1、THE THIRD LESSON: DETERMINER(1),第三讲:限定词(一),英语的限定词包括:,定冠词(Definite Article),不定冠词(Indefinite Article),零冠词(Zero Article)物主限定词(Possessive Determiner):my,your,his,her,our,your,their,ones,its名词属格(Genitive Noun):Johns,my friends指示限定词(Demonstrative Determiner):this,that,these,those,such关系限定词(Relative Determ
2、iner):whosewhich,疑问限定词(Interrogative Determiner):what,which,whose不定限定词(Indefinite Determiner):no,some,any,each,every,enough,either,neither,all,both,half,several,many,much,(a) few,(a) little,other,another基数词(Cardinal Numeral)和序数词(Ordinal Number)倍数词(Multiplicative Numeral)和分数词(Fractional Numeral)量词(Qu
3、antifier):a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a greatgood deal of,a largesmall amountquantity of,a greatlargegood number of等。,限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 限定词与限定词的搭配关系 若干限定词用法比较,(1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词,有些限定词如the,some,any,no,other,whose以及my,your等物主限定词和名词属格(Johns,my friends)等能与三类名词搭配。例如:the book the books the moneymy book my books m
4、y moneymy friends book my friends boods my friends moneyany book any books any moneysome book some books some moneyno book no books no moneythe other book the other books the other moneywhose book whose books whose money,(2)只能与名词单数搭配的限定词 有些限定词如a(n),one,another,each,every,either,neither,many a,such a
5、等只能与单数名词搭配。例如: each worker every student either book neither sentence an apple one copy another book many a book such a book(3)只能与复数名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词如both,two,three,another twothree,many,(a) few,several,these,those,a (great) number of等只能与复数名词搭配。例如: both workers (a) few words several students thesethose
6、 books a number of essays twothree visitors many students another two students,(4)只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词如a (little) bit of,a large amount of,a great deal of,(a) little,much,less,(the) least等只能与不可数名词搭配。 a bit of water a large amount of money much noise (a) little space less oil (the) least oil(5)能与单、复数
7、名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词如the first,the second,the last,the next等既可与单数名词搭配,也可与复数名词搭配。例如: the first rose the first roses the last man the last men the next meeting the next meetings,(6)能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词如this,that等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配。例如: thisthat job thisthat work,(7)能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词 还有些限定词如a lot of,lots of,
8、plenty of,enough,more,most,such,other等可与复数名词和不可数名词搭配。例如:,a lot of books a lot of money lots of chickens lots of food plenty of chairs plenty of water enough copies enough coal more articles more time most people most work such men such bread other men other bread 这一类限定词也可以包括less和(the) least。如前所述,les
9、s和least通常只与不可数名词搭配,但在现代英语的非正式语体中,间或也可与复数名词搭配。例如: Less and less people can afford to go abroad for their holidays. Political programmes on TV attract the least viewers.,EXERCISES 3.1A,1.Why is theretraffic on the streets in February than in May? A. less B. fewer C. few D. little2. On account of the t
10、yphoon shipment will arrive this week. A. neither B. all C. both D. these3. Have you got copies to go round? A. the other B. enough C. a little D. much 4. Theres water in the bottle. A. few B. a number of C. plenty of D. any5. There is iron in this mine than in that one. A. much B. a great deal of C
11、. less D. a lot of6. He wrote essays on Victorian novels in his class. A. the next B. the most C. the other D. the more7. He has published short stories in English. A. a great amount of B. a number of C. another D. many a 8. We had rainfalls last summer. A. too much B. little C. a little D. only sev
12、eral9. care would have prevented the accident. A. Much B. Little C. A little D. A few10. The students spent their time working in the fields. A. both B. most C. more D. half,A,A,B,C,C,B,B,D,C,D,在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题。按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为:,(1)中位、前位、后位限定词,按照限定词和限定词之间的不同搭配位置,限定词可分为中位限定词(
13、Central Determiner)、前位限定词(Predeterminer)和后位限定词(Postdeterminer)。,中位限定词,1、定冠词和不定冠词: a (n),the,zero;2、物主限定词(物主代词和s属格名词): my,your, Marys, my friends3、指示限定词: this,that,these,those4、不定数量词(some, few, no, any, every, each, either, neither, enough);5、疑问限定词和关系限定词: what (ever),which (ever),whose,b) 前位限定词包括all,
14、both,half;double,twice,three times等;one-third,two-fifths等;what,such (a/ an) (跨类限定词)。,c)后位限定词包括one,two,three等;first,second,third等;next,last,other,another等;many,much,(a) few,(a) little,fewer,(the) fewest,less,(the) least,more,most;several等;plenty of,a lot of,lots of,a great/large/good number of,a grea
15、t/ good deal of,a large/ small amount of;such等。,(2)三类限定词搭搭配关系,如果一个名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照“前位中位后卫”的顺序排列。例如: all the four teachers all your three books 前 中 后 前 中 后 all these last few days 前 中 后 后 如果只有上述两类限定词,其搭配关系仍按上述顺序。例如: half his lecture those last few months 前 中 中 后 后,several hundred guests all ot
16、her students 后 后 前 后 such a misfortune some such alloy 前 中 中 后,有上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词和前位限定词之间是相互排斥的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词。所以,“我的那本书”不是my that book而是that book of mine,因为my 和that 同是中位限定词,不可并列。但后位限定词的使用却不受此限制。例如: his last two books the first two chapters 中 后 后 中 后 后 two more sheets 后 后,个别限定词有跨类现象,如suc
17、h既属于前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。由于它只是在such a .和such an 这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其他限定词(some,any,no,all,few,another,other,many,one,two等)搭配时,such则是后位限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such,any such,no such,few such,one such等,因此把它归入后位限定词。,EXERCISES 3.2A,Choose an appropriate combination of determiners to fill in each blank:,1. He di
18、d it in time it took me. A. the one-third B. half a C. the double D. one-third the2. I saw boys at the cinema. A. the both B. many a C. both the D. the several3. candidates are girls. A. Half the B. The half C. Their half D. Half a 4. friends usually speak highly of him. A. His some B. His many C. M
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