1、侯卓轩 Henry,雅思口语考试语简介,目录,1. 口语基本介绍2. 评分标准解析3. 官方口语示例视频 4. 常见问题,1. 口语基本介绍,时间:在笔试考试的前后,具体看报名时通知时长:约15分钟形式:一对一面谈流程:共3部分(见详述)用具:只需要带身份证与准考证进考场,Part 1 Introduction & General Questions,时长:4-5分钟内容:general everyday topics 与生活相关的话题hometown, study, schools, teachers, work, films, birthday, daily routine, friend
2、s, accommodation, music, sports, hobbies, newspapers, jewelry, books, celebrities 例:1. What kinds of things do you usually do in the evening?2. How often do you watch a film?3. What kind of music do you enjoy?,Part 2 Long Turn,时长:3-4分钟内容:对一事物进行描述。1分钟准备(提供笔和纸做笔记),2分钟作答。内容大致可归纳为4类:人、物、地点、事件。例:,Part 3
3、Analytical Discussion,时长:4-5分钟内容:对Part 2涉及到的话题进行延伸,提出探讨性的话题。例:1. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 2. What are the reasons of shopping online?3. Why is it important to give gifts to others?,2.评分标准,流利度流畅性|连贯性,发音音准|重音|语调,语法多样性|准确度,词汇广度|准度(褒贬|固定搭配),各部分权重:1:1:1:1,2.评分标准,FC:Fluency and Coherence
4、流畅性及连贯性1). Speak at length 详细阐述 What do you do? Im a teacher. Ive been a high school maths teacher in New York for over 5 years. 2). Organizing ideas logically 符合逻辑地组织观点3). Appropriately signposting进行适当的语义指示e.g. but, also, all of a sudden, to be honest,2.评分标准,FC:Fluency and Coherence流畅性及连贯性4). Expre
5、ss and justify opinions 表达辩护见解的能力e.g. In my view, I suppose, I completely agree 5). Discuss and speculate about issues 讨论并推测事件的能力e.g. Perhaps, probably, comparative degree6). No long pauses and repetition 避免长时间停顿和重复使用相同的用词e.g. Let me see. / Its not easy to answer this question. important = key, esse
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