1、英语应用文写作,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,(Sentences)(Paragraphs)(Essay),(Basic Writing Skills),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.1.1.英语基本句型 (Basic Elements of a Sentence),英语句子的主要构成成份有:S = Subject 主语V = Verb 动词 O = Object 宾语 C = Complement 补语 A = Adverbial 状语,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,英语的七种基本句型:SV: 主谓SVO: 主谓宾SVC: 主谓补SVA: 主谓状SVOO: 主谓(间接)宾(直接)宾SVOC: 主谓宾
2、补SVOA: 主谓宾状,此外还有比较常用的There be 句型, 表示“存在,有”,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,Your dinner seems ready. ( )I must send my parents a Christmas card. ( )That class interested me. ( )My school is on the next street. ( )Many students find that book very helpful. ( )You may put your umbrella under the table. ( )She was smiling
3、. ( )We have made her the head of our group. ( ),同步练习Now read the following sentences and tell which clause type they belong to.,SVC,SVOO,SVO,SVA,SVOC,SVOA,SV,SVOC,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.1.3.有效句子(Effective Sentences),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,完整的句子 (Completeness)清晰的句子 (Clarity)简洁的句子 (Conciseness)平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 5.
4、灵活多变的句子 (Variety),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,1.写完整的句子 (Completeness) 一个完整的句子既包括结构上的完整,也包括意义上的完整。(1) 结构上的完整,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,Wrong: Friendly people, another thing I like about college.,Correct: Friendly people, thats another thing I like about college.,Wrong: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quick
5、ly. Because they know how to listen.,Correct: Some people have a natural ability to learn languages quickly because they know how to listen.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,None of the following sentences are complete. Make necessary corrections to make them complete.,1. I dislike dogs because very smelly (气味难闻).,2. T
6、he dogs always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit.,-I dislike dogs because they are very smelly.,-The dogs are always noisy and try to jump on me when I go to visit them.,3. Ways of naming new babies different around the world.,-Ways of naming new babies are different around the world.,同
7、步练习,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,4. In Guangzhou is hotter than in Beijing.,5. Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, go to get a stick if you throw it.,-In Guangzhou, it is hotter than in Beijing.,-Dogs love to play with sticks. For example, they go to get a stick if you throw it.,-Its too cold in this room.,
8、6. Is too cold in this room.,7. Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet.,8. A book that you like.,- That is a book that you like.,-Because we dont have enough time to take care of a pet, we dont keep one.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,2.写清晰的句子 (Clarity) 写作要注意句子的清晰度。以下几种情况妨碍文章的清晰,影响读者的理解。 (1) 缺乏必要的细节。
9、简洁尽管重要,但必要细节的缺乏也会使读者产生误解甚至不知所云。例如:a. He loves sports much more than his sister.b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities.c. The city has about one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,a句既可理解为“他比妹妹更喜欢运动”,也可以理解为“他喜爱运动胜过喜爱他妹妹”。为了使意义清晰明了,应该在该句的后半部补上相应的谓语:修改: He loves sports much more than his sis
10、ter does. 或:He loves sports much more than he loves his sister.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. b句中的a person和you 指代不明。应改为:When a person gets married, he takes on new responsibilities.(泛指) 或:When you get married, you take on new responsibilities. (特指) c.
11、The city has about one million. c句中,“one million”究竟指什么,缺乏必要的细节说明,应改为: 修改: The city has a population of one million.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,(2) 缺乏连贯性。 一个完整的意思被不必要地切割成几个句子,这样一连串的短句由于未能体现出相互间的关系,读起来费解,妨碍思维。 为了使句子连贯,应注意不要将联系密切的词分开;应围绕一个中心意思,多用修饰语(如分词短语、介词短语、从句等)。例如: Some people can not distinguish between colors
12、.they are said to be color-blinded. 此句将其中一句改成定语从句应该为:Some people who can not distinguish between colors are said to be color-blinded.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. He found the kitchen window open. He put a ladder against the window. He climbed in.此句子可改为:Finding the kitchen window open, he put a ladder against it
13、 and climbed in.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 语态和主语的随意转换。He was running very hard in the race and his ankle was broken. 应改为: He was running very hard in the race and broke his ankle.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. The teacher left the classroom after the lecture was finished. 应改为: The teacher left the classroom after he finished
14、 the lecture. 或: Having finished the lecture, the teacher left the classroom.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,c. She reviewed the lessons and all the exercises assigned by the teacher were done.应改为: She reviewed the lessons and did all the exercises assigned by the teacher.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 人称和数的随意转换。 a. If one has talen
15、ts, we will be likely to succeed. 应改为: If one has talents, one will be likely to succeed. 或: If we have talents, we will be likely to succeed.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,b. If a person is selfish, they will have few friends. 应改为:b. If a person is selfish, he will have few friends.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件, 代词指代不明。The polluti
16、on in this area is serious; they should do something about it.应改为: The pollution in this area is serious; the government should do something about it.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,同步练习:Correct the following sentences if necessary,There are always a lot of good news over the radio.Each of the plans has its advantage
17、.Either you or I are to clean the room.All those who want to go on the trip should get his equipment ready immediately.,is,am,their,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,5. Paid little attention to his table manners.6.The teacher giving such a hard exam.,-He paid little attention to his table manners. (add a subject),- The
18、teacher is giving such a hard exam.(add a helping verb),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,7.When only five years old, my father took me to a circus(杂技团).,_ When only five years old, I was taken to a circus by my father._ When I was only five years old, my father took me to a circus.,8. A car drove down the street decked
19、 with ribbon. (用缎带装饰起来的)_ A car decked with ribbon drove down the street.(Misplaced modifier误置修饰语),英语应用文写作多媒体课件,3.写简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 简洁就是用尽可能少的词表达尽可能充分的意思。在不改变句子意义的情况下,在能用词的地方,不用短语;在能用短语的地方不用句子。,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,比较下列两个句子:a. He expresses a number of clever expressions much to the audiences delight.He d
20、elighted the audience with his clever expressionsb. This morning I went to the classroom, when I got there, I saw many people in the classroom.This morning I went to the classroom and saw many people there.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,要想使句子简洁应注意以下几点:(1) 避免重复意义相同的词。a. It was blue in color.b. It was small in size.c.
21、 In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible.d. Mary is a quiet and careful woman. 以上划线部分都属于意义重复,应去掉。,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,又如: He gave many reasons for his failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing.应改为: He gave many reasons for his failure, but none of them was convincing.,Example,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,(
22、2) 避免使用累赘的词。累赘的词指的是拖泥带水,啰啰唆唆的词或词组。例如:She was told of the fact that eating junk food might harm her health.b. Mrs. Smith likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.c. There are some students who cheat in exams.以上划线部分都是累赘的词,应去掉。,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,同步练习,The chairman will give up his job ne
23、xt year because of old age.-The chairman will retire next year.,The woman who is dressed in black over there is the person who is now in charge of our sales department.-The woman in black over there is the manager of our sales department.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,同步练习1.She spends her free time reading, listenin
24、g to music, and she works in the garden.She spends her free time reading, listening to music and working in the garden.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,2. The teacher told us that we should read our text and to write a short review of it. The teacher told us that we should read our text and write a short review of it.
25、 Or: The teacher told us to read our text and write a short review of it.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,3. Mr. Butler is a man of wide experience and who is very popular with his co-workers. Mr. Butler is a man of wide experience and great popularity among his co-workers.,英语应用文写作多媒体课件,4. Would you prefer to go for a
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