1、调查报告,10环境科学,成员介绍,.,成员:312宿舍 饶健亭 黄思超 林育明 陈一波611宿舍 陈淑萍 胡洁因 蔡佳霖 汪振华,调查报告类型,(一)、反映社会现状的调查报告,(二)、介绍典型经验的调查报告,(三)、揭露问题的调查报告,(四)、介绍新生事物的调查报告,(五)、考察历史事实的调查报告,下面就为大家介绍考察历史事实的调查报告,等待,等待,帅哥,卡扎菲,下面为大家引荐一位,奥马尔穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(1942.6.72011.10.20),前利比亚最高领导人,曾领导“自由军官组织”,为利比亚1969年9月1日革命的精神领袖,推翻了亲西方的伊德里斯王朝,并建立了阿拉伯利比亚共和国。长达42年
2、的统治使他成为阿拉伯国家中执政时间最长的领导者。,倘若卡扎菲死在1973年,那么对他的评价必定是另一番模样。彼时,卡扎菲刚刚推翻了腐败混乱的伊德里斯王朝,利比亚内政外交为之一新。对内,他励精图治,发展石油经济,着手建立惠及百姓的福利体系,并开始实施扫除文盲等社会改革措施。一时间,他以共和国缔造者的形象受到民众的拥戴。,卡扎菲,卡扎菲 最后藏身民房,被褥军服散落一地。,接下来为大家介绍揭露问题的调查报告,下面来看一位封面人物,自我简述,我家里很穷,小学没毕业。1958年我出生时,父亲是烧厝食堂负责人,办得很好,还被拍成45分钟的记录片;他当时又是大队的党支部书记。我没读书后,出来种田卖菜,后来跟
3、哥哥去部队团部营部挖洞,去了半年。回家后,先在大队办的螺丝厂工作。后来我们5个人合资1500元。每人出300元买锻工工具,帮人家加工零件,赚了一些钱。,1977年办家机厂生产汽车配件,我做锻工,白天黑夜做,又赚到钱,一年多后办了一个纺织配件厂,买了车床等一套设备,自己跑业务,每年有两个月左右在外面。 1985年,我弄来图纸,到无锡请来师傅,开始生产整台纺织机,每台卖7万5千元,成本只有2万5,我做了几百台。做这种纺织的,全国当时只有三家。有的大件我做不了,因为没有龙门刨等设备,就到厦门工程机械厂和铸造厂加工;小件则自己在厂里自己做。生意很好,供不应求。这之后又办了服装厂、雨伞厂、印刷厂。199
4、1年移民去香港前,我的资产已有几千万。,赖昌星,1958年9月,赖昌星出生于泉州晋江市青阳镇烧厝村(今泉州晋江市西园街道烧厝社区)。早年在福建晋江以卖破烂为生20世纪70年代,偷渡香港从商。 20世纪80年代,以港商身份回福建晋江发展,出任晋江市外商协会负责人及泉州同乡会负责人,并到北京开公司。 1991年2月,将户口迁到了香港,摇身一变成为香港居民。 并注册创办以房地产投资为主的香港美好企业有限公司,兼营进出口和成衣贸易。 1991年4月迁居香港。但2002年,香港特区政府指控他当年提供不真实的文件和资料、以讹诈及非法手段取得香港居民身份,将赖昌星及其家人香港居民身份和香港特区护照全部吊销。
5、,1991年6月在香港注册成立“远华国际有限公司”。 1994年初成立“厦门远华集团有限公司”,开始大 规模走私活动。 厦门远华大案的主犯赖昌星走私达500多亿元,偷逃税收300多亿元。,昌星这个“小人物”何以会“发迹”?何以会创造在厦门一手遮天的“奇迹”?,一曰“借钱付高息”。凡接触过赖昌星的人,都说他是一个“非常善于结交朋友的人”。他曾向一位“有潜力的小官”借5万块钱,但却付给20%的高息。通过这饱含人情味的一借一还,就委婉地把钱塞到了对方手里,还维护了人家的面子。赖昌星的这一招很管用,成为他打开走私渠道的重要一招。,二曰 “花钱邀高层”。赖昌星走私获暴利后,出钱频频邀请高层人士到厦门,并
8、工业区建立起专用红粉金钱腐蚀官员的“地下宫殿”红楼招待所。当官员和美女鸳鸯浴或上床时,赖昌星的手下会秘密用针孔录像机录下这一幕幕镜头,留下日后要挟之用。这是赖昌星的抓住把柄“交友术”。,谢 谢 !,Reader, I married him. A quiet wedding we had: he and I, thmore or less Constance Chatterleys position. The war had brought the roof down over her head. And she had realized that one must live and lear
9、n.She married Clifford Chatterley in 1917, when he was home for a month on leave. They had a months honeymoon6. Then he went back to Flanders: to be shipped over to England again six months later, more or less in bits. Constance, his wife, was then twenty-three years old, and he was twenty-nine.His
10、hold on life was marvellous. He didnt die, and the bits seemed to grow together again. For two years he remained in the doctors hands. Then he was pronounced a cure, and could return to life again, with the lower half of his body, from the hips7 down, paralysed for ever.This was in 1920. They return
11、ed, Clifford and Constance, to his home, Wragby Hall, the family seat. His father had died, Clifford was now a baronet, Sir Clifford, and Constance was Lady Chatterley. They came to start housekeeping and married life in the rather forlorn home of the Chatterleys on a rather inadequate9 income. Clif
12、ford had a sister, but she had departed. Otherwise there were no near relatives. The elder brother was dead in the war. Crippled for ever, knowing he could never have any children, Clifford came home to the smoky Midlands to keep the Chatterley name alive while he could.He was not really downcast. H
13、e could wheel himself about in a wheeled chair, and he had a bath-chair with a small motor attachment10, so he could drive himself slowly round the garden and into the line melancholy11 park, of which he was really so proud, though he pretended to be flippant about it.Having suffered so much, the ca
