1、.,Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Regulation,第八章,真核基因表达调控,.,本章主要内容基因表达与调控的基本概念与原理转录水平的调控(transcriptional regulation): DNA level (Genetic)Chromatin level (Epigenetic)转录后水平的调控(post-transcriptional regulation):RNA interference (RNAi)Protein degradation (Ubiquitin/proteasome),.,第 一 节基本概念与原理,Basic Concept
2、s and Principles,.,Genome(cells repertoire of DNA),Transcriptome(cells repertoire of RNA transcripts),Proteome(cells repertoire of proteins),单个基因,单个细胞,中心法则,.,一、基因表达的概念,基因组(genome)一个细胞或病毒所携带的全部遗传信息或整套基因。,基因表达(gene expression)基因经过转录、翻译,产生具有特异生物学功能的蛋白质分子或RNA分子的过程。,基因表达调控(gene regulation, or regulation
3、of gene expression) 基因表达是受内源及外源信号调控的。,.,Regulation of Gene Expression,RNA silencing,Proteindegradation,一般而言的基因表达调控范畴,.,二、基因表达的时间性及空间性,(一)时间特异性,.,人体发育过程中不同类型-珠蛋白的含量变化,.,(二)空间特异性,基因表达伴随时间顺序所表现出的这种分布差异,实际上是由细胞在器官的分布决定的,所以空间特异性又称细胞或组织特异性(cell or tissue specificity)。,在个体生长全过程,某种基因产物在个体按不同组织空间顺序出现,称之为基因表达
4、的空间特异性(spatial specificity)。,.,BARD1 is expressed specifically in the apical domains of Arabidopsis inflorescence (A), ovules (B), anthers (C), and embryos (D).,In suit hybridizationA, B, C, D: antisense BARD1 probe;E: sense BARD1 probe as a negative control.,(朱玉贤第五章课件),.,四种母源影响基因的mRNA和蛋白沿果蝇胚胎前-后轴分布
5、的浓度变化图,protein,BICOID,NANOS,第十章(基因和发育),mRNA,.,Facts,Identical genome: Virtually every cell in an organism contains a complete set of genes Spatial specificity: But they are not all turned on in every cell or tissueTemporal specificity: Each cell of an organism expresses a distinctive subset of genes
6、 at different time or developmental stageTight regulation: During development different cells express different sets of genes in a precisely regulated fashion,.,三、基因表达的方式,按对刺激的反应性,基因表达的方式分为:,(一)组成性表达 (constitutive expression),某些基因在一个个体的几乎所有细胞中持续表达,通常被称为管家基因(housekeeping gene)。,.,这类基因表达又称为组成性基因表达(con
7、stitutive gene expression)。,genes for essential cellular structures and metabolic pathways (e.g. rRNA, actin, tubulin)usually expressed at high levelthe level of their gene expression may vary,Housekeeping genes,rRNA, actin, tubulin are commonly used as loading control in RT-PCR or Northern blot,.,(
8、二)诱导和阻遏表达,在特定环境信号刺激下,相应的基因被激活,基因表达产物增加,这种基因称为可诱导基因 (inducible genes)。,如果基因对环境信号应答是被抑制,这种基因是可阻遏基因 (repressible genes)。,基因表达调控大多数是对这些基因的转录和翻译速率的调节,从而导致其编码产物的水平发生改变,影响其功能。,.,四、基因表达调控的生物学意义,(一)维持细胞增殖、分化(二)维持个体生长、发育 (三)适应环境变化,第九、十章(基因与疾病、基因与发育)将要讲到,.,1. Transcripts (转录本)begin and end beyond the coding re
9、gion (5UTR and 3UTR),2. The primary transcript is processed by: 5 capping 3 formation / polyA splicing,3. Mature transcripts are transported to the cytoplasm for translation,一般而言,基因表达调控主要是发生在基因转录水平上的调节,即:mRNA合成的多少。,transcription,.,五、基因转录调节基本要素(一)RNA聚合酶 (RNA Polymerase)(二)特异DNA序列 (cis-acting elements
10、)(三)调节蛋白 (trans-acting factors),Gene expression regulation at the level of DNA (transcriptional regulation)-highly sequence-dependent-varied regulation for different genes,.,cis-acting elements: promoters/regulatory sequences of genestrans-acting factors: proteins and RNAs that bind cis-elements and
11、 promote or repress gene expression,.,(一) RNA聚合酶启动子、调节序列和调节蛋白通过DNA-蛋白质相互作用、蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用影响RNA聚合酶活性。RNA Pol I: rRNA, 相对活性50-70%RNA Pol II: mRNA,相对活性20-40%RNA Pol III: tRNA,相对活性10%RNA Pol IV: small ncRNA,相对活性?,.,真核生物基因组中含有可以调控自身基因表达活性的特异DNA序列,称为顺式作用元件 (cis-acting element)。 顺式作用元件能够被转录调节蛋白特异识别和结合,从而影响基因表
