1、托福口语提分经验分享 从23到28,细微处积聚进步,今天给大家带来了托福口语提分经验分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。托福口语提分经验分享:从23到28,细微处积聚进步评分细则里说不重视考生的口音问题,但是口音仍然是非常基础且重要的,”说得不标准“和”带有个人风格“这两者的区分不是那么明显的。每个考生都应该进行一次严格甚至严厉的口音自查。记得BBC Learning English网站上有一套对于音标发音的示范视频,你可以一个一个地跟着练一遍。有些考生自己也知道自己的口音很不标准,带有浓厚“中国风”,那是因为你平时开口少了,口腔肌肉对于另一套语言的运动方式完全不熟悉,因此
2、在发英语的音时还是习惯性地使用中文的口型,发出中文的音。明证就是当你反复练习一个你觉得难的词时嘴巴很容易累,或者是稍微说快一点就上下嘴皮打架了。大声读书是绝对有必要的。但这个大声不是像疯狂英语那样吼出来,仅仅保持你平时跟人聊天的音量就行,而且,千万不要一个人瞎读,一定要模仿!学得越像越好。你可以选一个你很喜欢的影视演员,专门去找他/她的访谈视频,模仿其说话的腔调。因为你是要出国念书的,所以最好挑选一个文雅一点的模仿对象。女生的英英推荐Emma Watson(赫敏)。我偏美英,模仿过Eat Pray Love的作者Elizabeth Gilbert。男生最好别模仿像布拉德皮特或是Lie To M
4、辨出其略读/连读的确切位置,第三步是要能模仿略读/连读,最后一步就是要在自己说话时能自主略读/连读。要按照作文素材的分类积累那种方法积累口语素材。如果仅仅是为了考高分的话,建议多积累万能素材。比如在人物题类别中,我备有的一个近乎万能的素材是艾未未。他的身份和经历适用于各种人物题,比如:一位艺术家、画家、建筑师、作家、老人、社会活动家、令你敬仰的人,创新的人、政治人物、名人、有争议的人同时也要积累万能记忆单元,比如之前提到的什么hustle and bustle之类的。注意,千万不要积累万能段落,千万不要让考官觉得你在背,而且万能段落还有的劣势在于:它实际上并不万能,可用范围非常有限。当你脑子里
5、有许多可以脱口而出的记忆单元时,你会发现自己造句的能力也能有所提升,以前你是完全无话可说,现在你能蹦出短语,只需要用语法把它们连缀起来就好了。但是连缀起来也不容易,这需要你时常练习造句,一定要用说的,写下来完全没用,写下来读出来也没用,一定要随口说。有意识地练习造从句,最简单的是定语从句,口语中实在太实用,用于补充修饰你刚刚提到的对象。定语从句中的非限定性定语从句更是最无赖惯用的从句,你随便说一件事,然后就可以用which对其发表评论。比如,I got up really early today to catch the bus, but I still missed it, which wa
6、s totally frustrating.最后那个which从句就是对前面整个事件发表看法。你还可以经常在口语里加进一句by which I mean.然后把前面说的话换种说法再说一遍。值得注意的是,别把口语里的句子造得太复杂太长,一来说着说着自己就昏了,二来很不自然,写作里面写复杂句能加分,口语里只要有几种从句就够了,大多数时候还是只用说简单句。你光学会把记忆单元连成句子还不够,还要学会如何把单个的句子连成自然的段落。句子与句子之间如果缺乏顺滑的连接会听起来太硬。这种联结就是逻辑连接词。跟作文类似,你应该将几种逻辑关系记得牢牢的,根据自己说话的层次性,顺手拈来。想象你上课迟到了,老师问你为
7、什么迟到,你可能会解释原因,描述整个过程时会有铺垫转折,请求原谅时你可能会说虽然我确实迟到了但我作业还是完成了的(让步),或是发誓再也不迟到,如果迟到就怎么怎么(假设)。你说的实质内容可以是简单直白的,但如果你的逻辑词用得多用得好,也能给考官造成一种你词汇丰富的印象,最关键的是有话可说而且把语言组织起来了。口语的逻辑连接不必像写作那么“利索”,你可以多见缝插针地用些小词,比如“Its like”、“If my memory serves”、“as far as Im concerned”、“actually”、“well”等等,它们都能使你更像是在交流。有一条准备口语词汇的捷径,那就是多背副词
8、,比如“absolutely”、“basically”、“hopefully”、“ideally”、“frankly”、“unfortunately”等等,非常实用,放在句首,整个句子就带有感情、多了点活气。以上就是关于托福口语从23分到28分的提分经验分享,我们可以看到这位童鞋在二刷托福的备考过程中主要做好了口音调整、口语素材积累等方面的提升训练任务。“他山之石可以攻玉”,希望各位童鞋合理借鉴他人托福备考经验中适合自己的部分,融会贯通助力自己的托福备考提分。托福考试冲刺:语法试题及答案详解1. All the major cities of the United States, _ the
9、cities of the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, began as centers of trade.A. and to includeB. which includingC. includedD. including答案:D分析:两个逗号之间是插入语,这里分词作状语,不能用谓语动词。参考译文:包括大湖区和墨西哥峡谷的美国所有主要城市都是以贸易中心的模式发展起来的。2. Settled by English Puritans in 1630, Boston became _ .A. the capital of the Massachusett
