1、分类号密 级 U D C编 号 10520 硕士学位论文供应链社会资本对供应链绩效影响实证研究: 孙 凌指导教师姓名、职称: 徐国虎 副教授学 科 门 类: 管 理 学专 业 名 称: 企 业 管 理 研 究 方 向: 物 流 管 理入 学 时 间: 二一一年九月二一四年五月十日1Empirical Research on Influence of Supply Chain Social Capital on Supply Chain PerformanceLing, Sun2014.5.10中南财经政法大学学位论文独创性声明和使用授权声明学位论文独创性声明本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导
2、下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。论文作者(签名): 年 月 日学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解中南财经政法大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定。本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布论文的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。(保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)论文作者(签名):
3、年 月 日摘 要随着市场竞争日益加剧和消费者需求的多样化,供应链间的竞争愈演愈烈,如何处理供应链中企业的合作关系以提高供应链竞争力成为学术界和商界共同关注的焦点。近年来,社会资本的关注度明显提升,许多学者将社会资本相关理论与方法引入经济管理的领域,研究社会资本对企业经营管理的影响与作用机理,但是对供应链中的社会资本研究并不多,实证研究更是少见。基于此,本文在供应链管理中引入社会资本概念,研究供应链社会资本理论,探讨供应链社会资本对供应链绩效的影响机理,并从社会资本的角度提出供应链绩效提升的对策建议。全文共分为五章,第一章主要阐述供应链社会资本、供应链绩效等相关概念,划分供应链社会资本维度,建立
6、;(3)结合研究结果,提出供应链绩效提升的对策建议,为企业在“关系”维护和利用上提供理论支持。本研究也存在一定的局限性,样本选择和数据样本量上稍显不足,对研究结果有一定的影响。关键词:社会资本 供应链绩效 作用机制7供应链社会资本对供应链绩效影响实证研究AbstractBecause of the diversification of market competition and the demands of consumers, the requirement about management of supply chain becomes higher and higher. In ord
7、er to improve the competitiveness of supply chain, how the enterprises, main body of the supply chain, to deal with the partnership has become the focus of academia and business community. In recent years, people had enhanced their attention to the social capital, many scholars introduce the social
8、capital to their research field, carrying on the research about the effect of social capital on different performance, but intensive and comprehensive research about the supply chain social capital is not much, the empirical research is much less. Based on these, this paper introduces the concept of
9、 social capital to the supply chain; study the theory of social capital, explore the effect of society on the performance of supply chain, and propose related suggestions on management from the perspective of social capital.The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, which is the
10、 literature review, analyzes the social capital, performance of supply chain and other related concepts, it divides the dimensions and measurement of social capital, chooses the evaluation index system of the performance. The second chapter analyzes the mechanism of social capital on the performance
11、 and put forward the research hypothesis. The third chapter designed related questionnaire, conduct pre investigation and analyze the data. The fourth chapter validates the research hypothesis by using factor analysis and path analysis. The fifth chapter proposes suggestions for proving the performa
12、nce of supply chain based on the empirical research. We obtain the dimension of social capital and the index system about the performance of supply chain, collect data from enterprises, and analyze the relationship between them. And then discuss how to utilize the social capital of supply chain to p