12、达活性。 启动子 (promoter) 顺式作用元件又分 增强子 (enhancer) 沉默子 (silencer),转录起始点,(二)特异DNA序列,.,反式作用因子 (trans-acting factor) 能直接或间接与顺式作用元件相互作用,进而调控基因转录的一类调节蛋白,统称为反式作用因子。 按其功能不同,常有以下三类: 基本转录因子 :识别promoter元件 转录调节因子:识别enhancer或silencer 共调节因子:不能进行DNA-蛋白质相互作用,(三)真核基因的调节调节蛋白,.,RNA聚合酶在转录因子帮助下,形成的转录起始复合物,holoenzyme,1. 基本转录因子
13、 (general transcription factor, GTF) 是指能够直接或间接与启动子核心序列TATA盒特异结合、并启动转录的一类调节蛋白。,TBP: TATA-box binding protein,TFII: pol II associated TF,.,2. 转录调节因子 (transcription factor, TF) 这类调节蛋白能识别并结合转录起始点的上游序列和远端的增强子元件,通过DNA蛋白质相互作用而调节转录活性。决定不同基因的时间、空间特异性表达.转录激活因子(transcriptional activator)转录阻遏因子(transcriptional
14、repressor)3. 共调节因子 (transcriptional regulator/ co-factor) 首先与转录因子发生蛋白蛋白相互作用,进而影响它们的分子构象,以调节转录活性,本身无DNA结合活性。 如果与转录激活因子有协同作用共激活因子; 与转录阻遏因子有协同作用共阻遏因子。,.,常见转录因子的结构域 (domain),DNA结合域 (DNA binding domain)Basic AA (K/R) rich, positively charged,转录激活域(trans-activation domain),TF,.,Zinc Finger,bHLH,bZIP,Homeo
15、domain,1) TF最常见的DNA binding domain,.,(1) 锌指(zinc finger),常结合GC box,Cys-X2-4-Cys-X3-Phe-X5-Leu-X2-His-X3-His,C-terminal: -helix binding DNA,.,(2) 碱性亮氨酸拉链 bZIP,.,bHLH蛋白(basic Helix-Loop-Helix),(3) 碱性螺旋-环-螺旋bHLH,.,2) TF常见的trans-activation domain,.,(Activation domain is interchangeable),.,Interaction As
16、saysDesign of Two-hybrid / Three-hybrid /etc,separable functional domains,Two-hybrid assay(protein-protein),Tri-hybrid assay(protein-RNA),.,1. RNA polymerase II2. promoter and enhancers3. transcription factors,Eukaryotic gene expression is usually controlled at the level of initiation of transcripti
17、on.,真核基因转录起始的调控,.,Holoenzyme - a supramolecular complex comprising Pol II, most GTFs, and Mediator/Srb complex In yeast, a 2MDa holoenzyme + TBP suffices for transcription,Ordered Assembly and Pol II Holoenzyme,TFIID,TFIID,one-step,multiple-step,.,TFIIB binds to DNA and contacts RNA polymerase near
18、the RNA exit site and at the active center, and orients it on DNA.,+25bp,Q: prok -10bp vs euk -25bp?,Sequential Assembly,TBP: TATA binding proteinTAFs: TBP associated factors,Binding of TFIID (TBP + 11 TAFs, 800KD) to the TATA box is the first step in initiation.,.,CTD:RNA Pol II C-terminal domain,C
19、TD is an unusual extension appended to the C terminus of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II. It comprises from 25 to 52 tandem copies of the consensus repeat heptad Y1S2P3T4S5P6S7.S2 and S5 are major phosphorylation sites.CTD phosphorylation cause the conversion of proline isomerization states
20、.Phosphorylation patterns on the CTD repeats determine different sets of associated factors, so that provide a dynamic platform to recruit different regulators of the transcription apparatus.,In eukaryotic cells, the transcription of genes is accurately orchestrated both spatially and temporally by
21、the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II (CTD).,.,PIC: PhosphoS5 is required for assembly of the PIC and facilitates mRNA capping via recruitment of capping enzymes. Elongation: S5 gradually becomes dephosphorylated, whereas S2 is phosphorylated. Terminating: PhosphoS2 ensures efficient 3-RNA proc
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