10、s Bay ColonyB. the Massachusetts Bay Colony its capitalC. it was the capital of the Massachusetts Bay ColonyD. so that the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony答案:A分析:缺宾语。B语序混乱;C中出现两个谓语动词,错;D中became 仍然没有宾语,so that 多余,错。参考译文:波士顿在1963年被英国清教徒定址,并曾是马萨诸塞州湾殖民地的首都。3. Navigators on ships and aircraft use
11、a compass to determine _ they are heading.A. the direction in whichB. to where the directionC. that direction of whichD. where the direction答案:A分析:空格前缺宾语,空格后是个完整的句子,只有B能满足。prep+which 作为介词宾语,后面接完整的句子。参考译文:船和飞机的领航员通过指南针来确定他们航行的方向。4. A condenser is a heat exchanger _ steam or vapor loses heat and retur
12、ns to liquid form.A. whatB. in whichC. in whoseD. that答案:B分析:空格前后都是完整的句子,选项中优先选择prep+which.prep+which 作为介词宾语,后面接完整的句子。参考译文:冷凝器是一种热交换器,蒸气或水汽在里面失去热量,变回液体状态。5. Published in 1957, John Cheevers first novel, The Wapshot Chronicle, earned _ the National Book Award.A. that he hadB. himC. was hisD. to him答案
13、:B分析:双宾语结构:sth. Earn sb sth. 类似的还有gain/win参考译文:John Cheever的第一部小说The Wapshot Chronicle于1957年,并为他赢得全国图书奖。6. As seen from the Earth at night, _ planet Jupiter ranks third among the planets and stars in maximum brightness, after Venus and Mars.A. when theB. in which theC. theD. and the答案:C分析:空格后句子完整,此处
14、缺限定词。参考译文:晚上从地球上看去,行星木星在行星恒星最大亮度等级中排名第三,排在金星和火星的后面。7. _ produces a crimson glow in a vacuum tube and is used extensively in advertising displays.A. Neon thatB. When neonC. NeonD. There is neon答案:C分析:缺主语。A中that多余;B中When多余,D中出现两个谓语动词。参考译文:氖能在真空管里释放出深红色的光芒,并被广泛的在广告显像里应用。8. Chaparral consists of _ stunt
15、ed by short, wet winters followed by long, dry summers.A. are trees and shrubsB. how trees and shrubsC. trees and shrubs haveD. trees and shrubs答案:D分析:of 后接名词,首先排除A和B.C中有个动词have, 后半句中有动词follow, 两句之间没有连接词,一定错。参考译文:丛林由树和灌木组成,短的、潮湿的冬天和随后的长的干燥的夏天阻碍了它们的生长。9. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was _ of United St
16、ates policy concerning the activities and rights of European powers in North and South America.A. when a statementB. as a statementC. a statementD. to a statement答案:C分析:缺宾语。A,B,D中的when, as, to 多余。参考译文:1982年的门罗主义是针对南北美欧洲集权的行为和权利的美国政策的表述。10. _ to stand in a warm place, it sours because of the presence
