1、分类号:TP311 密 级: 公 开 UDC: 单位代码: 10424 工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文地市级税务信息系统网络资源管理平台的分析与设计 申请学位级别:工程硕士 领域名称:计算机技术 指导教师姓名: 职 称:教 授 副指导教师姓名: 职 称:教 授 论文题目:地市级税务信息系统网络资源管理平台的分析与设计 作者姓名: 入学时间: 2004年4月 领域名称: 计算机技术 研究方向: 计算机技术 指导教师: 职 称: 教 授 副指导教师: 职 称: 教 授论文提交日期:2009年5月 论文答辩日期: 授予学位日期: ANALYSIS and DESIGN of LOCAL TAX IN
2、FORMATION SYSTEM network rESOURCSE management platformA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF ENGINEERINGFromShandong University of Science and TechnologybySupervisor: ProfessorCollege of Information Science and EngineeringMay 200951山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 摘要摘 要根
5、设计模式及整体性能得到了优化。本文给出了该项目的开发和运行所涉及到的有关技术、需求分析、系统总体设计、数据库设计、用户操作界面设计以及开发和运行环境设计等,论文还根据用户评价,对该系统在日照市国税局的实际应用效果做出说明,最后总结了网络资源信息管理平台在应用中的优缺点并对该信息管理平台的下一步发展做出展望。关键词 J2EE技术,B/S模式,税务信息系统,Struts,Spring,Hibernate,网络资源管理平台山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 AbstractABSTRACTAccording to the State Administration of Taxation and the d
6、eployment of a unified information-based development planning, business tax system will gradually focus on the provincial level and at the same time on the network equipment revenue and centralized management of information systems in various parts of the city need to gradually expand the tax system
7、, in order to reduce the risk of information security, Raise the level of Network and Information Security, Shandong Province by the Internal Revenue Service proposed, in Rizhao City Internal Revenue Service pilot, the building of the development of Network and information management platform in ord
8、er to achieve the tax system, computer security asset management, operation and management, knowledge management information And scientific, concentration and raise the level of security, and enhance emergency response capability to deal with, the tax system to ensure network and information securit
9、y management.Local tax information system network resources management platform uses now the general J2EE technology and the Oracle database carries on the development, by will facilitate the software to promote in the future, to maintain and raises the development efficiency. In view of the fact th
10、at the national tax system network popular degree is high, because the customer has through national tax system internal WAN carries in-line input to revise, the browsing inquiry, the disposition maintenance and so on actual request, simultaneously unifies highly effective, the system maintenance to
11、 facilitate and so on reasons quickly safely, what we use is the B/S pattern (browser/server), The main features of the system, including asset management, security management, operation and maintenance management, knowledge management, various types of information assets through the acquisition of
12、basic information, safety information, operation and maintenance information, as well as various types of knowledge, a clear relationship between information, the establishment of the assets of the Treasury, information base, knowledge base, according to the actual work of the need for flexible cust
13、om queries for routine maintenance, fault handling, emergency response to provide a reference work. development kit choice popular Eclipse. Simultaneously uses technical structures and so on Struts, Spring, Hibernate, through theirs organic synthesis, caused overall systems construction, the design
14、pattern and the overall performance obtained the optimization.In this paper, the project involved the development relevant technology, needs analysis, system design, database design, user interface design and design development and operating environment, paper is also based on user evaluation of the
15、 system in Rizhao City the effect of the practical application of the IRS to show that the final summing up of the network resources in the application of information management platform and the advantages and disadvantages of information management platform for the next step in the development of P
16、rospectKeywords: J2EE technology, B/S, Tax Information System, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Network resource management platform 山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 目录目 录1 绪论21.1课题背景21.2课题研究的意义31.3论文的组织结构42系统开发涉及到的有关技术和实现方法52.1系统开发涉及到的有关技术52.2系统实现方法73需求分析93.1系统功能需求分析93.2系统性能需求分析164系统设计194.1总体设计194.2数据库设计244.3用户操作界面设计344.4
17、系统开发与运行的环境设计415系统应用效果446总结与展望45参考文献48致 谢50山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 ContentsContents1 Introduction21.1 Backgrounds of Issue21.2 Meaning of The Study31.3 Structure of The Paper42 Technology and Implementation methods of the System52.1 Involved Development technology of the System52.2 Implementation methods of t
18、he System73 Requirement Analysis93.1 System Functional Needs Analysis93.2 System Performance Needs Analysis164 Design of the System194.1 General design of system194.2 DB design244.3 Design of user operation interface344.4 Design of development and running environment415 Application Results446 Summar
19、y and Outlook45Reference48Thanks50 山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 绪论1 绪论1.1课题背景根据国家税务总局的统一部署和信息化发展规划,山东省的税收业务系统将逐步实行集中管理,随着各类系统的集中管理,大量相关的软硬件资源也被集中在一起,信息系统及相关设备集中的同时伴随着风险的集中。省级网络资源的集中管理模式对各应用系统以及相关设备的可靠、稳定运行提出了更高的要求。各应用系统和相关硬件、网络设备等资产之间都相互关联,某一条专线、某一台设备出现问题就会导致日常税收业务的中断;某个系统或数据库出现问题,可能会导致多个应用系统无法正常工作;对某一台设备或某一个应用系统
21、有序的日常运维机制和应急响应机制,不断积累相关知识,完善相关办法、预案,在做好日常防范加固工作的同时提高应变能力和水平,减少安全漏洞,尽量缩短意外中断服务的时间。省国税局决定借助“信息化”管理“信息化”,首先在日照市国税局试点,开发应用地市级税务信息系统网络资源管理平台。 目前网络信息设备的数量越来越多,对网络信息设备的管理面临许多问题。传统的手工操作方式,易发生数据丢失,统计错误,并且劳动强度高,效率低,因此,我们在实际工作中有必要充分利用现代化、信息化、因特网的优势以及计算机快捷、高速处理信息的能力,提高网络设备及信息管理的工作效率。本信息管理平台根据税务系统网络与信息安全总体策略等相关文
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 地市 税务 信息系统 网络资源 管理 平台 分析 设计
