1、江苏,Jiangsu Province, peoples Republic of China eastern coastal provinces, referred to as“ Su”.It is located in Chinas eastern coastal center, located in the beautiful and affluent Yangtze River Delta.江苏省,中华人民共和国东部沿海的省份,简称“苏”,位于华东地区。 江苏简称苏,位于中国大陆东部沿海中心,地处美丽富饶的长江三角州。,East to the Yellow Sea, west of An
2、hui, north of Shandong, the southeast and Zhejiang and adjacent to Shanghai. The provinces total area of 102600 square kilometers, 1.1% what occupy countrywide gross area. Plain which covers an area of 70600 square kilometers, the surface area of 17300 square kilometers.东濒黄海,西连安徽,北接山东,东南与浙江和上海毗邻。全省总
3、面积10.26万平方千米,占全国总面积的1.1%。其中平原面积7.06万平方千米,水面面积1.73万平方千米。,The churchyard river staggered, with the Yangtze River water, across the East 400 kilometers, 690 kilometers the Grande Canal runs through the north and the south, southwest of the Qinhuai River, the Northern General irrigation canal.There are
4、more than 290 small lakes, Taihu and lake Hongze as the countrys five largest freshwater lake. The coastline of 954 kilometers.全省境内河川交错,水网密布,长江横穿东西400多千米,大运河纵贯南北690千米,西南部有秦淮河,北部有苏北灌溉总渠。有大小湖泊290多个,太湖和洪泽湖为全国五大淡水湖。全省海岸线长954千米。,南京市 六朝胜迹(The provincial capital )苏州市 古镇园林无锡市 太湖风光常州市 主题公园镇江市 寺院山林南通市 江涛海潮扬州市
5、 汉唐文化淮安市 伟人故居 盐城市 红色历史连云港市 海域仙境徐州市 秦汉遗迹泰州市 国粹遗韵宿迁市 田园风景,江苏省,The must-see of Nanjing is Dr. Sun Yatsens Mausoleum, where the father of modern China is buried on the mountain top of Zijinshan. The pilgrimage trip to the tomb is composed of an enormous stone stairway, 323 meters long and 70 meters wide
6、. The scene is respectfully magnificent.,南京Nanjing,中山陵Dr. Sun Yatsens Mausoleum,ThepresidentialPalacehasaheavehistoricalculture,uniquehistoricalmaterialsandbeautifulnaturalenvironmentwithclassicalconstructions.NowitwasopenedtotheworldastheNanjingMuseumofModernChineseHistory.Uptonowitisoversixhundred
7、yearsold.,总统府,the presdential palace,南京大屠杀纪念馆the Memorial of the Nanjing Massacre,Another important site of Nanjing is the Memorial of the Nanjing Massacre which exhibits documents and pictures of the atrocities by Japanese troops in 1937, a painful moment for the city and her residents. Also on dis
8、play is furniture used at the signing of Japans surrender to China, carrying a undisputable message to the country which still refuses to issue a formal apology to the war victims - dont forget history! The exhibits conclude on a more optimistic note, with the last room dedicated to the post-war Sin
9、o-Japanese reconciliation.,It is the origin of the ancient city of jinling, it is the cradle of nanjing culture.“中国第一历史文化名河”,秦淮河,Nanjing Yangtze river bridge,The Yuhuatai Scenic Area,Xuanwu Lake,Confucius Temple,周庄,Master of Nets Garden,Suzhou Amusement Park,Lingering Garden,Surging Wave Pavilion,无锡
10、Wuxi,锡惠公园 Xi-Hui Park Located in the west suburb of the old town of WuXi, the park is rich in historical sites and cultural relics: Jichang Garden and Yu Gong Valley being Ming dynasty (1368-1644) gardens; the Huishan Temple dating back to the Southern & Northern dynasties (420-589) and the Dragon B