17、 of bacteria that convert milk sugar into acid.A. When milk is allowedB. When is milk allowedC. Milk, when allowedD. When milk allowed答案:A分析:B不应该使用倒装;C:如果是插入语的话,后半句中不应该出现it;D中由句意allow应该使用被动形式。参考译文:当牛奶持续的放在温暖的地方,细菌的出现把牛奶的糖转化成酸,因此它就发酸了。托福考试冲刺:语法试题及答案详解1. While play is important at all levels of human
18、development, _ takes on particular significance when children are five and six years old.A. itB. andC. whichD. because it答案:A分析:缺主语。it 在这里作为形式主语。参考译文:比赛对各个层次人的发展都是重要的,尤其是当小孩5、6岁大的时候,意义重大。2. During the second and third years of life, children gain _ over their bodies.A. control increasingB. increasin
19、g to controlC. control is increasingD. increasing control答案:D分析:缺宾语,而且应该是 adj.修饰名词,只能选D.参考译文:在生长的第二第三年,小孩们对自己的身体控制能力增强了。3. All brass instruments use a mouthpiece _ into a long cone-shaped tube.A. is insertedB. that insertedC. that is insertedD. and inserted答案:C分析:that引导一个定语从句,mouthpiece为先行词。A 出现两个谓语
20、动词,错;B,D应该用被动;参考译文:所有的铜管乐器都用一个放在长锥筒形管里的吹嘴。4. By the mid-twentieth century, United States presidential staffs, _ had numbered fewer than ten a century earlier, numbered in the hundreds.A. asB. that theyC. whichD. and答案:C分析:非限制性定语从句,只有which能引导非限制性定语从句参考译文:到20时间中期,美国的总统部官员达到了几百个,而在一个世纪前,还屈指可数呢。5. In 19
21、66 only 60 percent of all five year olds in the United States attended kindergarten, _ in 1985 almost 82 percent did so.A. withB. whichC. whetherD. while答案:D分析:整个句子中出现了两个谓语,缺连接词。参考译文:在1966年,所有5岁的小孩中只有60%的参加了幼儿园,而到1985,几乎有82%的小孩上幼儿园了。6. _ industries, inventions, and communal endeavors of the Shakers,
22、 the best known is their fine furniture.A. Of the manyB. Their manyC. Are the manyD. Many of the答案:A分析:倒装结构。当prep短语位于句首,且谓语动词为系动词时,则引起倒装。参考译文:在基督震荡教徒所参与很多工业、发明创造和社区建设中,最闻名的是他们做的优质家具了。7. Most fishes and many reptiles have ribs along most of the spine, but in mammals _ only in the chest area.A. they a
23、re foundB. finding themC. in which they are foundD. are found答案:A分析:缺主语和谓语。该句不是定语从句。参考译文:大多数鱼类和很多爬行动物沿着大部分脊柱都长有肋骨,但哺乳动物的肋骨只长在胸部位置。8. Although the habitat of the American beech tree is now confined to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, _ extended as far west as California.A. where it
24、onceB. onceC. it onceD. and once答案:C分析:缺主语。A,D中的where, and 多余。参考译文:尽管美国山毛榉树的生长地现在只限制在美东和加拿大东南部的狭窄地带,它曾经都延伸向西生长远到加州的地方。9. Most of North America receives _ some form of continuous plant cover except in the arid and semiarid Southwest.A. moisture to sustain sufficientB. sufficient moisture to sustainC.