14、pacity for suffering had to some extent left him. He remained strange and bright and cheerful, almost, one might say, chirpy, with his ruddy, healthy-looking face, arid12 his pale-blue, challenging bright eyes. His shoulders were broad and strong, his hands were very strong. He was expensively dress
15、ed, and wore handsome neckties from Bond Street. Yet still in his face one saw the watchful13 look, the slight vacancy14 of a cripple.He had so very nearly lost his life, that what remained was wonderfully precious to him. It was obvious in the anxious brightness of his eyes, how proud he was, after
16、 the great shock, of being alive. But he had been so much hurt that something inside him had perished, some of his feelings had gone. There was a blank of insentience.Constance, his wife, was a ruddy, country-looking girl with soft brown hair and sturdy body, and slow movements, full of unusual ener
17、gy. She had big, wondering eyes, and a soft mild voice, and seemed just to have come from her native village. It was not so at all. Her father was the once well-known R. A., old Sir Malcolm Reid. Her mother had been one of the cultivated Fabians in the palmy, rather pre-Raphaelite days. Between arti
18、sts and cultured socialists16, Constance and her sister Hilda had had what might be called an aesthetically17 unconventional upbringing. They had been taken to Paris and Florence and Rome to breathe in art, and they had been taken also in the other direction, to the Hague and Berlin, to great Social
19、ist15 conventions, where the speakers spoke18 in every civilized19 tongue, and no one was abashed20.The two girls, therefore, were from an early age not the least daunted21 by either art or ideal politics. It was their natural atmosphere. They were at once cosmopolitan22 and provincial23, with the c
20、osmopolitan provincialism of art that goes with pure social ideals.They had been sent to Dresden at the age of fifteen, for music among other things. And they had had a good time there. They lived freely among the students, they argued with the men over philosophical24, sociological and artistic25 m
21、atters, they were just as good as the men themselves: only better, since they were women. And they tramped off to the forests with sturdy youths bearing guitars, twang-twang! They sang the Wandervogel songs, and they were free. Free! That was the great word. Out in the open world, out in the forests
22、 of the morning, with lusty and splendid-throated young fellows, free to do as they liked, and-above all-to say what they liked. It was the talk that mattered supremely26: the impassioned interchange of talk. Love was only a minor27 accompaniment.Both Hilda and Constance had had their tentative love
23、-affairs by the time they were eighteen. The young men with whom they talked so passionately28 and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion. The girls were doubtful, but then the thing was so much talked about, it was supposed to be so importan
24、t. And the men were so humble29 and craving30. Why couldnt a girl be queenly, and give the gift of herself?So they had given the gift of themselves, each to the youth with whom she had the most subtle and intimate arguments. The arguments, the discussions were the great thing: the love-making and co
25、nnexion were only a sort of primitive31 reversion and a bit of an anti-climax. One was less in love with the boy afterwards, and a little inclined to hate him, as if he had trespassed32 on ones privacy and inner freedom. For, of course, being a girl, ones whole dignity and meaning in life consisted
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