11、rilliance Pagoda on top the Xishan being originally built in 1506.,鼋头渚,Nanchan Temple,FilmandtelevisionDistrict,GrandBuddhaatLing Shan,ShanJuanCave,常州Changzhou,中华恐龙园 China Dinosaur Park located in the Xinbei District of the city. The 5A rated Dinosaur Park has a collection of dinosaur bones and foss
12、ils from all over China. The park has 50 various fossils and more than 30 amusement programs including the Brontosaurus Roller Coaster and the Whirling Dinosaur Carriage. The fossils are located in a museum housed in a single building and the amusement rides are spread throughout the park which is c
13、ategorized into six themed areas.,天宁寺Tianning Temple one of the largest Zen Buddhist temple and monasteries in China. The city recently rebuilt the Tianning pagoda in the temple grounds, which is adjacent to Hongmei Park. The pagoda, called the Tianning Baota, was first built during the Tang Dynasty
14、 .Since that time it has been destroyed and rebuilt five times. The current reconstruction is built to the height specification of 153.79 metres .This makes it the tallest pagoda in China and perhaps also the world. Both the Hongmei Park and Tianning Temple are located just to the east of the city c
15、entre.,Yancheng City,Tianmu Lake,Hong Mei Park,JoyLand,镇江Zhenjiang,Xijin Ferry Historical and Cultural Area,Baohua Mountain,Jiaoshan Scenic Area,Maoshan Scenic Area,南通Nantong,Nantong Museum,Dinghui Temple,Hao River Scenic Area,Langshan Scenic Area,扬州Yanzhou,Slender West Lake It is situated in the no
16、rthwest suburb of Yang Zhou City.With continuous harnessing through the dynasties, it gradually became ascetic area with many enchanting lake scenes. It is slim in its shape,so people named it Slender West Lake.,长春桥,春波桥,莲花桥,大虹桥,four bridge misty rain,Daming Temple 大明寺 It combining Buddhism ,historca
17、l and cultural sites and garden scenery . It is also a scenic spot well-known across the country.,淮安Huaian,Zhou Enlais former residence,The embankment of Hongze Lake,The Ming Dynasty,Tieshan Temple,盐城Yancheng,Water Street,Longitudinal Lake,Red Crowned Crane Nature Reserve,The New Fourth Army memoria
18、l museum,连云港Lianyungang,Huaguo mountain 花果山,Fishing Bay,Peach Blossom Brook,Yun Tai Mountain,Island Beach,徐州,楚汉文化,ChuWangLing is early western han dynasty, the third generation of packet in xuzhou king chu tomb of liu e, it is located in xuzhou, four thousand pieces of the Terra Cotta Warriors is on
19、e of the important interred ChuWangLing, it was discovered in 1984.,楚王陵,这件玉衣创下了诸多全国之最,比如年代最早,距今天2000多年;玉片最多,达到4248片;玉质最好,全是上好的新疆和田玉等。,金缕玉衣,龟山汉墓(全国重点文物保护单位)位于江苏徐州市龟山西麓,为西汉第六代楚王襄王刘注(即位于公元前128年前116年)的夫妻合葬墓。该墓为两座并列相通的夫妻合葬墓.,龟山汉墓,淮海战役烈士纪念塔,泰州Taizhou,the old street,Fengcheng River Scenic Area,Mei Lanfang Park,Qingtong town,宿迁Suqian,Zhangshan Forest Park,Dragon King temple palace,Hongze Lake Wetland,Wangs hometown,传统工艺,南京云锦,苏绣,惠山泥人,常州梳篦,南通风筝,扬州剪纸,扬州漆器,宜兴紫砂,昆曲,苏菜为八大菜系之一,主要有淮扬(淮安和扬州),徐海(徐州和连云港),宁镇(南京和镇江)及苏锡常(苏州、无锡和常州)四种风味组成。其中淮扬菜与鲁菜、川菜、粤菜并称为中国四大菜系,并为四大菜系之首。,南京鸭血粉丝汤,常州银丝面,扬州炒饭,无锡酱排骨,Thank you!,