1、,海绵城市智慧防洪排涝建设方案,Three bioretention cells are built to treat the stormwater of the grey roof of North Building;处理北侧屋顶雨水的生态滞蓄池A multifunctional detention pond comprising wetland and open water body will be constructed to collect runoff from the roofs and the courtyard.多功能调节池(景观湖)A strawberry garden wi
2、ll be constructed in the corner of South and Center Buildings to make surrounding landscape closer to the nature. 草莓园,未建Two cisterns are installed at the south side of the bio-retention cells. 储水箱A rain garden and natural drainage system are arranged in the area between the bio-retention cells and t
3、he detention pond.雨水花园和自然排水系统The sidewalks in the courtyard are built by permeable bricks made of construction waste. 透水路面,Project setting of the Civil Structure Experimental Building Complex at Shenzhen University深大土木结构实验楼工程布置,The design storm is the maximum daily precipitation of 25 years return p
4、eriod (387mm). The storage of the LID facilities is designed according to the maximum historical hourly rainfall of 99.4mm in Shenzhen. The most of the roofs will be vegetated in order to reduce the hot island effect as well as the stormwater runoff through evapotranspiration. These eco-roofs will a
5、lso provide a valuable open space amenity in a dense congested environment which will be appreciated by the occupants. These benefits illustrate some of the triple bottom lines (pollutant removal, energy savings and amenity).,Innovative design 创新设计,Design Principles 设计原则,透水砖和非透水砖效果对比(深圳大学),常规砖,透水砖,T
6、wo of four roofs of the complex will be greening by means of approximately 25cm depth ecological structures. 南侧和中间连接段屋顶建造25cm厚的生态屋顶The eco-roofs are composed of the meadow planting, medium, gravel, geotextile protection and slotted PVC pipe inserted into the gravel.生态屋顶由植物、介质、防根层、排水花管和防渗层组成。All of t
7、hese eco-roofs will incorporate innovative outlet controls to enhance stormwater management, reduce evapotranspiration, and improve nitrogen retention. 设置创新的出流控制装置Two different medium formulations will be evaluated in the eco-roofs.使用两种不同的介质,Innovative design 创新设计,Image of the eco-roof in South Buil
8、ding南侧大楼生态屋顶效果图,Eco-roofs 生态屋顶,Innovative design 创新设计,Eco-roof in South Building(South area)南侧大楼生态屋顶(南侧),Eco-roofs 生态屋顶,Eco-roof in South Building (North area)已完工的南侧大楼生态屋顶(北侧),Outlet of eco-roof生态屋顶出流控制设施,Innovative design 创新设计,Eco-roofs 生态屋顶,Eco-roof in Center Building中间连接大楼生态屋顶,The demonstration a
9、rea is located on the roof of Center building 在中间屋顶设有示范段,深圳大学建设工程生态技术研究所创新技术,Innovative design 创新设计,Eco-roofs 生态屋顶,Outlet Control of the eco-roof in Center Building中间连接大楼生态屋顶出流控制装置,Outlet Control of the eco-roof in Center Building中间连接大楼生态屋顶出流控制装置,深圳大学建设工程生态技术研究所创新技术,LID Facilities of the Civil Struc
10、ture Experimental Building Complex at Shenzhen University深圳大学土木構造物実験棟LID設備,The LID facilities in the courtyard are under construction.工事中LID施設(2012年9月25),Bio-retention Cells,Raingarden雨水庭園,Natural Drainage system自然排水,Permeable walkway透水歩道,Wetland湿地,Landscaping pond景観池,混合土(底泥:沙土:椰糠),LID Facilities of
11、 the Civil Structure Experimental Building Complex at Shenzhen University深圳大学土木構造物実験棟LID設備,The LID facilities in the courtyard are under construction.工事中LID施設,Bio-retention Cells,Raingarden雨水庭園,Natural Drainage system自然排水,Permeable walkway透水歩道,Wetland湿地,Landscaping pond景観池,混合土(底泥:沙土:椰糠),底泥,底泥,Innova
12、tive design 创新设计,深圳大学建设工程生态技术研究所创新技术,LID facilities in the courtyard地表LID设施,Natural Drainage system自然排水系统,Raingarden雨水花园,Bio-retention Cells生态蓄水池,Wetland湿地,Landscaping pond多功能蓄水池,透水铺装,水箱,Three bioretention cells are built to treat the stormwater of the grey roof of North Building;处理北侧屋顶雨水的生态滞蓄池A nat
13、ure drainage system is used to transfer the treated water and runoff in the courtyard to raingarden;自然排水系统The rain garden is built for treating stormwater in the courtyard;雨水花园The multifunctional detention pond is designed to regulate stormwater and use as landscaping. The south part of the detentio
