品、服务或成果所做的临时性努力。 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. 1、临时性Temporary 项目有明确的开始和结束 Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end. 期限都是有限的 Th
6、e duration of a project is finite. 项目不是持续不断的努力 Projects are not ongoing efforts 2、独特的产品、服务或成果Unique Products, Services, or Results 项目创造独特的可交付成果,如产品、服务或成果 A project creates unique deliverables, which are products, services, or results. 3、渐进明细Progressive Elaboration 是项目伴随临时性和独特性两个概念的特点之一 Progressive e
7、laboration is a characteristic of projects that accompanies the concepts of temporary and unique 意味着分布开发、连续积累 Progressive elaboration means developing in steps, and continuing by increments 请勿将渐进明细与范围潜变混淆 Progressive elaboration should not be confused with scope creep 1.2.2 项目与运作项目与运作 Projects vs. O
8、perational Work 1、共同点 overlap 由人来做 Performed by people 受制于有限的资源 Constrained by limited resources 需要规划、执行和控制 Planned, executed, and controlled 2、区分 differ 运作是持续不断和重复进行;项目是临时和独特的 Operations are ongoing and repetitive, while projects are temporary and unique. 1.2.3 项目和战略规划项目和战略规划 Projects and Strategic
9、 Planning 项目是组织在日常运作范围内无法处理的活动的一种手段 Projects are a means of organizing activities that cannot be addressed within the organizations normal operational limits 项目经常被当作实现组织战略规划的一种手段使用 Projects are often utilized as a means of achieving an organizations strategic plan 战略考虑,常常是项目批准的典型依据 Projects are typi
10、cally authorized as a result of one or more of strategic considerations 1.3 什么是项目管理什么是项目管理 项目管理就是把各种知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项目活动之中,以达项目管理就是把各种知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项目活动之中,以达到项目的要求。到项目的要求。 Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirement
11、s 项目管理是通过应用和综合项目管理过程来进行的。 Project management is accomplished through the application and integration of the project management processes 项目经理是负责实现项目目标的个人。 The project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the project objectives 1.4 本指南的结构本指南的结构 1.5 专业知识领域专业知识领域 Areas of Expertise 有效的项目
12、管理要求项目管理团队理解和利用至少 5 个专业领域的知识与技能 Effective project management requires that the project management team understand and use knowledge and skills from at least five areas of expertise: 1.5.1 项目管理知识体系项目管理知识体系 Project Management Body of Knowledge 本指南包含的内容有 项目生命期的定义Project life cycle definition 5 个项目管理过程组
13、Five Project Management Process Groups 9 个知识领域Nine Knowledge Areas 1.5.2 应用领域知识、标准应用领域知识、标准与规章制度与规章制度 Application Area Knowledge, Standards and Regulations 标准 A standard is a document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidel
14、ines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. 规章 A regulation is a government-imposed requirement, which specifies product, process or service characteristics, including the applicable administrative provisions, w
15、ith which compliance is mandatory. 标准常以为多数人选用的最佳方案的准则形式开始, 随着其广泛采用而得到普遍公认,如规章一样 Standards often begin as guidelines that describe a preferred approach and later, with widespread adoption, become generally accepted as if they were regulations 1.5.3 理解项目环境理解项目环境 Understanding the Project Environment 文
16、化与社会环境(注意组织文化) Cultural and social environment(organizational culture) 国际与政治环境 International and political environment 自然环境 Physical environment 1.5.4 通用管理知识与技能通用管理知识与技能 General Management Knowledge and Skills 1.5.5 处理人际关系技能处理人际关系技能 Interpersonal Skills 有效的沟通 Effective communication 对组织施加影响 Influenc
17、ing the organization 领导 Leadership 激励 Motivation 谈判与冲突管理 Negotiation and conflict management 解决问题 Problem solving 1.6 项目管理环境项目管理环境 Project Management Context 1.6.1 项目集与项目集管理项目集与项目集管理 Programs and Program Management 项目集是经过协调统一管理以便获取单独管理这些项目时无法取得的效益和控制的一组互相联系的项目 A program is a group of related project
18、s managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. 同项目管理相比,项目集管理是为了实现项目集的战略目标与利益,而对一组项目进行的统一协调管理 In contrast with project management, program management is the centralized, coordinated management of a group of projects to achieve the programs
19、 strategic objectives and benefits. 1.6.2 项目组合与项目组合管理项目组合与项目组合管理 Portfolios and Portfolio Management 项目组合是为了便于有效管理以实现战略经营目标,而将项目或项目集与其他工作组合后形成的 A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strateg
20、ic business objectives. 项目组合中的项目或项目集不一定互相依赖或有直接关系 The projects or programs in the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or directly related 组织根据具体的目标来管理项目组合 Organizations manage their portfolios based on specific goals 1.6.3 子项目子项目 Subprojects 1.6.4 项目管理办公室项目管理办公室 Project Management Office
21、 项目管理办公室是组织中集中和协调管理其管辖的各个项目的实体 A project management office (PMO) is an organizational unit to centralize and coordinate the management of projects under its domain. 项目管理办公室将注意力集中在与母体组织或顾客整体经营目标紧密联系的项目和子项目的统一规划、优先顺序、轻重缓急和执行方面 The PMO focuses on the coordinated planning, prioritization and execution o
22、f projects and subprojects that are tied to the parent organizations or clients overall business objectives 2. 项目生命期与组织项目生命期与组织 -Project Life Cycle and Organization 2.1 项目生命期项目生命期 The Project Life Cycle 2.1.1 项目生命期的特征项目生命期的特征 Characteristics of the Project Life Cycle 项目生命期确定了将项目的开始和结束连接起来的阶段 The pro
23、ject life cycle defines the phases that connect the beginning of a project to its end 从一个阶段向另一阶段转移一般会涉及某种形式的技术交接 The transition from one phase to another within a projects life cycle generally involves, and is usually defined by, some form of technical transfer or handoff. 通常前一阶段的可交付成果在验收后才能开始下一阶段工作
24、,但“快速跟进”进度压缩技术允许在验收前就开始下阶段工作(风险增加) Deliverables from one phase are usually reviewed y and approved before work starts on the next phase. The application of the schedule compression technique called fast tracking allows a phase to begin prior to the approval of the previous phases Deliverables (risk
25、increase) 项目生命期通常规定Project life cycles generally define: 项目的各阶段应当从事何种技术工作 What technical work to do in each phase 项目各阶段可交付成果应何时生成,以及如何审查、核实和确认 When the deliverables are to be generated in each phase and how each deliverable is reviewed, verified, and validated 项目各阶段有哪些人员参与 Who is involved in each ph
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