25、 to sustain sufficient moistureD. sufficient to sustain moisture答案:B分析:缺宾语。其中形容词修饰名词,不定式表“目的”。A,C,D语序混乱。参考译文:除了干旱和半干旱的西南地区,大部分北美地区通过吸收充足的潮湿而保持一些连续植被的形式。托福考试冲刺:语法试题及答案详解1. _ denotes currency in circulation plus bank deposits.A. The term “money supply”B. The term is “money supply”C. When the term “mon
26、ey supply”D. “Money supply” is the term答案:A分析:缺主语。B,D中出现两个谓语,一定错。C中when多余,使得句子不完整。参考译文:术语货币储备是指流通货币加上银行存款。2. The Franklin stove, invented around 1742, _, originally with a partially open front, and was designed to fit into a fireplace.A. was made of cast ironB. cast iron was made ofC. cast of iron w
27、as madeD. was of iron made cast答案:A分析:invented around 1742为插入语,2个was为并列谓语。be made of 为固定搭配。参考译文:Franklin火炉发明于1742年,是用铁浇铸的,原先前面可以部分打开,而且设计成能正好装进壁炉。3. A few species of mushrooms cause death or serious illness _.A. having eatenB. that they are eatenC. are eatenD. when eaten答案:D分析:状语从句的省略结构。省略条件:由特定的状语从
28、句引导词:although, though, even though, if, when, while, as, whether; 从句为主系表结构;从句主语和主句主语一致。省略方式:要同时省略主语和系动词。原句为: when mushrooms are eaten.参考译文:吃了一些种类的蘑菇会造成死亡或重大疾病。4. Some critics maintain _ the mystery novel is a symbolic ritual of guilt and retribution.A. is thatB. that there isC. it isD. that答案:D分析:th
29、at引导宾语从句。A,C中出现两个谓语动词,错;B中that引导的从句出现两个谓语动词,错。参考译文:一些评论家认为神秘小说是罪与罚象征性的仪式。5. _ all cherry trees are very attractive when in bloom, some species with inferior fruit are cultivated especially for their flowers.A. AlthoughB. There areC. It isD. That答案:A分析:后面句子完整,且出现了两个谓语动词,此处缺连接词。参考译文:尽管所有的樱桃树在开花的时候都很美丽
30、,但它们中的一些不结果的种类专门种植用来观赏他们的花的。6. Usually pitched in the of C, _ may be tuned to B flat by means of a slide.A. the bugleB. because of the bugleC. the bugle thatD. but the bugle答案:A分析:缺主语。参考译文:通常音调为C大调的军号,可以通过滑动的方式平稳的吹出B调来。7. With _ formal art training and largely self-educated, Anna Mary Moses, known a
31、s Grandma Moses, began to paint rural scenes at the age of seventy-eight.A. notB. noC. neitherD. never答案:B分析:no修饰后面的名词training.参考译文:没有经过正常的艺术培训和广泛的自我教育,众所周知的Moses奶奶Anna Mary Moses78岁才开始画乡村风光。8. A block and tackle is a _ of pulley blocks and ropes used for pulling or hoisting large objects.A. mechani
32、cal set specialB. set special mechanicalC. special mechanical setD. special set mechanical答案:C分析:固定搭配:a set of.;形容词修饰名词。参考译文:滑轮系统是一种特殊的机械装置,用滑轮和绳索来拉或提升大件的物品。9. Although _ instant critical acclaim in 1952, he never completed a second novel, publishing many short works instead.A. Invisible Man was the
33、 first novel by Ralph Ellison receivedB. first received by Ralph Ellison, the novel Invisible Man wasC. Ralph Ellisons first novel, Invisible Man, receivedD. Ralph Ellisons first novel, Invisible Man, was received答案:C分析:同位语结构,由句意应该用主动形式。参考译文:尽管Ralph Ellison的第一部小说隐形人在1952年得到了直接的赞誉,他却再也没有完成第二部小说,取而代之的是出版了很多短篇作品。10. Sauropods had _ smallest brains relative to body weight of any group of dinosaurs, yet they were among the most successful of all dinosaurs in evolutionary terms.A. what was aB. when aC. of theD. the答案:D分析:adj. 最高级前一定要加the.参考译文:雷龙是恐龙群体中大脑对身体重量相比最小的一种,然而他们在进化过程中却属于最成功的恐龙之一。托福口语提分经验分享