信息科学与电子工程专业英语Lecture03 n课件.ppt
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1、1,任爱锋电子工程学院 E-mail: Office: 新科技楼A901 Phone: 88202830-607 Mobile: 13384919599,2,Unit 3 电磁场, 天线和微波EM Fields, Antenna and Microwaves,Unit 3-1 电磁场,Electromagnetic Field,3,New Words,4,The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charge
2、d objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces in the nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction),电磁场是由带电物体产生的物理场
3、。它会影响场附近的带电物体的行为。电磁场在空间无限延伸,描述电磁相互作用。它是自然界中四个基本作用力之一(其余为万有引力,弱相互作用,强相互作用)。,Unit 3-1 电磁场,5,The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are oft
4、en described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwells equations and the Lorentz force law.,电磁场可以看成是电场和磁场的结合。电场是由静止电荷产生的,磁场由运动电荷(电流)产生;这两种(电荷)通常被描述为电磁场的源。电荷和电流与电磁场相互作用的方式由麦克斯韦方程组和洛伦兹力定律所描述。,Unit 3-1 电磁场,6,From
5、a classical point of view, the electromagnetic field can be regarded as a smooth, continuous field, propagated in a wavelike manner, whereas from a quantum mechanical point of view, the field can be viewed as being composed of photons.,从经典的角度,电磁场可认为是平滑、连续的场,以波动方式传播;而从量子力学的角度,场可看作是由光子组成的。,Unit 3-1 电磁
6、场,7,The electromagnetic field may be viewed in two distinct ways.Continuous structure: Classically, electric and magnetic fields are thought of as being produced by smooth motions of charged objects. For example, oscillating charges produce electric and magnetic fields that may be viewed in a “smoot
7、h”, continuous, wavelike manner.,电磁场可用两种截然不同的观点来看。连续结构:经典地,电场和磁场被认为是由带电物体的平滑运动产生的。例如,振荡电荷产生电场和磁场,可看成光滑的、连续的波动方式。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的结构,8,In this case, energy is viewed as being transferred continuously through the electromagnetic field between any two locations. For instance, the metal atoms in a radio
8、 transmitter appear to transfer energy continuously. This view is useful to a certain extent (radiation of low frequency), but problems are found at high frequencies (see ultraviolet catastrophe). This problem leads to another view.,这时,能量可以看成是在任意两个位置之间通过电磁场连续地传递。例如,在无线电发射机中的金属原子(看来是)连续地传递能量。这个观点在一定程
9、度上(低频辐射)是有用的,但是高频时就有问题(如紫外灾难)。由此产生了另一种观点。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的结构,The ultraviolet catastrophe, also called the Rayleigh-Jeans catastrophe, was a prediction of early 20th century classical physics that an ideal black body at thermal equilibrium will emit radiation with infinite power.,9,Discrete structure
10、: The electromagnetic field may be thought of in a more “coarse” way. Experiments reveal that electromagnetic energy transfer is better described as being carried away in photons with a fixed frequency. Plancks relation links the energy E of a photon to its frequency n through the equation: E = h n,
11、离散结构:电磁场可以一种比较“粗略”的方式来考虑。实验表明:电磁场的能量传递可以更好地描述为用固定频率的光子来传递。普朗克的关系式将光子的能量E及其频率v 通过下式联系起来:E = h n,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的结构,10,where h is Plancks constant, named in honor of Max Planck, and n is the frequency of the photon. For example, in the photoelectric effect the emission of electrons from metallic surfa
12、ces by electromagnetic radiation it is found that increasing the intensity of the incident radiation has no effect, and that only the frequency of the radiation is relevant in ejecting electrons.1,其中h是为纪念马克斯普朗克而命名的普朗克常量。v是光子的频率。例如在光电效应中,即因电磁辐射而从金属表面发射电子的现象,我们发现增加入射辐射的强度并无影响,只有辐射频率与发射的电子有关。,Unit 3-1
13、电磁场电磁场的结构,11,This quantum picture of the electromagnetic field has proved very successful, giving rise to quantum electrodynamics, a quantum field theory describing the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with charged matter.,已经证明电磁场的量子描述是非常成功的,引出了量子电动力学。量子电动力学是一种描述电磁辐射与带电物体之间相互作用的量子场理论。,Unit 3
