1、POCKET BOOKS New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo SingaporeThe sale of this book without its cover is unauthorized. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it was reported to the publisher as unsold and destroyed. Neither the author nor the publisher has received payment
2、 for the sale of this stripped book.This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.POCKET BOOKS, a di
3、vision of Simon & Schuster Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020Copyright 1991 by Eagle Syndication, Inc.All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New Y
4、ork, NY 10020ISBN: 0-671-77680-0First Pocket Books Paperback printing June 199210 9 8 7 6POCKET and colophon arc registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc.Cover art by Hermine BrindakCover background by M. Angelo/WestLightPrinted in the U.S.A. DedicationAnyone who is closely involved with me whe
5、n Im working on a novel could tell you that it requires certain things to maintain any sort of relationshipincluding incredible patience, extraordinary tolerance, and the ability to believe Im actually working when Im staring off into space.This novel is dedicated to my family and friends who posses
6、s those traits in abundance and who have enriched my life beyond measure:To my son, Clayton, and my daughter, Whitney, whose pride in me has been a tremendous source of pleasure. And relief.And to those very special people who offered their friendship and then had to bear more than their fair share
7、of the burden of that friendshipespecially Phyllis and Richard Ashley, Debbie and Craig Kiefer, Kathy and Lloyd Stansberry, and Cathy and Paul Waldner. I couldnt ask for a better cheering section than all of you. AcknowledgmentsTo Robert Hyland, for a lifetime of enormous favors.To attorney Lloyd St
8、ansberry, for providing me with countless answers on the legal technicalities involved in this novel.To the extraordinary department store executives across the nation who shared their time and expertise with me, and without whose assistance this novel could never have been written. Chapter 1 Decemb
9、er 1973With her scrapbook opened beside her on her canopied bed, Meredith Bancroft carefully cut out the picture from the Chicago Tribune. The caption read, Children of Chicago socialites, dressed as elves, participate in charity Christmas pageant at Oakland Memorial Hospital, then it listed their n
10、ames. Beneath the caption was a large picture of the elvesfive boys and five girls, including Meredithwho were handing out presents to the kids in the childrens ward. Standing off to the left, supervising the proceedings, was a handsome young man of eighteen, who the caption referred to as Parker Re
11、ynolds III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Reynolds of Kenilworth.Impartially, Meredith compared herself to the other girls in the elf costumes, wondering how they could manage to look leggy and curvy while she looked . Dumpy! she pronounced with a pained grimace. I look like a troll, not an elf!It did
12、not seem at all fair that the other girls who were fourteen, just a few small weeks older than she was, should look so wonderful while she looked like a flat-chested troll with braces. Her gaze shifted to her picture and she regretted again the streak of vanity that had caused her to take off her gl
13、asses for the photograph; without them she had a tendency to squintjust like she was doing in that awful picture. Contact lenses would definitely help, she concluded. Her gaze switched to Parkers picture, and a dreamy smile drifted across her face as she clasped the newspaper clipping to what would
14、have been her breasts if she had breasts, which she didnt. Not yet. At this rate, not ever.The door to her bedroom opened and Meredith hastily yanked the picture from her chest as the stout, sixty-year-old housekeeper came in to take her dinner tray away. You didnt eat your dessert, Mrs. Ellis chide
15、d.Im fat, Mrs. Ellis, Meredith said. To prove it, she scrambled off the antique bed and marched over to the mirror above her dressing table. Look at me, she said, pointing an accusing finger at her reflection. I have no waistline!You have some baby fat there, thats all.I dont have hips either. I loo
16、k like a walking two-by-four. No wonder I have no friendsMrs. Ellis, whod worked for the Bancrofts for less than a year, looked amazed. You have no friends? Why not?Desperately in need of someone to confide in, Meredith said, Ive only pretended that everything is fine at school. The truth is, its te
17、rrible. Im a . a complete misfit. Ive always been a misfit.Well, I never! There must be something wrong with the children in your school.It isnt them, its me, but Im going to change, Meredith announced. Ive gone on a diet, and I want to do something with my hair. Its awful.Its not awful! Mrs. Ellis
18、argued, looking at Merediths shoulder-length pale blond hair and then her turquoise eyes. You have striking eyes and very nice hair. Nice and thick andColorless.Blond.Meredith stared stubbornly at the mirror, her mind magnifying the flaws that existed. Im almost five feet seven inches tall. Its a lu
19、cky thing I finally stopped growing before I became a giant! But Im not hopeless, I realized that on Saturday.Mrs. Elliss brows drew together in confusion. What happened on Saturday to change your mind about yourself?Nothing earth-shattering, Meredith said. Something earth-shattering, she thought. P
20、arker smiled at me at the Christmas pageant. He brought me a Coke without being asked. He told me to be sure and save a dance for him Saturday at the Eppingham party. Seventy-five years before, Parkers family had founded the large Chicago bank where Bancroft & Companys funds were deposited, and the
21、friendship between the Bancrofts and Reynoldses had endured for generations. Everything is going to change now, not just the way I look, Meredith continued happily as she turned away from the mirror. Im going to have a friend too! Theres a new girl at school, and she doesnt know that no one else lik
22、es me. Shes smart, like I am, and she called me tonight to ask me a homework question. She called me, and we talked about all sorts of things.I did notice you never brought friends home from school, Mrs. Ellis said, wringing her hands in nervous dismay, but I thought it was because you lived so far
23、away.No, it isnt that, Meredith said, flopping down onto the bed and staring self-consciously at her serviceable slippers that looked just like small replicas of the ones her father wore. Despite their wealth, Merediths father had the liveliest respect for money; all of her clothing was of excellent
24、 quality and was purchased only when necessary, always with a stern eye toward durability. I dont fit in, you see.When I was a girl, Mrs. Ellis said with a sudden look of comprehension, we were always a little leery of children who got good grades.Its not just that, Meredith said wryly. Its somethin
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