1、托福综合口语如何高效备考 托福综合口语如何高效备考?这些提升学习效率的经验心得不可不知,今天给大家带来了托福独立口语提分超实用的3条经验心得,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福综合口语如何高效备考?这些提升学习效率的经验心得不可不知托福综合口语备考技巧分享听听力时抓点,记笔记时分点记,以使结构清晰。第二题TASK2:阅读时记:干啥事+两个理由(一般都是两个理由)听力时记:对应两个理由后面分别写speaker针对两理由的观点。第三题TASK3:阅读时:边读边找哪句话是那个term的直接定义,然后找那句话哪个词是你自己在转述时需要而你又不熟悉的,记下那个词。
2、(一般就一个最多两个这样的词,所以记录省时又方便)听力时:把事例概要记住就好,可以不用笔记,如果有分类的描述或记笔记完全不影响听力的时候,可以记笔记。第四题TASK4:通常也都是分两个点,但是不要太功利地去找点,因为他的分类方式可能跟你最开始预测的不同,所以一定要保证完全听明白,然后点自然而然地出来。记两个点+每个点后事例的关键字。目的1. 减轻听力和文本阅读压力。2. 答题时逻辑清楚思维清晰。综合口语备考需构建模板另外,综合口语备考时,提前构建好针对不同TASK要求的回答模板也是很有必要的。建议考生最好多构建一些自己熟悉喜欢的模版,并在备考过程中积累下应对不同类型题目的模版。如:题2:The
3、 school/student plans to.The man/woman is in favor of this proposal题3:The professor takesas an example to illustrate this term.新托福口语Task6解析:控制植物数量话题:The professor give examples of how plants control their growth.要点1:The first is the plants grow too crowded and become compete.要点2:The second is the en
4、vironment control, the example is the flood, and the water grows regularly to cover the roots of plant to control their growth.新托福口语Task6讲座要点总结这是一篇生物学讲座,它围绕控制植物数量的两类因素(two kinds of factors that regulate plant populations)展开话题。第一, 有些因素基于植物的密度(dependent on the plant density),以此限制植物的数量。植物繁殖后代,数量不断增加,之间
5、会互相争夺用来生存的基本资源。如若没有得到足够的资源,植物数量就会下降。例如,松树在森林中不断繁殖,达到高度密集的时候,会彼此争抢阳光,因为它们在荫凉处不能茁壮成长。所以,缺少足够阳光照射的矮树最后会死亡。第二, 其他要素基于发生在植物生长区域的环境中的事件(dependent on the environmental events occurring in the area where trees are located),以此来控制植物数量。环境中的事件与植物的规模和密度无关。例如,一些树长在易于发洪水的区域,当洪水发生时,水会漫过树根,阻止它们获得足够的氧气来存活。所以,周期性发生的洪水
6、会有利于控制区域内植物的数量。新托福口语Task6讲座词汇总结density 密度,flood 洪水,branch 树枝,shade 树荫处,pine 松树,resources 资源,reproduce 繁殖,periodical 周期性的,be prone to 倾向于新托福口语题目解析新托福口语解析Task 1题目When it comes to reading current news, which of the following would you like to read? A. Politics B. sports C. art and films考题解析这是Task1中经典的F
7、ree-choice题目的 Qualities or Characteristics Question中一道经典的三选一题目,只需做出相应的选择,并给出合理的解释即可。参考答题思路:A. PoliticsSD: By reading politics, I can get the most updated news about the policy from the government, which is easier for me to live a good life; My major is about international trading/ relationship,which
8、 requires me to know about whats going on home and abroad; I can learn a lot from the political events no matter from home or abroad, like the updated policy or even how to deal with interpersonal issuesB. SportsSD: I am a big fan of sport, only the sports news can appeal to me; By reading sports ne
9、ws, I can know what the latest fashionable sports item is, then I can keep abreast of the sports trend;C. Art and films:SD: I am a big fan of art and films; Reading about the art and film news can help to cultivate my arts temperament and improve my art taste; I need to learn about the freshest comm
10、ents and watch the exciting trailers to pick the movies or plays that are really worth my soul and money, since I am frequent theater/ cinema-goer; I can get news even gossips about movie stars, which is pretty interesting since it must be full of sensational news about their life no matter in work
11、or private life;难度分析及注意事项此题考察三选一题目中有关新闻类型的相关表述能力,需注意审好题,给出相关的理由即可。需要注意的是,请同学们审题时注意人称使用问题。难度:适中新托福口语解析Task2Independent speaking题目Preference二选一个人喜好观点阐述类题目:Do you prefer to study in the morning or at night? Use specific details and examples to explain your idea.考题解析经典Task2 Paired-choice Preference二选一个人
12、喜好观点阐述类题目,只需给出观点并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。参考答题思路:1、Study in the morning:SD理由: Study efficiency can be much higher in the morning since my mind can be clearer; study in the morning can make the days longer, compared with getting up late and working late at night;
13、 Lose an hour in the morning, and youll be all day hunting for it; Study at night always makes me tired and drowsy;2、Study at night:SD理由: Its more peaceful and quieter to study, so that I can be more concentrated on study; Study late at night makes me feel excited since its a bit hard to get up earl
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