1、硕士专业学位论文银行大客户现金管理系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Cash Management System for Bank Account作者: 导师:北京交通大学2022年12月学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解北京交通大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授权北京交通大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,提供阅览服务,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。学校可以为存在馆际合作关系的兄弟高校用户提供文献传递服务和交换服务。(保密的学位论文在解密
2、后适用本授权说明)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日学校代码:10004 密级:北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文银行大客户现金管理系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Cash Management System for Bank Account作者姓名: 学 号:导师姓名: 职 称:工程硕士专业领域: 学位级别:硕士 北京交通大学2022年12月北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 致 谢致 谢对知识的渴求,让涉世未深的我选择了攻读北京交通大学的研究生,转眼间,充实的学生生活即将画上一个圆满的句号,回忆起近几年的学习时光,从刚
4、单和理解,感谢家人的鼓励和支持。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索,学习将伴随我工作生活的每一天,研究生学习的结束并不意味着我学习的结束,我将以此为起点,开启人生新以阶段的学习征程,不断提高自己,充实自己,立足工作实际、岗位实际、学有所长、学以致用,用实际行动给培养我的母校、导师、关爱我的同事、父母交上一份满意的答卷。vii北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 摘 要摘 要随着我国经济发展不断取得显著成效,企业发展逐渐呈现良好势头,这对我国商业银行的现金管理能力要求更高。如今很多银行由于业务的拓展,在各地市出现了分支机构,有些银行甚至出现了跨国的分公司。银行的突飞猛进彰显了银行的市场竞争力实力,然而却也导
8、银行的决策业可以充分的得以执行。关键词:现金管理系统;大客户;银行信息化;集中管理北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 AbstractAbstractAs Chinas economy develops, it achieved remarkable results, business development gradually showing good momentum, which is the ability of commercial bank cash management more demanding. Today, many banks due to the business expa
9、nsion, the emergence of branches around the city, some banks even a multinational subsidiaries. Bank advances demonstrates the strength of the market competitiveness of banks, but it has also led to the banks cash management problems, this is obviously a challenge to the banks internal cash settleme
10、nt system. Over the years, the rapid development of liquidity banks are basically relying on manual or internal management system, which resulted in lifting bank management process costs. Coupled with an increase in bank branches, presence information unreasonable phenomenon in cash on bank distribu
11、tion and use plan, which leads to poor cash bank liquidity, lower creation benefits. With the development of modern information technology, integration of all bank branches established a cash management system has become a major bank in the process of developing the necessary components. Only to ent
12、erprises with a comprehensive cash management solutions, commercial banks in order to obtain a relatively stable customer resources, improve the core competitiveness of both banks and enterprises, and gradually release the profitable effect. Thus, cash management services has become another platform
13、 competition between banks, has become an important indicator of the strength of the commercial banks future competitiveness.From the actual situation to start a bank, after a lot of research activities, relevant research literature and learning, funds management business background was analyzed, an
14、d the centralized cash management program. A city on the existing large corporate cash management applications are analyzed order, more commonly used for current cash management model were compared, proposed settlement center centralized management model based on a city enterprise customers specific
15、 circumstances. Due to large enterprises across the region, including across various regions, fund management worldwide should be taken into account, so the enterprise customer management group and its subsidiaries should be included where, through the system, customer management and business groups
16、 you can dynamically control the flow of corporate funds, to grasp the companys cash flow, message flow and profit system. Sought in the system design simple, user-friendly data query entry, maintenance. The system is also part of the liquidity and interest rates on deposits idle funds provided serv
17、ices to ensure that the enterprise funds which can be readily accessible, are not generated when the related interest rates. SSH-based systems architecture, software development using Java language and MySQL database implementation, post-implementation management system to meet the needs of banks an
18、d large customers transact business needs.This paper seeks to develop the main research objective is to establish a cash management bank in line with the need for a city conglomerate features cash management system, through the system of a city capable of enterprise services, enterprise management t
19、o provide relevant and timely data to support cash management through the system can also improve cash flow efficiency subsidiaries, the internal control of cash flow has an excellent effect. Meanwhile, commercial banks are also able to use the system to improve cash risk management and control capa
20、bilities for enterprise groups to provide more scientific allocation of resources through the system, the Groups operation to provide good support, the banks decision-making industry can fully be executed .KEYWORDS:Cash management system; large customers; banking information; centralized management北
21、京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 目录目 录摘 要iiAbstractiv1 引言11.1 项目背景及意义11.2 国内外研究现状21.3 主要研究内容41.4 论文的组织结构52 相关技术概述62.1 JSP62.2 Java语言72.3 MVC设计模式82.4 MySQL102.5 本章小结123 系统需求分析133.1 功能需求分析143.1.1 账户管理143.1.2 收付款管理163.1.3 流动性管理173.1.4 投融资管理183.1.5 信息报告193.2 数据需求分析203.3 非功能性需求分析213.4 本章小结224 系统设计234.1 体系架构设计234.1.1 物理架构设计
22、234.1.2 逻辑架构设计244.2 功能结构设计264.2.1 账户管理264.2.2 收付款管理284.2.3 流动性管理314.2.4 投融资管理334.2.5 信息报告354.3 数据库设计364.3.1 逻辑结构设计374.3.2 物理结构设计404.4 本章小结425 系统实现435. 1 账户管理435.2 收付款管理465.3 流动性管理485.4 投融资管理515.5 信息报告525.6 本章小结546 系统测试556.1 测试环境556.2 测试方法566.3 功能测试576.4 性能测试596.5 本章小结617 总结与展望627.1 总结627.2 展望63参考文献6
23、5作者简历及攻读硕士/博士学位期间取得的研究成果67独创性声明68学位论文数据集69北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 引言1 引言每一个应用系统的研发都具有一定的背景,有的系统背景比较大,有的系统只是以某银行的发展需要为背景。论文研究的大客户现金管理系统是以某银行的实际需求为背景进行的。下面对该系统的研发背景、所带来的各种意义、类似系统的研究现状以及论文的主要研究内容进行详细的描述。1.1 项目背景及意义当今经济社会全球经济出现了一体化局面,企业集团的发展不再局限于一个城市一个地方,随着我国经济发展不断取得显著成效,企业发展逐渐呈现良好势头,这对我国商业银行的现金管理能力要求更高。如今很多银行由于
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- 关 键 词:
- 银行 客户 现金 管理 系统 设计 实现