第八章 英语定语及定语从句的翻译课件.ppt
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1、第八章 定语及定语从句子翻译,一、英语定语的语法特征,1. 英语的定语的位置:中心词在中间,前后都可有修饰语,即“修饰词+中心词+修饰词。,后置修饰语:英语的后置定语一般以短语或句子为主,如:,中心词,后置定语,前置定语,前置修饰语:,英语的前置定语一般以词为主,如:,单个的形容词、数词、物主代词、普通名词、分词、动名词和所有格等,,examples:a stone buildingfaded flowersboiling waterJohns house the changed world。,特殊的单个修饰词、介词短语、形容词短语、分词短语、不定式短语、定语从句等。,2. 英语中后置单词作定
2、语现象,1)以 等结尾的形容词。中心词前大都有 之类的词修饰,而且形容词和名词关系较不紧密。,able、ible,形容词最高级或all、only,This is the only reference book available her on the subject.He is the only person reliable. We must try to help them in every way possible.,2)修饰 等构成的不定代词和名词 的形容词。,some、any、no、every,There is nothing unexpected about it.No one e
3、lse came to the party.Is there anything new?,things、matters,3) 一些副词,如表方位和时间的副词,如:here, there, in, out, above, below, abroad, before, today, yesterday,home等。,the way ahead、the meeting yesterday、 the day before。He has just returned from his trip abroad.All the buildings around were built in 2009.They
4、live in the room above.The sentence below is very important. The newspapers today are boring ?,4) 起强调用的单个分词。The man speaking The department concerned,被牵涉到的人员,The people involved,讨论的问题,The problems discussed,完成的工作,The work done,他们坐上船时,一阵微风徐徐吹来。,他们的高水平表明了他们所取得的进步。,When they got into the boat there was
5、 a light breeze blowing,Their high standard showed the progress made.,5) 一些以字母a开始的形容词或具有标语力量的形容词,如:People alive were not afraid any longer. All the people present began to shout:” Welcome! Welcome!”,但当它们被修饰时,一般前置,如:,他是当时唯一醒着的人。,He was the only person awake at the moment.,我是世上最快活的人。,I am the happiest
6、 man alive.,我们看见一所房子燃烧着。,We saw a house afire.,一个婴儿睡在床上。,There was a baby asleep in the bed.,the half-asleep children the full awake patient a somewhat afraid soldiera really alive student a very ashamed girl,aware、alone、alike、alight、ashamed、astir等。,6)一些外来词和成语,其形容词修饰语放在名词后面。,Heir,Heir,The body,Court
7、,Postmaster,Secretary,Things,Things,Chapter,Matters,The mistake,the day,The third person,法定继承人,假定继承人,政治团体,军事法庭,邮电局长,外国事物,秘书长,艺术品,第三章,政治上的问题,所犯的错误,第三人称单数,次日,apparent,presumptive,politic,martial,general,general,foreign,artistic,three,political,made,following,singular,7) 由 等并列连词连接的两个意义相反或相互映衬的形容词作定语时,
8、。当修饰性的形容词达到两个以上,最好全体后置,或把最有概括性的形容词放在被修饰语的前面,其余形容词后置。People,old and young, love him very much. He bored us with a speech, long, tedious and incoherent.The dry weather, cold and invigorating ,made March a very bracing month.,Every nation, big or small , has its strong and weak points.,Teachers, old an
9、d new, must respect each other.,He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.,国家不论大小,都有长处和短处。,新旧老师应相互尊重。,他看了各种各样的书,古今中外都有。,必须后置,and、but或or,例如:You can ask someone else. Have you looked for it anywhere else? What else did they say?,else,8) 用来修饰复合不定代词、复合不定副词、疑问代词、疑问副词等时,必须后置,3.英语
10、中短语定语后置,1) 英语中介词短语作后置定语:It was a bolt from the blue.The picture on the wall is very beautiful.The men over there are our teachers.,他是个十岁左右的男孩。,On the top of the hill stands a pagoda about a hundred feet high.,He carries a girl about 1.8 meters tall.,He is a boy about 10 years old.,山顶上有一座十丈高的宝塔。,他背着个
11、1.8米高的女孩子。,2) 英语中形容词短语作后置定语: Its a bag full of money.,Chinese is a language easy to learn but difficult to master.,他提了一个既经济又切实可行的办法。,We found a rope long enough.,Marriage is a matter hard to handle.,He suggested a method at once economical and practical.,汉语是一门易学却难以掌握的语言。,我们找到了一根够长的绳子。,婚姻是个难以处理的问题。,3
12、) 英语中不定式作定语I have much housework to do on weekends. I give you some paper to write on.,This may not be the best book to start with.,Do you have enough food to last a week?,你有足以维持一周的食物吗?,一开始读这本书不一定最适合。,分词或分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句。The cooling water(=the water that is cooling) the water being cooled(=the wate
