语言学教程第三版 第八章 语用学ppt课件.ppt
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1、中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Language in Use,主讲人张智鹏,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,8.1 Speech Act Theory 8.1.1 Performatives and Constatives 8.1.2 A Theory of the Illocutionary Act8.2 The Theory of Conversational Implicature 8.2.1 The Cooperative Principle 8.2.2 Violation of the Maxims8.3 Post-Gricean Developments 8.3.
2、1 Relevance Theory 8.3.2 The Q- and R- principles 8.3.3 The Q-, I- and M-principles,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Definition of Pragmatics The study of language in use. The study of meaning in context. The study of speakers meaning, utterance meaning, or contextual meaning.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Speakers meanin
3、g (A father is trying to get his 3-year-old daughter to stop lifting up her dress to display her new underwear to the assemble.)Father: We dont DO that. Daughter: I KNOW, Daddy. You dont WEAR dresses. (wear = do) Explanations: Father: “We dont display underwear to others” (Yes) vs. “We dont wear und
4、erwear” (No) Daughter: I know you dont wear underwear.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Utterance Meaning vs. Sentence MeaningUtterance vs. Sentence Sentence: abstract units of the language system. Utterance: units of language in use.Sentence meaning: What does X mean?Utterance meaning: What do you mean by X? Do
5、g! My bag is heavy. “Janet! Donkeys!” (David Copperfield),中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Contextual Meaning: meaning in context The meaning of the sentence depends on who the speaker is , who the hearer is, when and where it is used. It was a hot Christmas day, so we went down to the beach in the afternoon and
6、 had a good time swimming and surfing. More examples: 1. A: Are you going to the seminar? B: Its on linguistics. (Maybe he is not interested in it, so he wouldnt go) 2. A: Would you like some coffee? B: Coffee would keep me awake. (I dont like coffee because I would be hard to go asleep with it),中华英
7、语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,John Austin (1911-1960)How to Do Things with Words (1962)speech acts: actions performed via utterances8.1.1 Performatives vs. Constatives(施为句与叙事句)Constatives: utterances which roughly serves to state a fact, report that something is the case, or describe what something is, e.g.: I g
8、o to the park every Sunday.I teach English. Performatives: utterances which are used to perform acts, do not describe or report anything at all; the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action; they cannot be said to be true or false.Performative verbs: name, bet, etc.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,E.g
9、. a. I do.b. I name this ship Queen Elizabeth.c. I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow.d. I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.e. I promise to finish it in time.f. I apologize.g. I declare the meeting open.h. I warn you that the bull will charge.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Felicity conditions: 合适/
10、适切条件A simplified version suggested by Austin is as follows:A. (i) There must be a relevant conventional procedure.(必须有一个相应的规约程序) (ii) the relevant participants and circumstances must be appropriate.(相关的参与者和环境是合适的)B. The procedure must be executed correctly and completely.(该程序必须正确完全地执行)C. Very often,
11、 the relevant people must have the requisite thoughts, feelings and intentions, and must follow it up with actions as specified.(有关人员必须有相关的思想、感情和意图,并且必须有相关的后续行为) Problems with felicity conditions: No strict procedure for promising, e.g. I promise. or, I give my word for it.Constatives may also be in
12、felicitous: “I bequeath my watch to my brother” said by somebody without a watch. (T or F? In order for the sentence to be true, it must meet the condition that “I must own a watch”; otherwise, the sentence is false),中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,Features of performatives on syntax and word levels:First perso
13、n singularSpeech act verbs / performative verbsThe present tenseIndicative moodActive voiceConclusion:The distinction between constatives & performatives cannot be maintained.All sentences can be used to do things.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,8.1.2 A Theory of the Illocutionary Act Speech acts can be analyz
14、ed on 3 levels: A locutionary act(发话行为/言内行为): the act of saying something in the full sense of “say”. An illocutionary act(行事行为/言外行为): an act performed in saying something. To say sth is to do sth.In saying X, I was doing Y. In saying “I will come tomorrow”, I was making a promise.Illocutionary forc
15、e: equivalent to speakers meaning, contextual meaning, or extra meaning, and may be translated into Chinese as 言外之意.A perlocutionary act(取效行为/言后行为): the act preformed by or as a result of saying, the effects on the hearer.By saying X and doing Y, I did Z.By saying “I will come tomorrow” and making a
16、 promise, I reassure my friends.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,一、术语解释 1. Locutionary Act, Illocutinary Act and Perlocutionary Act (5 points)北京交通大学2005研,武汉大学2005研【答案】According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking. A locutionary act is the uttering of words, phrases,
17、and clauses, which conveys meaning by giving out meaningful sounds. An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speakers intention; it is the act performed in saying something. Therefore, when somebody says “Morning”, we can ask a question like “What did he do?”, and the answer could be “He of
18、fered a greeting.” A perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance. Thus, by saying “Morning!” the speaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with the hearer. When the two speakers are on normal terms, the effect may be negligible. But if there were any tensions between t
19、hem, a simple “Morning!” from one side may bring about great changes in their relationship. The other may accept this show of friendliness, and be friends with him again. In this case, we can say “hes made peace with his friend”.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,2. constative武汉大学2007研【答案】Constative refers to an
20、utterance that asserts or states something that can be judged as true or false. For example, the statement “The cat is on the floor” is a constative.3.locutionary act武汉大学2008研【答案】According to John Austin, there are three senses in which saying something may be understood as doing something. The firs
21、t sense is an ordinary one. That is, when we speak we move our vocal organs and produce a number of sounds, organized in a certain way and with a certain meaning. The act performed in this sense is called a locutionary act. It is the act of uttering words, phrases, and clauses, and the act of convey
22、ing literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology. The other two acts are illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,4.speech act浙江大学2005研【答案】“Speech act” is a central concept in Speech Act Theory, according to which, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are
23、 speaking. Actions performed through utterances are generally called speech acts. 5. performatives中山大学2008研【答案】Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is part of, the doing an action. Th
24、e judges imprisonment sentence, the presidents war or independence declaration, etc., are performatives.,中华英语学习网 官方总站:圣才学习网 ,二、简答题Please explain the original idea in the speech act theory.南开大学2004研【答案】Speech act theory, originally proposed by Austin, is a philosophical explanation of the nature of l
25、inguistic communication. Austin made a distinction between what he called “constatives and “performatives”. Constatives were statements that either state or describe, and were thus verifiable; performatives, on the other hand, were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were no
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