1、Improve Business Results Through People通过人改进经营结果,NEUSOFT Corporation软件集团有限公司March 2001二OO一年三月,抱死筹史锗凌藐咒塔罚烈诞乙泛仰障独棋室那耐松桅绊灿锈惯紫照抡赡愧项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),About this Material关于这份材料,In response to “Neusoft” invitation, Hewitt provide in this material our suggested project approach to help Neusoft bui
2、ld up the world-wide standard human resource management system, which will be especially focused on the job design/evaluation, compensation design and performance management. This documentation demonstrates how we will proceed this project. We also emphasize our understandings upon your needs, our m
3、ethodologies for the fulfillment and some detailed issues during the co-operation between Neusoft and Hewitt.我们接受了软件集团有限公司的委托,为贵公司提供一份关于公司将如何帮助制定一个世界标准的人力资源管理系统,尤其是东大特别关注的工作设计/评估,薪酬激励及绩效管理系统的设计方案。本文本中所包括的信息说明了我们将如何进行这个项目。我们特别指出了我们对贵公司需求的理解、完成这个项目的方法过程以及公司与东大合作的许多细节问题。The suggested project approach a
4、dopts some successful ideas and procedures which have been proved in other human resource consulting projects. We acknowledge that you will have some modifications based on our suggestions to ensure the success of this project. We look forward to getting your input. 这个建议的过程采纳了一些其他人力资源发展项目中运行较好的步骤。我们
5、认识到为了保证项目的成功运作你们可能会对我们所提出的设计方案做出相应的改动。我们随时欢迎贵公司的指导,并希望贵方提出你们的想法以改进我们的建议方案。,往钱狗卑藐狞雁卷哪讣炊剐荆鞋铲苇策孙麦琼密竿盯说愤备董匝栓铣柳丛项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Contents内容,About Hewitt Associates 关于公司 Our Understanding of Your Situation 对贵公司情况的理解 Linking HR Issues to Business 人力资源问题与公司业务相结合 Considering Factors in Design and
6、 Implementation设计和实施所要考虑的因素Our Suggested Approach 我们的设计方案Our Consulting Team 我们的咨询团队 Our Experience in Telecom Industry in Asia Pacific我们在亚太区电信业上的经验Fee and Timing 费用与时间结构,澳员坝捷掀贤伴玖阶张匝著伪蹬撑空胚麻逞皋计麻绞明淌荫颁上例鲤窥破项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Hewitt Associates LLC咨询公司,蜕绒噎寸牛欢沏齿试阔执谭垂视佰禄祈爆恼勒凰功肩萄四铡层略搪刨轮枉项目建议书(PPT
7、77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Hewitt Associates公司,Global management consulting firm specializing in people solutions to business issues专长于从人员管理入手解决商业经营问题的全球性管理咨询公司Largest human resources consulting firm in the U.S.A为美国最大的人力资源咨询公司 12,000 Associates world-wide全球 12,000 名员工75% of Fortune 500 are Hewitt clients财富5
8、00强中75%的公司为翰威特公司的客户Over 1.28 billion USD in revenue in FY 2000 2000年度销售收入达12.8亿美金81 offices in 37 countries在37个国家建立了81个办事处19 offices in Asia Pacific 在亚洲建立了19个办事机构,掐淑庶但叼邢洲漳女衍颂蛤鞠蜡办冲涂镁雏忆猴业欲铅蜡部酮躬坞堪汽晨项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Hewitt in China (Cont)公司(续),Largest and most experienced workforce consultin
9、g firm in China中国规模最大并且经验最丰富的人力资源咨询公司3 offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong with nearly 100 Associates在上海、北京、和香港办事处拥有近100名员工6 years of client experience in China六年在华咨询经验800+ clients in China在中国已拥有800多家跨国客户公司的客户基础Multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-talented staff跨文化、多种语言能力、多方面经验技能的咨询队伍One-fir
10、m firm全球一体化的组织结构,惟屋钝恢滑筐恰啄粤万丸佰撑偶柒导驮蚂幅屿蚁辟膛蔫玄苟苟渠钞崎场渍项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Our Consulting Experience我们的咨询经验,Largest and most experienced restructure, compensation and performance management consulting practice in China中国最大、最有经验的重组,薪酬及绩效管理咨询队伍40 full-time consultants40 名全职咨询顾问Most experience in pr
11、ogram design在项目设计方面拥有丰富的经验Organizational change, Salary structure, job evaluation, pay delivery .机构重组,工资结构、职位评估、工资发放.Experience with SOEs, JVs, Rep Offices, WOFEs, Private Chinese companies与国营企业、合资企业、外商代表处、独资企业及中国的私营公司均有合作经验Working relationship with MOF and CSRC 与财政部和证监会的良好合作关系,蜘触疟更柳案推遭雨伦流惭痔胎凯舔檬绍禾篙虾
12、辖估横跪咏湃郸辟敞炉蔷项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),How to Help Our China Clients(current project)如何帮助在华的客户企业(近期项目),照盘闯肇途惕蕊啼笔回慈靶怎炎痢客残辖朵逼讶颂掉苔笨央锯谎牛诺久跺项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Our Experience in Telecom Industry in Asia Pacific 在亚太地区电信业的服务经验,凰夕酋骇袱射萎侦综魔鹃坝回卤猖吸袄咳色轿拎颠诱舒沈垒繁窖凉牺俩暗项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Our Clien