13、r that is being cooled)the cooled water(=the water that has been cooled)Is this the problem being discussed?(=Is this the problem that is being discussed?)I received an e-mail sent only five minutes ago.(= I received an e-mail ,which was sent only five minutes ago.),The woman holding a baby in her a
14、rms is waiting to see the doctor.,He had made a thorough study of all the dialects spoken in Scotland.,4) 英语中分词短语作定语,他对苏格兰所有的方言都做了透彻的研究。,那个手里抱着婴儿的妇女正等着医生看病。,5)英语从句作定语,由关系代词和关系副词所引导的从句,在句中做定语,便构成了定语从句。定语从句一般是对某一名词进行修饰和限定。被修饰的中心词称为先行词,而定语从句则置于先行词之后。,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。,非限制性定语从句的句子,主句意思是不完整的,必须靠从句
15、的补充说明,全句意义才能表达清楚。如果去掉,意义则会不清楚,甚至有所改变。,限制性定语从句对所修饰的先行词起限制作用,与先行词关系密切,定语从句和先行词之间不用逗号分开。,Do you know the old man who lives in the little house? The house whose windows are broken has been empty. He wont wear any clothes which will make him different from others.He wont wear any clothes, which will make
16、 him different from others.He wont wear any clothes, which will make him different from others.,他不愿意穿任何会使他显得与众不同的衣服。,他不愿意穿衣服,(因为)衣服会使他显得与众不同。,他不愿意穿衣服,这样会使他显得与众不同。,4. 英语单词定语的排列顺序,英语单词定语排列顺序表:,中两个或两个以上的单词定语放在中心词前共同修饰一个名词时,遵循两个原则:,The three Japanese cities,A small round wooden table,The ancient Chinese
17、 writer,A powerful ,industrial ,socialist country,日本的三座城市,中国的古代作家,社会主义工业强国,一张木头小圆桌,汉语恰恰相反,翻译时,应按汉语的习惯对英语的词序进行调整。,1.由小范围到大范围,由次要意义到重要意义,由程度弱到程度强,由一般到专有,2. 意思越具体,物质性越强,就越近名词。,The advanced foreign experience,外国的先进经验,英语,A round chalk-white face,A good deep-water harbour,A large new building,一个深水良港,一座新大楼
18、,A high steep mountain,陡峭的高山,一片白色孤帆,A lonely white sail,英语中表示大小、高低、形状和一些泛指性的形容词用单词表示时,其词序往往与汉语不一样,它们常远离被修饰的名词。,汉语恰恰相反,它们常靠近被修饰词。,灰白的圆脸,二、英汉定语的差异对比,1. 位置汉语:中心词在最后,修饰语一律前置,即修饰语+中心词。汉语中心词之后是封闭的,朝前开放的,要增加修饰语就向左扩展。,英语:中心词在中间,前后都可有修饰语,即“修饰词+中心词+修饰词。英语中心词的两端都是开放的,但向前,即向左扩展是有限的,而中心词之后,即向右扩展是自由的。,中心词,前置定语,中心
19、词,前置定语,后置定语,英语:Beijing girlsPretty Beijing girlsYoung and pretty Beijing girlsTwo young and pretty Beijing girlsTwo young and pretty Beijing girls with a fair complexionTwo young and pretty Beijing girls with a fair complexion and slender figureTwo young and pretty Beijing girls with a fair complexi
20、on and slender figure who are looking at us Two young and pretty Beijing girls with a fair complexion and slender figure who are smiling, looking at us,汉语: 姑娘 北京姑娘 漂亮的北京姑娘 年青漂亮的北京姑娘身材苗条年青漂亮的北京姑娘皮肤白皙身材苗条年青漂亮的北京姑娘两个皮肤白皙身材苗条年青漂亮的北京姑娘正看着我们的两个皮肤白皙身材苗条年青漂亮的北京姑娘正面带着微笑看着我们的两个皮肤白皙身材苗条年青漂亮的北京姑娘,He was the man
21、 who wrote the letter which Mary found in the house which she rented from the man who taught her uncle.,译文:他是那个人。他是那个写信的人。他是写那封玛丽在房子里找到的信的那个人。他是写那封玛丽在她从别人那里租来的房子里找到的信的那个人。他是写那封玛丽在她从教她叔父的那个人租来的房子里找到的信的那个人。,在理论上,英语的后置定语可以无限制发展下去。,汉语,英语的前置定语受到很大限制,不能够太复杂。,2.功能,汉语的定语只对中心词起修饰和限制的作用。,英语单词定语,可以起修饰和限制的作用;短语
22、英语和定语从句,可以起修饰和限制的作用;,更重要的是英语短语和定语从句,还可以用来表示补充、交代细节、分层叙述以及表条件、原因、目的、结果、让步、转折或假设等逻辑关系。,3. 多重定语的排列顺序,1)汉英分类定语排列顺序表:分类定语是对定语中心所代表的人或事物起客观分类的作用的定语,通常由客观形容词(含起形容词作用的分词和名词)充当。客观形容词表示人或事物内在与本质的特征,如大小,形状,新旧、年龄、颜色、来源等。,大厅里摆着几张老式的法国产的,又大又圆的餐桌。,We ate at the new Chinese restaurant.,This office is equipped with
23、new black steel furniture.,There are some big round old French eating tables in the hall.,我们在那家新的中国餐馆吃了饭。,这间办公室配置了崭新的黑色钢质家具。,2) 英汉描写定语排列顺序,He is an eager, intelligent boy.译文1: 他是一个聪明好学的孩子。译文2:他是一个好学的、聪明的孩子。We arrived at a dirty, gloomy and desolate place, but met with a nice, dainty and fashionable
24、lady.译文1: 我们来到一个阴暗、肮脏、荒芜的地方,碰到的却是一位漂亮、时髦、讨人喜欢的女郎。译文2: 我们来到一个肮脏、阴暗、荒芜的地方,碰到的却是一位讨人喜欢的、漂亮的、时髦的女郎。,描写定语是对定语所代表的人或事物起主观描写的定语,常由主观形容词(表示说话人主观看法的形容词)充当。几个描写定语同时出现,它们在句法上一般呈现并列关系。,英语一般按“先短后长”的原则来安排其顺序。,汉语较灵活,有时根据“先短后长”的原则来安排其顺序,有时根据读音的音韵节律安排顺序。,三、英语定语从句翻译技巧,1. 前置译法2. 分译法3. 融合法 4. 译为状语从句5. 特种定语从句的翻译,将较短的定语从
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- 第八章 英语定语及定语从句的翻译课件 第八 英语 定语 从句 翻译 课件