14、-1 电磁场电磁场的结构,12,In the past, electrically charged objects were thought to produce two types of field associated with their charge property. An electric field is produced when the charge is stationary with respect to an observer measuring the properties of the charge and a magnetic field (as well as
15、an electric field) is produced when the charge moves (creating an electric current) with respect to this observer.,过去,认为带电物体会产生与它们电荷性质有关的两种场。相对于测量电荷性质的观察者,电荷静止时产生电场,电荷运动(产生电流)时产生磁场(和电场)。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的动力学(Dynamics of the electromagnetic field),13,Over time, it was realized that the electric and ma
16、gnetic fields are better thought of as two parts of a greater whole the electromagnetic field.2,随着时间的推移,人们认识到电场和磁场是电磁场这一整体的两个部分。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的动力学(Dynamics of the electromagnetic field),14,Once this electromagnetic field has been produced from a given charge distribution, other charged objects in
17、this field will experience a force (in a similar way that planets experience a force in the gravitational field of the Sun). If these other charges and currents are comparable in size to the sources producing the above electromagnetic field, then a new net electromagnetic field will be produced.3,一旦
18、给定的电荷分布产生了电磁场,那么在电磁场中的其它带电物体就会受到一个力的作用(就像行星受到太阳重力场的力一样)。如果这些电荷和电流的大小与产生上述电磁场的源是可比的,那么将产生一个新的净电磁场。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的动力学(Dynamics of the electromagnetic field),15,Thus, the electromagnetic field may be viewed as a dynamic entity that causes other charges and currents to move, and which is also affected
19、 by them. These interactions are described by Maxwells equations and the Lorentz force law.,这样,电磁场可以认为是一个动力学实体,它促使其它电荷和电流运动,同时又受它们影响。这些相互作用可由麦克斯韦方程和洛伦兹力定律来描述。,Unit 3-1 电磁场电磁场的动力学(Dynamics of the electromagnetic field),16,Unit 3 电磁场, 天线和微波EM Fields, Antenna and Microwaves,Unit 3-2 微带天线,Microstrip Ant
20、enna,17,New Words,18,New Words,19,In telecommunication, there are several types of microstrip antennas (also known as printed antennas) the most common of which is the microstrip patch antenna or patch antenna. A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by etching the antenna elem
21、ent pattern in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate with a continuous metal layer bonded to the opposite side of the substrate which forms a ground plane.1,通信中,有几种微带天线(又叫印刷天线),其中最普通的是微带片状天线 或片状天线。片状天线是一种窄带宽波束的天线,通过将天线单元图样蚀刻到粘贴在绝缘基底上的金属轨迹而制成,基底的另一面则粘贴连续的金属层形成接地平面。,Unit 3-2 微带天线,20
22、,Common microstrip antenna radiator shapes are square, rectangular, circular and elliptical, but any continuous shape is possible. Some patch antennas eschew a dielectric substrate and suspend a metal patch in air above a ground plane using dielectric spacers; the resulting structure is less robust
23、but provides better bandwidth.,通常微带天线辐射器的形状有正方形的,矩形的,圆形的和椭圆的,而任何连续的形状都是可以。一些片状天线为了避免绝缘基底,在接地平面的上空用绝缘逆电流器悬挂一个金属贴片;这种结构的鲁棒性不是很好,但能提供更好的带宽。,Unit 3-2 微带天线,21,Because such antennas have a very low profile, are mechanically rugged and can be conformable, they are often mounted on the exterior of aircraft
24、and spacecraft, or are incorporated into mobile radio communications devices.2,因为这种天线外形低矮,机械强度大,并且形状上适应性强,通常装在飞机或太空飞行器外表,或组合在移动无线电通信设备上。,Unit 3-2 微带天线,22,Microstrip antennas are also relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design because of the simple 2-dimensional physical geometry. They are usua
25、lly employed at UHF and higher frequencies because the size of the antenna is directly tied to the wavelength at the resonant frequency. A single patch antenna provides a maximum directive gain of around 6-9 dBi.,因为其简单的二维形状,所以微带天线的生产和设计相对来说不算太贵。微带天线通常用于UHF(超高频)和更高的频率,因为天线的尺寸直接受制于谐振频率的波长。一个简单的片状天线可以提
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