Unit 10 11重读弱读连读停顿及意课件.ppt
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1、Unit 10-11重读、弱读、连读、停顿及意群,名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、数词、指示代词、疑问词和感叹词等一般都重读。而冠词、介词、连词和一般性的代词则不重读。,Note,助动词、情态动词和be动词是否有句子重音?,1. 助动词、情态动词和be动词一般没有句子重音,但在附加句中可以重读,在简答句中则必须重读:He wont do it, will he? No he wont.You can do it, cant you? Yes, I can.You were trying, werent you? Yes, I was.2. 助动词、情态动词和be动词与not连成一词时要重读:Sh
2、e doesnt like the weather here.I cant speak French。They arent waiting for us.He isnt a tech nician.,3. be用在一般疑问句句首时,重读与否均可:Is he a worker? Is he a worker?比较句中的重音在比较句中,重音落在as或than后的代(名)词上:This is better than that.John is taller than Bill.Shes as happy as a lark.Hes as sly as a fox.,逻辑重音,句子的重音总是要表现说话人
3、的思想和他所要表达的意思的重点。有时为了强调,句子中几乎任何词都可以有句子重音,包括一些通常没有句子重音的词,这种依说话者意图重读的音就是逻辑重音。,Are you angry with me?Are you angry with me?Are you angry with me?Did you tell my wife?Did you tell my wife?Did you tell my wife?We heard John talking.We heard John talking.We heard John talking.,一个英文单词如果由多个音节构成,那么其中至少有一个音节是重
4、音;如果,音节足够多的话,那么可能还有次重音以及一个以上的重音。 同样的道理,一个句子由多个单词构成,那么,其中总是有至少一个单词被强读,而相对来看,其它的单词会被弱读。,弱读,弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 或i 。如下几个单词:at, of, the, to, as, than, and, or, his, a, an, but, been, for, her, we, be, shall, was, them, 弱读的频率达到90,其中a, an, the, than极少用强式。查字典会发现这些词都至少有两种读音,如for: 重读时f: , 弱读时 f;as的强读形式是/ z/ ,弱读
5、形式是/z/。,大多助动词、系动词、介词、连词、冠词、代词,都有两种发音形式:强读式、弱读式。这些单词往往都是单音节单词。,Note,1)弱读形式和强读形式各自的元音不同。 2)弱读音节中常常省略了某一个音。,弱读与强读的区别,如果一个单词被强读 ,那么这个单词中的:长元音会被读的很清楚,并且显得更长一些; 双元音会被读的很饱满,并且显得很有弹性; 落在重音上的短元音都会显得更长一些; 重音所在的音节可能带着不同的语调(升调、降调、降升调) 如果一个单词被弱读,那么这个单词中的:长元音会变得短一些(几乎与短元音的长度相当); 重音音节会变得与非重音音阶一样轻; 很多元音都会发生变化,向/靠拢;
6、 轻辅音/s/、/t/、/k/、/f/之后的元音/可能会直接被省略掉,弱读的形式,1.大多数有弱读形式的单词中,元音都变成了/ /; at / t/ ; as /z/; had / hd/;must /mst/2有少数几个单词的弱读形式变成了i /; be /i/; been /bin/; me /mi/; the /i/3.有时,一些常用词的弱读形式中省略了一个元音。 am /m/; has/z/; have /v/; is / z /4. 有时,一些常用的弱读形式中省略了一个辅音。 and / n/; have / v/; would /d/; her /:/,要在连贯说话中应用弱读形式,
7、不是懂得了道理就能学会的,也不是一朝一夕就能掌握的,需要通过大量的模仿和练习才能学好。,1) to /t/ but /bt/ I want to come but I cant. 2) and /nd/ Hes rich and famous. 3) than /n/ /n/ Better than that. Hes older than she is. 4) but /bt/ She wants to sing but she cant. 5) such /st/ We have problems, such as pollution.,朗读下列句子,注意弱读,6) some /sm/ T
8、here are some copies here. 7) any /ni/ There arent any more. 8) he /hi/ Does he want any? 9) her /h/ Ive met her mother. 10) him /im/ Tell him Id like to. 11) them /m/ /m/ I havent seen them yet.,12) you /j/ What do you think?13) your /j/ Take your time.14) us /s/ Let us think it over.15) that /t/ T
9、his is the house that Jack built.16) at /t/ At least one.17) for /f/ Its for you.,18) from /frm/ He comes from England.19) of /v/ Id love a cup of tea.20) to /t/ You ought to go.21) an /n/ Id like an apple.22) the / /i/ Thats the one.23) am /m/ Im going now.,24) are / Where are you going?25) is /z/
