1、当托福阅读加试应该如何应对 托福考试中,很多考生都会遇到加试题目。那么托福加试是什么呢?其实就是在考试中增加一部分题目。下面就和大家分享托福加试应该如何应对,来欣赏一下吧。托福加试题目:阅读加试应该如何应对?一.托福阅读加试托福阅读加试在OG上是有说明的,托福官方指南OG上写明:阅读3-5篇,60-100分钟;听力对话2-3篇,讲座4-6篇,60-90分钟。托福阅读正常情况下应该有3篇,但遇到加试则会多出1篇或2篇,每多出一篇就会相应增加20分钟的做题时间。20XX年开始,托福阅读加试出现频率明显升高,不管考几道题,是不是有加试,考生都应该认真做好每一道题,因为你不知道那一道题是加试,它是不是
2、算分。托福阅读加试数量一般情况下为1篇*。托福考试官方给出的说法是,在考试时考生多完成一篇阅读或一个听力,作为题目难易度的检测。这种方式是不算分的。加试范围基本只局限于阅读和听力,一般来说,加试了听力就不会加阅读,加试了阅读就不会加听力,但是个别考生也会遇到听力阅读双加试,这种情况在20XX年托福考试中屡有出现。二. 如何应对1. 阅读经典加试此前托福阅读有经典加试,经典加试的备考非常简单,只要看一下经典加试题库就可以了。但是20XX年3月4日后,阅读经典加试就没再出现过。经典加试原因很简单,经典加试考查的次数太多,试题和答案早已被广大考生知晓。阅读考试时,考生只需要凭记忆,就能在很短的时间内
3、做对全部的加试题,然后用多余的时间重点做其他3篇阅读。2. 非经典加试非经典加试目前已经成为托福阅读加试的主流。非经典加试没有什么特殊的应对方法,只能练好自己的阅读能力,做好阅读。但是值得注意的一点是,现在加试题多为新题,所以很多人推测,加试题有可能会是以后的托福考题,而这种推测也在以前的考试中得到过验证,所以大家需要留心以往的加试题目。托福阅读背景*:斯内普教授离世Just days after the music world lost icon David Bowie, Hollywood is mourning the loss of another legend. Alan Rickm
4、an, best known for his roles as Hans Gruber in Die Hard and Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies, has passed away at the age of 69. The Guardian reports that the actor had been battling cancer, and that he died surrounded by family and friends.音乐巨星大卫鲍威去世没几天,好莱坞又痛失另一位传奇人物。曾在虎胆龙威中饰演汉斯格鲁伯、在哈利波特系列中出
5、演西弗勒斯斯内普的阿伦瑞克曼,在与癌症抗争的过程中去世,享年69岁。卫报称,瑞克曼“在家人和朋友的陪伴下离世”。After a number of minor roles in British TV shows, Alan Rickman made his feature film debut in the 1988 action classic Die Hard. He went on to star as Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, along with roles in Bob Roberts, Sens
6、e and Sensibility and Dogma before he took on the role in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.瑞克曼起先在英剧中出演过一些小角色,1988年才首次触电大荧幕,参演经典动作片虎胆龙威。后来他又演过侠盗王子罗宾汉中诺丁汉郡长一角,并陆续出演了天生赢家、理智与情感、天条和哈利波特与魔法石等影片。After studying graphic design at Graphic Design at Chelsea College of Art, he moved on to graduate studies
7、at the Royal College of Art. Eventually, his love for theater lead him to audition for the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), where he received a scholarship at the age of 26, which spawned an acting career that lasted more than 40 years, including numerous critically-acclaimed perfor
8、mances on the stage as well as film and TV work.瑞克曼大学读的是切尔西艺术学院的平面设计专业,后来又继续在英国皇家艺术学院读了研究生。最终,因为对戏剧的热爱,他参加了著名的皇家戏剧艺术学院的面试,并在26岁时收获了奖学金。他40多年的演艺生涯也从此开始:不仅演过颇受好评的舞台剧,还频频出现在电影和电视中。The actor is survived by his wife, Rima Horton.瑞克曼的妻子莉玛霍顿仍然健在。明星好友发文悼念.哈利波特原作者JK罗琳There are no words to express how shocked
9、 and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickmans death. He was a magnificent actor a wonderful man.“言语无法表达我对阿伦瑞克曼离世的震惊与悲恸。他是一个杰出的演员,一个了不起的人。”.哈利波特扮演者丹尼尔拉德克利夫Alan Rickman is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with. He is also, one of the loyalest and most supportive people Ive ever
10、met in the film industry. He was so encouraging of me both on set and in the years post-Potter“瑞克曼毫无疑问是我演艺生涯中遇到的最伟大的演员之一。他同时也是我在演艺界遇到的最忠实的好友、最乐于助人的人。无论在哈利波特片场还是在那之后的许多年,他一直给我许多鼓励”.赫敏扮演者艾玛沃特森Im very sad to hear about Alan today. I feel so lucky to have worked and spent time with such a special man an
11、d actor. Ill really miss our conversations. RIP Alan. We love you.“今天听到阿伦去世的消息我非常悲痛,我很幸运与如此特别的演员合作过。我会十分想念我们之间曾经的对话。安息吧阿伦,我们爱你。”瑞克曼经典镜头回顾1. Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter franchise西弗勒斯斯内普教授,哈利波特系列影片Its only right to remember him with one of Snapes most powerful lines in Harry Potter: Always.用
