1、一、填充题1 结晶生高聚物熔融后迅速冷却,透明性 ,加工时加成核剂其透明性 。(增加,增加)2 聚四氟乙烯的极性比聚三氟乙烯的 ,熔点前者比后者的 。(低,高)3 大多数高聚物熔体的表现粘度比其真实粘度 。(小)4 聚丙烯的玻璃化温度比聚苯乙烯的 ,流动温度前者比后者的 。(低,低)5 是解决橡胶蠕变的关键措施,克服压力松弛的重要措施是 。(硫化交联,交联)二、是非题(对的在括号内打“”,错的打“”)1 测定高聚的时降温速度越快,测得的值越高;而升温速度越快,测得的值越低。 ( )2色散力存在于一切高聚物中。()3 结晶度越高晶粒越大。()4 用于吸声隔音的高分子材料,希望其内耗大,而用于轮胎
2、的则希望其内耗小。()5 、都是相变温度。()6聚甲醛不能作橡胶是因为主链上有氧原子存在易生成氢键的缘故。()7柔性链高分子宜采用提高温度的办法来改善加工性能,而刚性链宜采用提高剪切速率的办法来改善加工性能。()三、试分析下列各题中的图或说明是否有错,简单说明原因。1蠕变与温度和外力关系示意图答:图示正确。蠕变与温度高低和外力大小有关,温度过低,外力太小,蠕变很小且很慢,温度过高,外力过大,形变发展过快,也感觉不出蠕变。在适当外力,且在以上不远,则随外力增加,温度增加,形变量增大。2 下图为某结晶性高聚物熔体在快速冷却及缓慢冷却下所得晶体的DSC图,为缓冷下所得晶体的熔融峰,为急冷下所得晶体的
3、熔融峰答:正确。缓冷时结晶高聚物的结晶度高故熔融峰较大。3 下图为时温等效作图法示意图。正确。时温等效原理中升高温度与延长观察时内对分子运动是等效的。而降低频率与延长观察时间也是等效的。故升高温度与降低频率是等效的,可借助移动因子将的两条曲线叠合。四、问答题1 从结构出发排出高聚物顺序(从高低排),并简述理由。聚二甲基硅氧烷:聚氯乙烯,聚1,4-顺丁二烯,聚苯乙烯,聚乙烯。1答:高低顺序:聚苯乙烯聚氯乙烯聚丙烯聚1,4一顺丁二烯聚二甲苯硅氧烷。聚苯乙烯侧醛位阻大,故最高聚氯乙烯极较大,故次之但比聚乙烯高。聚1,4-顺丁二烯由于存在双键时链柔性较单键大,故比聚乙烯低。聚二甲醛硅氧烷由于结构对称,
4、存在醚键,故柔性最,最小。2 如何用物理改性的方法制备下列高分子材料 抗蠕变好的高分子材料 抗冲击聚苯乙烯(即增加PS的韧性) 软聚氯乙烯 强度好的纤维 高聚物单晶2 答:通过加入刚性填料填充或与刚性链高聚物共混等方法可提高材料抗蠕变性,制得抗蠕变性好的材料。可采用橡胶与聚苯乙烯共混的办法制得抗冲聚苯乙烯。在聚氯乙烯中共混入大量增塑剂,可得软氯乙烯。纺丝制得纤维后进行轴向拉伸,提高取向度可制得强度好的纤维。将高聚物配成极稀溶液并在较高温度下结晶可得单晶。3 简述两种实验方法来判断试样是AB无规共聚物,还是A、B均聚物的共混物。3 答:(1)测试样的DSC曲线,如果有两个玻璃化温度则为A、B均聚
5、物的共混物,如果只有一个则为A、B型无规共聚物。(2)测试样的动态粘弹谱。同(1)理。4 列举高聚物粘弹性表现(至少三例,不述理由)4 答:高聚物的粘弹性表现:蠕变,应力松弛滞后和力学损耗等。5 三角胶带用于传动时,为何使用时间越长,打滑现象越烈?5 答:三角胶带用于传动时,会发生蠕变现象,随使用时间的增长,胶带变得越来越长,故打滑现象越突出。一、 Describe and calculation1、Many rubber materials exhibit a time dependence in their mechanical properties (see the following
6、figure). Make a list of possible reasons.Figure 3.21 Results from measurements of continuous stress relaxation of nitrile rubber (low network density). Data from Bjrk (1988).Solution:Physical relaxation caused by disentanglement of chains. The entanglements can be considered as temporary crosslinks.
7、2、The rubber in a blown-up balloon is stretched in a biaxial fashion. Derive the force-strain relationship under the assumption that the rubber follows the Gaussian statistical theory of rubber elasticity.Solution:The general expression for the free energy is: Biaxial stretching under constant volum
8、e yields the following deformation matrix: and The force (f) is obtained by taking the derivative of :3、 A miscible blend shows a higher glass transition temperature than the pure polymers. Suggest a possible explanation. Suggest also another experiment which will critically test your hypothesis.(混合
9、物比纯净的聚合物有更高的玻璃化温度,解释这种现象。Solution:There should be strong specific interaction (e.g. hydrogen bonding or charge-transfer complex formation between two groups of widely different polarities) between the two polymers. Infrared spectroscopy may detect a frequency shift of certain absorption bands caused
10、 by the specific interaction.4、 You have a polymer blend which shows one Tg but is opaque. Explain. Another polymer shows two Tgs but this material is transparent. Explain.Solution:A similarity in the two polymers Tg values gives rise to a single glass transition despite the fact that the polymers a
11、re immiscible as judged by their opaqueness. The second case can be given two different explanations. The first is that the polymers are immiscible but the similarity in refractive index of the two polymers results in only negligible light scattering, i.e. a transparent material. The second explanat
12、ion is that the polymers are immiscible but the dispersion is considerably finer than the wavelength of light.5、Present an explanation of the observations relating to the die-swell phenomenon shown in following Fig.Die-swell from three types of extrusion geometry. Drawn after Graessley (1984)Solutio
13、n:The convergent flow causes axial orientation of the chains. The die-swell occurs in response to the axial orientation. During the flow through the narrow pipe section, relaxation of the oriented molecules occurs. The degree of die-swell decreases with increasing length of the narrow pipe section.6
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