10、/s/ Hes here. My hat is here.26) was /wz/ Was he there?27) were /w/ We were very pleased.28) have /hv/, /v/, /v/ Theyve left. Have any been lost?,29) had /hd/, /d/ They had better hurry.30) has /z/ What has he done? He has just arrived.31) do /du/, /d/ Do you think so?32) does /dz/ When does he leav
11、e?33) can /kn/, /kn/ Can you hear me?34) could /kd/ Could you do it now?,35) should /d/ How should I know? 36) there / There is nothing left. There are not enough.37) shall /l, l/ How shall I do like that? 38) when /wn/ Her parents had been dead when she was a child.39) will /l, l/ He will go back h
12、ome tomorrow.40) would /wd, d, d/ He would be happy if he had passed the exam.,“连读”是在一个意群内进行的,它是在说话较快时自然产生的一种语音连读现象。 在同一意群中,前一词以辅音音素结尾,后一词以元音音素开头,在说话或朗读句子时,习惯上很自然地将这两个音素合拼在一起读出来,这种语音现象叫连读。 连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。,连读,意群与停顿,句子意群是指句子中按意思和语法结构划分出的各个成分,每一个成分即称为一个意群。意群可以用“l”符号表示。在说话或朗读时,意群和意群之间可以有一定
13、的停顿(但也不一定非停顿不可),但在同一意群的各个词之间则不可停顿,以使整个意群的意思不致中断。 1.We three / are all good students / in school. 2.There are / five people / in my family. 3.Yesterday / Tom and Kate / played games. 4.Go down this road / and turn left / at the second crossing. 5.She suddenly remember / that she had to buy / some DVD
14、s / for her son.,在说话和朗读时,意群的作用是:如果感到句子很长,一口气说不下来,可以在意群和意群之间有一个很短的停顿(换气)。正确的停顿应该在意群和意群之间。同一个意群内不应停顿。意群之间的停顿不是固定的,而是灵活的。可以按照个人的需要,可停顿也可不停顿,可多停顿也可少停顿。意群是根据语义、语法和语调来划分的。从语义和语法上讲,意群必须是表达某种意义的一个(组)词、一个短语、一个分句、一个主句或者从句。从语调上说,意群必须是可以用降调、声调或平调来朗读的一个语调单位Before 1949, I used to live in Hong Kong and worked as a
15、 teacher. (三个意义单位,三个语法单位,三个语调单位。),Note,Three reasons for pauses:,1. to make the meaning clear,2. for emphasis,3. to enable the speaker to catch his breath.,No Pauses in the following contexts:,Within closely related word groups, such as adj./article(冠词)+nouns; auxiliary verbs(情态动词)+verbs; prepositio
16、ns(介词)+nouns; adv.+adj./verbs, etc.,Pauses are made in the following contexts:,1. a sentence begins with an adverbial clause (状语从句) or an adverbial phrase(状语短语) e.g. Last week / I went to the theatre.2. two or more elements are coordinated (并列句)e.g. I visited museums / and sat in public gardens.3. t
17、wo phrases which are in apposition (同位语或同格) e.g. He will be in his small boat, / Topsail.,4. non-restrictive clause (非限制性从句) in a sentence e.g. The men, / who were lazy,/ stayed in bed.5. a pause may occur after a vocative (呼格,称呼) or a linking adverb (联系副词)e.g. Sir, / we welcome you to our city.Howe
18、ver, / this does not always happen.6. a noun phrase or a long noun phrase (名词从句或者长名词短语) as the subject(主语) of the sentence:e.g. Dreams of finding lost treasure / almost came true recently.What we need / is plenty of time.,By the time he arrived / he was completely exhausted.When I leave Beijing / I
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- Unit 10 11重读弱读连读停顿及意课件 11 重读 弱读连读 停顿 课件