12、这句斯内普在哈利波特中的经典台词来祭奠他吧:“永远。”2. Hans Gruber, Die Hard汉斯格鲁伯,虎胆龙威If any one person can convince you of the idea that its never too late, it should be Rickman: His turn as Hans Gruber was his first big screen role at age 41.只要你想努力,任何时候开始都不晚瑞克曼用实际行动诠释了这句真谛:虎胆龙威是他首登大荧幕之作,而那个时候的他已经41岁了。3. Harry, Love Actual
13、ly哈里,真爱至上It was beyond refreshing to see Rickman in a romantic comedy, as he was so accustomed to playing villains.能看到瑞克曼这个经常演坏蛋的老戏骨出现在浪漫爱情喜剧中,真是让人眼前一亮。4. Metatron, Dogma大天使梅塔特隆,天条Just look at the glorious wings on this seraphim.看看大天使这对美轮美奂的羽翼吧。5. Sheriff George of Nottingham, Robin Hood: Prince of
14、Thieves诺丁汉郡长,侠盗王子罗宾汉Its pretty impressive how such a lovable man managed to play so many sinister, malignant characters.一个这么和蔼可亲的人却要演这么多恶棍、坏蛋,也是惊人。6. Jamie, Truly Madly Deeply杰米,一屋一鬼一情人Rickman portrayed a ghost who returns from the after-life to visit his heartbroken girlfriend.瑞克曼在本片中扮演一个鬼魂,死后重返人间看
15、望心爱的女友。7. Colonel Brandon, Sense and Sensibility布莱登上校,理智与情感Though one of his smaller roles, his turn as Colonel Brandon features a pretty perfect Rickman.虽然是个小角色,但在他的演绎下,一个完美的布莱登上校形象跃然荧屏。托福阅读背景之“俄政客自称遇见外星人”A Russian MP has asked an eccentric regional leader to explain his behaviour after claiming on
16、 state television that he was visited at home by aliens in a UFO, media reported Thursday.Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, head of the Buddhist Kalmykia region of southern Russia and president of the World Chess Federation (FIDE), announced without apparent irony on a high-profile chat show he had met the aliens
17、 in 1997.In an equally bizarre twist, Andrei Lebedev, an MP for the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, has now written to President Dmitry Medvedev raising fears that secret information could have been disclosed in the close encounter.I ask you to say if the head of Kalmykia has made an official
18、report to the Russian presidency about his contacts with representatives of an alien civilisation, he said, quoted by tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda and other media.Is there an established procedure of informing about such contacts by high ranking people who have access to secret information like Ilyu
19、mzhinov?And did he in the course of his seemingly innocent conversation disclose secret information?Ilyumzhinov had said in his comments, broadcast in late April, that the aliens appeared in a transparent tube on the balcony of his apartment in Moscow.I was reading my book, watching television and h
20、ad almost fallen asleep. Then I felt that someone was calling.I would not have believed it, if I had not had three witnesses - my driver, my minister and my aide, he said.This is not the first time the chess-mad leader has spoken of extraterrestrial encounters. He had earlier claimed to have been sh
21、own round a UFO in 2001据媒体本周四报道,俄罗斯一名地区领导人日前在接受当地一个电视台的采访时语出惊人,宣称自己曾在家中遇见搭乘不明飞行物的外星人。一名杜马议员要求他对他的这一行为做出解释。俄罗斯南部信奉佛教的卡尔梅克共和国领袖、国际象棋协会主席基尔桑伊柳姆日诺夫日前在一档高端人物谈话节目中严肃宣称,他曾在1997年见过外星人。同样不可思议的是,俄罗斯民族主义政党自由民主党成员、国家杜马议员安德烈?莱比德夫竟致信总统德米特里?梅德韦杰夫,称外星人可能在与伊柳姆日诺夫“亲密接触”时窃取了俄罗斯国家机密。俄罗斯小报共青团真理报和其它媒体援引莱比德夫的话说:“我想知道这位卡尔梅克共和国领导人是否已向俄罗斯总统正式汇报了与外星人接触一事。”“像伊柳姆日诺夫这样有机会接触到国家机密的高级官员,是否有一个既定的程序来汇报此类事件?”“在他与外星人貌似很普通的交谈中是否泄露了国家机密?”伊柳姆日诺夫在上月末的一档电视节目中称,他曾看到外星人搭乘一艘透明的太空船降落在他位于莫斯科公寓的阳台上。“当时我正一边看书一边看电视,几乎快要睡着,突然觉得有人在叫我。”他说:“要不是有司机、政府部长和助理三个目击证人,我自己都不敢相信。”这位国际象棋界领导人已经不是第一次宣称自己遇见外星人。他曾称自己在2001年参观过一个不明飞行物。当托福阅读加试应该如何应对