14、n pond is designed in the type of wetland to purify the stormwater.多功能调节池,LID facilities in the courtyard地表LID设施,Natural Drainage system自然排水系统,Bio-retention Cells生态蓄水池,渗流井,分流井,A 1kW pump is installed to pump the pond water into the raingarden. 1kW水泵A triangular weir in the middle of the natural drai
15、nage system is installed to measure the surface runoff when it is raining, and it also used for the hydraulic experiment class for the students.学生实验用三角堰To utilize the treated water from the eco-roofs, two 2m3 cisterns are installed in the courtyard. 蓄水箱Permeable Pavement渗透路面,Innovative design 创新设计,渗
16、透路面,景观湖,人工湿地,蓄水箱,Measurement and experimental analysis 观测与实验分析,Each of these eco-roofs and bioretention cells will be continuously monitored for flow, with composite sampling of every runoff event in the beginning two years. The flow of the eco-roof of Center and South Buildings will be measured by
17、8 outlet controls comprising 90V-Notch weir and tee. Collected samples will be composited to obtain seasonal mass loads of nutrients, metals and other stressors in runoff into and leaving each facility. A series of selected events will also be evaluated to obtain the range of performance that occurs
18、 over each season.,生态屋顶观测设施,Measurement and experimental analysis 观测与实验分析,The difference between inflows and outflows of bioretention cells will be monitored. A flume will be installed at the end of the natural drainage system to monitor the flow into rain garden. The meteorological data such as rai
19、nfall, evaporation, humidity and temperature around the Civil Structure Experimental Building Complex will be measured by using the mini meteorological station on the roof of North Building. The measured data will be used for analyzing the effects of the eco-roofs and the LID facilities in the court
20、yard.,深圳大学土木结构实验楼LID工程,Measurement and experimental analysis 观测与实验分析,SJ-2A 记录式雨量计由雨量传感器、连接电缆、记录仪器等组成。雨量传感器由盛水器、导水漏斗、传感器、安装架、盖等组成。盛水器口径为200mm,通过锥形导水漏斗将雨水导入内部传感器装置进行测量,通过连接电缆对降雨量将书传送至仪器内部单片机进行处理并储存,同时在仪器显示屏上对当前雨量值进行显示。同时可对历史雨量变化曲线进行显示,通过按键操作,可查阅不同日期及不同时间段的雨量变化。,SJ-2A 记录式雨量计,Rainfall monitoring,Evapora
21、tion monitoring,Measurement and experimental analysis观测与实验分析,巴歇尔量水槽由上游收缩段、短直喉道和下游扩散段三部分组成。收缩段的槽底向下游倾斜,扩散段槽底的倾斜方向与喉道槽底相反,其结构如图下图所示。 其它常数项需要实验确定,一般情况如下,F=60cm, G=90cm; K=8cm, N-23cm,x=5cm, y=8cm; E根据渠道深度而定,高出上游水位0.1-0.2cm,一般可采用1.00米。量水槽上下游护底长都为槽底高H的函数: 上游护底L=4H; 下游护底L=(6-8) H; 同时,由于量水槽内流速较大,喉道中水面的波动也很
22、大,直接在槽中测定水位有困难。因此,在槽壁设置后观测井,安量测水尺。井底比槽槛要低20-25cm,测井与量水槽可用平置的金属管或混凝土管连接,管子的中心线应高出槽底3cm,上游水尺位于喉道上游距喉道首端(2/3)处,下游水尺位于喉道末端以上5cm的槽壁处。上下游水尺零点与槽底高要齐平,观测井要无漏水现象,井中经常理泥沙,井上加盖,避免杂物入内。,设置在雨水花园内的巴歇尔槽(Parshall flume),Discharge monitoring of Natural drainage system,Measurement and experimental analysis 观测与实验分析,三角
23、堰triangular weir出水堰类型 常见的出水堰类型有三种:三角堰、梯形堰、矩形堰。 其中的三角堰直角三角堰和锐角三角堰两种, 矩形堰又分为不淹没式矩形堰 和淹没式矩形堰。本规范重点介绍污水中常见的三角堰、梯形堰。 三角堰 主要由堰板和堰口两部分组成。,设置在生态滞蓄池旁边的三角堰,Discharge monitoring of Bioretention cells,深圳大学土木结构实验楼LID设施,生态屋顶和地表LID设施按25年一遇最大日降雨量进行设计。工程实施后,通过植物和媒介物对暴雨污染物进行净化处理,排入景观湖和市政管网的水质达到国家地表水环境质量标准II类水标准。不但能够保
24、证土木工程实验楼周边不会发生内涝,而且可以净化区域内(约3000m2)的暴雨,消除了面源污染,年雨水利用量约2000 m3,利用率达50%。LID设施不到可以用于教师和学生的水文、水质及水力学等实验,而且教育师生重视生态环境。该项目是我国第一项真正意义上的LID工程,改进了美国LID技术,是世界上最先进的面源污染防止技术之一。,深圳大学土木结构实验楼实验大厅屋顶,智慧监测与运营管理,深大生态屋顶和地表LID设施的监测除了降雨是自动观测外,蒸发量、流量、水质均没有实现自动观测。 实施智慧海绵城市建设的主要步骤:,智慧海绵城市建设步骤,建立智慧城市建设模型(设计图纸模块(含设计目标、平面图、剖面图
25、、节点大样图)、施工过程及验收模块、监测模块、维护模块、运营管理模块);在线监测数据的传输(所有监测设施自动化);检查海绵城市设施是否达到设计要求;根据监测结果,调整海绵城市的运营方式或进行工程修复;根据水质监测结果,决定是否更换海绵城市设施介质。,Green Construction 绿色施工,为保证该项目顺利实施,主要采取了以下措施:1)设计、施工一体化招标,减少沟通环节;2)透水路面和生态屋顶人行道采用建筑垃圾制成的透水砖;3)介质大量采用南山水厂的废弃物;4)部分装饰用材料利用废弃的易拉罐;5)与设计单位沟通后,植被采用本地植物。,生态滞留池及蓄水箱,Landscaping pond多
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