1、,余热锅炉产品介绍,Waste Heat Boiler Introduction,内 容 简 介Content一.水泥窑余热锅炉 Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler二.玻璃窑余热锅炉 Glass Smelting Furnace Waste Heat Boiler三.烧结余热锅炉 Sintering Waste Heat Boiler四.电石余热锅炉 Carbide Waste Heat Boiler五.其他余热锅炉 Other Waste Heat Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Wor
2、king principles and basic components2.锅炉结构及特点 Boiler structure and features,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Working principles and basic components1.1水泥窑余热来源(Source of Cement Kiln Waste Heat) 纯低温余热发电系统中热源来源于两部分: The heat source of pure low temperature waste heat power system comes
3、from 2 parts: 窑尾预热器预热生料后产生的废气; Waste gas produced by the preheater in kiln tail preheats raw meal; 窑头冷却机冷却熟料后的热空气。 Hot air produced by cooling machine in kiln head cools clinker.,窑头冷却器Air Quenching Cooler,悬浮预热器(窑外分解)Suspension Preheater,带悬浮预热器的水泥回转窑Cement rotary kiln that has suspension preheater,22
4、0350窑头余热锅炉Kiln head Waste Heat BoilerAQC HRSG,300370窑尾余热锅炉Kiln rear Waste Heat BoilerSP HRSG,空气冷却器Air Quenching Cooler,悬浮预热器SuspensionPreheater,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Working principles and basic components1.2余热烟气特点 Waste heat smoke f
5、eatures 1)烟气温度低;400; Low temperature of smoke;400 2)烟尘特性强;多灰,细颗粒, Obvious features of dusts; lots of ash, fine particles 3)生产过程中两种热源温度和流量均有波动。 There are fluctuations in two kinds of thermal temperature and flow. 窑尾废气:产量变化不大时,相对稳定。 Waste gas in kiln rear:relatively stable when little changed occurred
6、 in production 窑头废气:随工艺波动比较大,热源不稳定。 Waste gas in kiln head:fluctuated with processes, heat source is unstable.,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Working principles and basic components1.3水泥窑余热发电系统 Cement Kiln Waste Heat Power System,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点 Boi
7、ler structure and features2.1锅炉结构 Boiler structure,锅炉立式布置Vertical positoned boiler烟气上进下出Smoke comes in from upside and comes out from down side,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点 Boiler structure and features2.1锅炉结构 Boiler structure AQC锅炉 AQC Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boile
8、r2.锅炉结构及特点(Boiler structure and features)2.1锅炉结构(Boiler structure ) SP锅炉 SP Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点(Boiler structure and features)2.1锅炉结构(Boiler structure),AQC 锅 炉安装图Installation graph of AQC Boiler,SP 锅 炉安装图片Installation graph of SP Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste H
9、eat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点(Boiler structure and features)2.1锅炉结构(Boiler structure),AQC 锅 炉,SP 锅 炉,AQC Boiler,SP Boiler,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点 Boiler structure and features2.2产品系列: Products Series:2500t/dAQC Boiler:QC150/370-11.7(4.5)-1.6/350(0.35/185) SP Boiler: QC195/330-13.5-1.6/
10、3105000t/dAQC Boiler:QC260/380-23(6.6)-1.6/350(0.35/185)SP Boiler: QC380/320-21.8-1.6/300,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点(Boiler structure and features)2.3锅炉主要特点(Main characters of boiler)1)窑尾烟气中含有大量粉尘,烟尘量为70100g/Nm3,且粉尘细,容易在锅炉受热面上积灰,影响锅炉受热面的传热效果,致使锅炉出力降低,发电量降低,因此解决好锅炉受热面积灰问题是窑尾余热锅炉最
11、基本也是必须解决的问题。一般采用光管结构,并利用机械振打的方式除去受热面上的积灰。 The smoke of kiln rear contains a lot of dusts; the amount of smoke is 70100g/Nm3.Small dusts may easily deposited on the heating surface of boiler, thus reduce the output of boiler and its generated energy. As a result, dusts deposition of the heating surfa
12、ce is a basic problem that needs to solve. Light tube is usually used, and mechanical vibration, Is used to remove ash.,smoke,Flow direction,一、水泥窑余热锅炉Cement Kiln Waste Heat Boiler2.锅炉结构及特点(Boiler structure and features)2.3锅炉主要特点(Main characters of boiler) 2)窑头余热烟气中烟尘量30 g/Nm3,粉尘主要是熟料粉尘,颗粒比较硬,对受热面的磨损
13、比较大。一般受热面采用螺旋翅片管和低烟速结构。 Waste amount of kiln head30 g/Nm3,main dust is clinker dust, which is hard and seriously tear the heating surface. Spiral finned tube and low speed of smoke structure are usually used.3)漏风会影响系统引风机和锅炉的热利用率,因此解决锅炉的漏风是余热利用的关键的问题,锅炉本体一般采用全钢护板结构。 Air leakage will reduce the therma
14、l efficiency of system induced draft fan and boiler.so, to solve the air leakage problem is the key are to use waste heat. Boiler body usually use whole steel structure of guard plate.,smoke,Flow direction,二、玻璃窑余热锅炉Glass Smelting Furnace Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Working principles and basic comp
15、onents2.锅炉结构及特点 Boiler structure and features,二、玻璃窑余热锅炉Glass Smelting Furnace Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成(Working principles and basic components)1.1玻璃窑分类(The classification of Glass Smelting Furnace) 窑池按使用热源分为三类:According to heat source,kilns are divided into 3 class:a、火焰窑。以燃料燃烧为热能来源。 Flame kiln 。
16、Use fuel combustion as heat source.b、电热窑。以电能为热量来源。 electric heating kiln。 Use electricity as heat source.c、火焰-电热窑。以燃料为主要热源,电能为辅助热源。 Flame - electric heating kiln 。 Use fuel combustion as main heat source, and electricity as auxiliary heat source. 我国目前主要是采用火焰窑。 (China now mainly used flame kiln.)窑池按窑
17、的规模分为三类:According to the scale,kilns are divided into 3 class:a、大型窑。日产玻璃液150t以上。 Large kiln。Glass melt is produced 150t/day above.b、中型窑。日产玻璃液50150t。 Middle sized kiln 。 Glass melt is produced 50150t /day.c、小型窑。日产玻璃液50t以下。 Small kiln 。 Glass melt is produced less than 50t/day.,二、玻璃窑余热锅炉Glass Smelting
18、 Furnace Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成(Working principles and basic components)1.2玻璃窑生产过程(Production Process of Glass Smelting Furnace) 玻璃窑采用蓄热式高温空气燃烧技术: Glass Smelting Furnace uses heat storage high temperature air combustion technology:每座玻璃窑的左右各设置一座蓄热室; The right and left side of every Glass Smelti
19、ng Furnace sets one regenerator;采用换向燃烧方式,每20分钟换向一次;use commutation combustion mode, direction is changed every 20 minutes;烟气和空气交替经过蓄热室,被冷却和加热Cooled or heated smoke and air alternatively passed through regenerator经加热的空气送至玻璃窑,参与燃烧Heated air is sent to Glass Smelting Furnace ,and participated in combus
20、tion冷却后的烟气离开蓄热室进入总烟道,然后排向烟囱。Cooled smoke leaves regenerator to general flue, then exhausted to chimney,二、玻璃窑余热锅炉Glass Smelting Furnace Waste Heat Boiler1.工作原理及基本组成 Working principles and basic components1.3玻璃窑余热利用流程 Waste heat utilization process of Glass Smelting Furnace,二、玻璃窑余热锅炉Glass Smelting Fur
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