1、2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,结核性胸膜炎(Tuberculous Pleural Effusion),2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Anatomy:解剖学:Visceral pleura脏层胸膜Parietal pleura壁层胸膜Latent space潜在腔隙,概 述,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,I.Etiology: Mycobacterium tuberculosis 病因:结核分枝杆菌,病因和发病机制,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Discovered by Dr.Koch in 1882 由Dr.Koch 于1882年发现 Aci
2、d-fast 抗酸染色性,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Pathogenesis :two theories发病机制:两种学说 Delayed hypersensitive reaction 迟发性高敏反应 Pleural infection 胸膜感染,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,1.Pleural congestion with cell infiltration, unilateral in most cases. 胸膜充血,细胞浸润,多数病例累及单侧胸膜,病 理,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,In the early stage, polymorph
3、s predominate. 早期以多型核细胞为主 Typically, lymphocytes predominate. 典型表现以淋巴细胞为主2. Tuberculous nodules 结核结节3. Exudative effusion 渗出液,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,临床表现,Symptoms 症状Age, often seen in young people, but also in elderly people1. 年龄,多见于年轻人,但也可见于老年人Fever, typically 3738C, but can be 39C2. 发热,典型者37-38C,但也有
4、39C者,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Chest pain, more severe when there is only little fluid.3. 胸痛,胸水少时明显Breathlessness, when there is a lot of fluid.4. 气短,胸水多时明显,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Physical signs 体征Inspection: fullness of chest in the involved side.1. 视诊:患侧胸廓饱满2. Palpation: trachea shifts to the other side,
5、 weakness of vocal fremitus .2. 触诊:气管向健侧移位,触觉语颤减低,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,3.Percussion: dullness in the involved side.3. 叩诊:患侧实音4.Auscultation:disappearance of breathing sound4. 听诊:患侧呼吸音消失干性胸膜炎典型体征:胸膜摩擦音,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,实验室和其他检查,1. Chest X-ray 胸片 Fluid is visible only when more than 300 ml. 胸水超过30
6、0ml时胸片可以发现 CT is needed in a few cases. 少数病例需做CT,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,Pericardial effusion 心包积液,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,2. Ultrasonic examination 超声检查 More accurate than X-rays. 诊断胸水比X线准确 Can provide vital information for thoracentesis. 能为胸
7、腔穿刺术提供关键资料,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,3. Thoracentesis and fluid examination - essential 胸腔穿刺术诊断的关键,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,(1)Fluid routine - exudate 胸水常规渗出液 specific gravity 1.018; 比重 1.018 WBC 500/cmm, predominated by polymorphs at early stage and lymphocytes later 白细胞计数 500/cmm, 早期以多型核细胞为主,以后以淋巴细胞为主 prot
8、ein 3gram/dl 蛋白含量 3gram/dl,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,(2) Acid-fast staining for acid-fast bacilli (not sensitive).(2)抗酸染色(不敏感)(3) Culture for tuberculous bacilli (time consuming).(3) 结核杆菌培养(费时间)(4) Others: culture for bacteria, cytological exam, etc.(4) 其他:细菌培养,细胞学检查,等等,2022/12/4,河北联合大学附属医院,4.Pleural nee
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