1、Lord George Gorden Byron (17881824) 拜伦,Important Points,1. Byrons literary works.2. Byrons masterpiece, Don Juan唐璜and Childe Harolds Pilgrimage恰尔德哈罗尔德游记3. Comments on Byron.,Byron (17881824),1. Byrons Life,aristocratic but impoverished,fathers desertionmothers abuse, clubfoot,inherited,first at Harr
2、ow then Cambridge,Byrons Life,very unhappy,sports,writing in Cambridge,unbalanced life,expensive clothes,room decoration,horses, a pet bear,drink with a cup made from a human skull,Byrons Life,1807,1809,1815,1816,1824,Lyric poems,tour of Europe,romanticverse narratives,unhappymarriage,8 years abroad
3、(Switzerland, ItalyGreece),died in Greece,Life Story,2. Literary Works,1) Hours of Idleness 闲暇时刻消闲时光2) The English Bards and Scott Reviewers 英国诗人和苏格兰评论家,p. 211,dealing with childish recollections andearly friendship, showing the influence of 18th century traditions, “taken to task” 责备,申斥 celebrities
4、 知名人士,“ran the gauntlet” 受到严厉批评,Literary Works,Child Harolds Pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗德游记, the first two canto.“I awoke one morning to find myself famous.”“我一天早晨醒来,发现自己出了名。”,The Giaour 异教徒The Bride of Abydos 阿比多斯的新娘Lara 莱拉The Corsair 海盗 Parisina 帕日西纳The Siege of Corinth 攻克考日斯,“Oriental Tales“东方叙事诗”,“Byronic
5、heroes”“拜伦式英雄”,fiery passions; unbending willideal of freedomagainst tyranny and injusticelone fighters, individualistic ends,Literary Works,Hebrew Melodies西伯来歌曲lyrical piece,Literary Works in Switzerland,Sonnet on Chillon锡隆十四行诗The Prisoner of Chillon锡隆的囚徒a narrative poemManfred 曼弗雷德a poetical drama
6、(诗剧),Swiss revolutionary Bonnivard 庞瓦尼,Literary Works in Italy,Accomplishment of Childe HaroldDon Juan 唐璜masterpieceCain 该隐a poetical drama诗剧The Prophecy of Dante 但丁预言The Vision of Judgment 审判的幻景a satire parodying (imitating) Southeys sycophant (flattery) elegy A Vision of Judgment.,语言生动,内容超俗,主题鲜明,充
7、分体现了幻境与现实相结合的原则。,Another versionto answer Southeys attack.,Childe Harolds Pilgrimage,long poem with 4 cantos,Spenserian stanza9-line stanza, ababbcbcc,Harolds travelsin Europe,solitary, melancholymelancholia:忧郁症keen understandingstrong love of freedom,philosophical and political views,first by the m
8、outh of Harold,then by himself,The Main Idea of Harold,Portugal and Spainthe delicious land, the poverty of the poorand the struggle of theSpaniards against the foreign aggression,2, Albania and Greecethe fallen state of fair Greece;remind of the heroic past, strive for the liberty,3. The venom恶毒的话
9、and spite怨恨 of the high society;condemns the reaction glorifies the French Revolution,4. Sings of Italy and its people; exposure the reactionary rulers;ardent love of liberty and firm belief in the peoples final triumph,A 9-line stanza in which the first 8 lines are in iambic pentameter抑扬格五音步诗行 whil
10、e the 9th line in iambic hexameter 抑扬格六音步诗行. P.214,Where rose the mountains, there to him were friends;,For Natures pages glassed by sunbeams on the lake.,V,/,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,抑:V,扬:/,Practice,Where rolled the ocean, thereon was his home;,When Albions lessoning shores could gr
11、ieve of glad my eye.,V,/,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,Don Juan 唐璜,It was written in Italy during the years from 1818 to 1823.It has 16,000 lines in 16 cantos and witten in ottava rima (八行体).Each stanza contains 8 iambic pentameter lines.The rhyme scheme is abababcc.,八行体:每行10或11个音节,前6行交替押韵
12、,后2行成一组同脚韵。,Don Juan,childhood,love affair,abroad,Greek island,sold as a slave,capital of Turkey,in guise of a woman,Don Juan,camp of the Russian army,St. Petersburg,Empress Catherine,to England on a political mission,Comments on Don Juan,1.The story of the poem takes place in the later part of the
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