13、ts in Telecom Industry and Information Industry (在电信及信息行业的客户),哼躺涡厄迹舍衫慑藻挪片橡罪琢搅甭树康腋篆苏蒋七营趣斥骑莎荫馏澎狞项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Success in workforce planning requires HR to:成功的进行员工队伍战略部署计划需要人力资源部门来:Understand outcomes desired by business了解企业经营的预期成果Understand business strategies for obtaining outcomes了解获得
14、这些成果所要采取的经营策略Define best organization structure to support business strategy设计最佳组织结构来支持经营战略Define people requirements needed to achieve business strategy确定完成企业经营策略所需的员工素质能力要求Develop strategies for delivering people requirements制定将员工能力付诸于实践的策略Develop techniques for monitoring progress toward goals发展对
15、于达到目标的进程进行监控的技能,Linking People Strategy to Business Strategy将人力资源战略与企业经营战略相联系,辗太鼻瓶矿吴驼荆烽弄敦绰负苇讹彼果孽焚败窝课肇淆恃必学屏德娱噬抵项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Rewarding薪酬管理,Align Organization to Business Strategy组织与经营策略相统一,Desired Business Results经营目标,Business Strategies经营策略,People Requirements对员工的要求,HR Strategies人力资源策
16、略,Employee Needs员工的需求,HR人力资源,Performing绩效管理,Learning培训发展,Staffing人员配置,Employee Satisfaction员工满意,Customer Satisfaction客户满意,Organizing组织管理,腑位位廊祁习佃慧福幸股建蛔青经份颂畅驱扎撂豌升曰纪邮溅碴相撞绥采项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Our Understanding of Your Situation我们对贵公司的理解,悄九躯星硕仑李瑟脯丝孵几诞赊止附龙淤浙枪椰拾素蘑繁店留丰倡荷集潦项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 7
17、7页),Our Understanding of Your Situation我们对贵公司情况的理解,Number of employees: Over2700员工人数: 2700余人Registed Capital:0.56billion RMB注册资本:5.6亿元Main line of business:经营范围:Products or services: Application software and solutions产品或服务: 应用软件的供应商和解决方案的提供者Operation location: Shenyang & Dalian主要营业地: 沈阳和大连,寓幻阻梦鸦卓揉料盎
18、邮斋倔卜则嫂能萍变呻铆响编萌希洋亚凳请善昏盂益项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Business and HR Issues企业经营及人力资源状况,Company is experiencing increasing competition for talent and market share 面临日趋激烈的人才及市场份额的竞争Current human resources systems do not support the firms need to be more competitive in the market and the war of talents现
19、有人力资源体制不能有效支持企业提高人才及市场竞争力的要求Need to address the efficiency, competitiveness, and longevity of current organization structure需要提高现有组织结构的效率、市场竞争力以及有效寿命WTO will have an impact on your competitive situation中国入世对你们的竞争地位将产生影响Need to develop an effective compensation and performance management program that
20、:着手制定有效的薪酬激励和绩效管理计划,此计划将:Is in alignment with business needs and results与企业经营绩效相互协调Helps attract, retain and motivate employees, especially for management staffs帮助吸引,留用和激励员工,尤其针对管理层Rewards competency and/or contribution奖励员工能力和/或贡献,隘邓榨堆湃篓弓朴邵码词艺纬捻涟这硕队隶伯佰梗阔蛮其镶溯贾回随怕裁项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Our Resp
21、onse to Your Needs 我们对贵公司需要的反应,The remainder of this document presents Hewitts initial suggestions regarding how we might partner with Neusoft to resolve the issues at hand.Our suggested approach is in three main phases: 这份文件的以后部分呈现了翰威特公司的初步建议,有关为了解决相关问题我们将如何与东大进行合作。我们的建议方案包括以下三个主要阶段:Phase 1 - Execu
22、tive Interviews阶段1-高级经理面谈Phase 2 - Assesment of Current HR Practices, Presentation to Management阶段2-现有人力资源方案评估,并向管理层人员演讲介绍Phase 3 - Re-design Compensation Structure, Long term Incentive Plan and Performance Management System阶段3-重新设计薪酬结构、长期奖励计划以及绩效管理体系,下慰慑叶乡十测枯迈辩憨铆谭扯缅函站赢仕开摆膳仙往稗键仟冕臆绕邵庭项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目
23、建议书(PPT 77页),Our Response to Your Needs 我们对贵公司需要的反应,Because we understand from our meeting that development of a competency frame-work might also be valuable to Neusoft, we have included some suggestions on competencies and training in the appendix. Indeed, Hewitt advocates a holistic approach to al
24、l workforce programs rather than a piecemeal approach. This approach is particularly relevant when considering both your short and long-term business strategy. We believe that competencies can form the basis for all the key elements of your workforce programs.通过会议,我们了解到核心能力结构的设计以及管理培训也将对东大有一定的价值。因此我
25、们在附录中也包括了有关这两方面的建议。实际上,翰威特更主张提供一整套全面的人力资源方案,对公司的长远发展更为相关。核心能力是形成人力资源方案所有关健要素的基础。,宜剿仇霓抨爵甭曰糙诊匆谱赖润经央菊逛酵于戳藻裔钒情扒像衫予斌馆黄项目建议书(PPT 77页)项目建议书(PPT 77页),Overview of the Project Phases 项目阶段概览,Phase 1 阶段一Executive Interview of Neusofts top management to set directionfor long-term incentive plan, compensation phi
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