13、rompt the performance. The data show that: (1) There is a significant correlation between different dimensions of social capital, the capital of structure has a significant positive impact on the capital of relationship and cognitive, the capital of cognitive shows obvious effect on the capital of r
14、elationship; (2) the social capital has positive effect on the performance while the capital of cognitive has a significant positive effect on it, the upstream capital of relationship capital shows positive impact and the downstream has no measurable impact, the capital of structural shows no direct
15、 effect on the performance of supply chain, but could affect it positively through the capital of cognitive and relationship.The contributions are as follows: (1) under the Chinese cultural background we investigates the supply chain from the perspective of social capital, present the complete conce
16、pt and analytical structure of it, comprehend the relationship of supply chain in the form of resources and extends the scope of social capital; (2) local data and related method are choose to prove that social capital not only influences the supply chain but also improves performance and enhances c
17、ompetitiveness; (3) suggestions on management are proposed basing on the theoretical and empirical research. We provide theoretical support in the maintenance and utilization of relationship for the enterprises. In addition, there are some limitations and shortcomings in this paper, such as the shor
18、tage of sample type and capacity.Key words: Social capital of supply chain Performance of supply chain Mechanism 目 录绪 论1第一章 相关理论基础8第一节 社会资本理论8第二节 供应链管理理论10第三节 供应链社会资本11一、供应链社会资本的形成11二、供应链社会资本的定义与作用11三、供应链社会资本维度划分与测量12第四节 供应链绩效15一、供应链绩效相关研究15二、供应链绩效的影响因素分析15三、供应链绩效指标体系及其测量17第二章 供应链社会资本对供应链绩效作用机制分析19第
19、一节 供应链社会资本各维度之间关系及研究假设19一、供应链结构资本与供应链关系资本19二、供应链认知资本与供应链关系资本20三、供应链结构资本与供应链认知资本20第二节 供应链社会资本对供应链绩效影响分析及研究假设21第三章 问卷设计与数据收集24第一节 问卷设计24一、问卷设计原则24二、变量的测量24第二节 预测试分析28一、预测试数据收集28二、预测试分析方法28三、预测试分析结果28第三节 正式问卷发放与数据收集32第四章 供应链社会资本和供应链绩效关系实证分析33第一节 数据分析方法33第二节 描述性统计33第三节 信度和效度检验34第四节 结构方程分析40第五节 假设验证及结果探讨
20、44第五章 基于社会资本的供应链绩效提升对策建议47第一节 基于结构资本的供应链绩效提升策略47第二节 基于关系资本的供应链绩效提升策略48第三节 基于认知资本的供应链绩效提升策略50结 论52参考文献54附 录59致 谢63在学期间发表的研究成果64图目录图01 论文框架5图11 供应链社会资本分析框架14图21 供应链社会资本相互影响分析框架19图22 供应链社会资本对供应链绩效分析框架21图41 上游社会资本和供应链绩效关系路径分析41图42 下游社会资本和供应链绩效关系路径分析43表目录表31 供应链结构资本的测量25表32 供应链关系资本的测量25表33 供应链认知资本的测量26表3
21、4 供应链绩效的测量27表35 前测问卷整体信度29表36 前测问卷整体效度29表37 前测供应链社会资本题项值及KMO29表38 前测供应链绩效题项值及KMO31表41 问卷整体信度分析34表42 结构资本信度分析34表43 关系资本信度分析35表44 认知资本信度分析36表45 供应链绩效信度分析36表46 供应链社会资本因子分析37表47 结构资本因子分析37表48 关系资本因子分析38表49 认知资本因子分析39表410 供应链绩效整体因子分析39表411 供应链绩效各维度因子分析39表412 供应链绩效因子分析40表413 上游社会资本对供应链绩效模型拟合优度41表414 上游社会资
22、本对供应链绩效模型系数估计结果42表415 下游社会资本对供应链绩效模型拟合优度43表416 下游社会资本对供应链绩效模型系数估计结果44表417 研究检验结果汇总44供应链社会资本对供应链绩效影响实证研究绪 论一、研究背景由于市场的竞争加剧和消费者需求的多样化,企业需要加强与供应商、客户等其它企业的合作以应对外部环境的不断变化。这种情况下,管理由企业内部扩展到企业外部,采购、生产、销售及其流通过程等环节统一为整体的运作过程,企业管理转变为供应链管理,企业之间的竞争逐渐转为供应链之间的竞争。而经济发展与全球化使得供应链变得更加庞大、供应链网络更加复杂,链上企业一边要面对不确定的市场环境,另一边
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- 供应 社会 资本 绩效 影响 实证 研究