跨文化交际 第六章ppt课件.ppt
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1、大学英语跨文化交际,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,黑龙江大学外语部,Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed. Guard your senses. Temper your sharpness. Simplify your problems. Mask your brightness. Be at one with the dust of the Earth. This is primal union. He wh
2、o has achieved this state Is unconcerned with friends and enemies, With good and harm, with honor and disgrace. This therefore is the highest state of man.,An idiom,There is language in her eyes, her cheeks, her lip, nay, her foot speaks. Shakespeare,Learning objectives :,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercu
3、ltural Communication,1.to understand the significance of nonverbal intercultural communication 2.to perceive the definition of nonverbal intercultural communication3.to describe the functions of nonverbal intercultural communication4. to summarize the categories of nonverbal intercultural communicat
4、ion,Chapter Outline,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Significance,Definition & Functions,Categories,Other Categories,Repeating,Regulating,Contradicting,Complementing,Paralanguage,Silence,Proxemics,Chronemics,Oculesics,Olfactics,Haptics,Kinesics,Ch
5、romatics,Attire,lead-in case What Is Wrong with the Interaction?,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Please read Case and then discuss the questions in pairs.,Nonverbal behavior is a significant area of communication study for at least three reasons.Nonverbal behavior accounts for much o
6、f the meaning we get from conversations.Nonverbal behavior spontaneously reflects the subconsciousness.We cannot avoid communicating through nonverbal signals.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Text A Significance of Nonverbal Communication,Besides, nonverbal behavior is significant be
7、cause nonverbal communication can be open to many interpretations.,This gesture means OK in the U.S and many cultures, while it means zero in France, and means money in Japan.,Definition of Nonverbal CommunicationThe Functions of Nonverbal Communication,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communicatio
8、n,Text B Definition and Functions of Nonverbal Communication,Definition of Nonverbal Communication,The messages sent without using words are called nonverbal communication.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,The Functions of Nonverbal Communication,a. Repeating People use nonverbal comm
9、unication to repeat, clarify, and empasize their point of view. For example, nod as saying yes.b. Complementing Nonverbal communication cues can add to or complement a verbal message. For example, scratch head.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communi
10、cation,c. Substituting Nonverbal messages may substitute verbal ones in certain settings. There are situations in which words cannot be used. In a very noisy street, for example, police officer might use hand gestures to replace spoken messages.d. Regulating Nonverbal behaviors can help control verb
11、al interactions by regulating them, such as turn-taking signals (hand raised) in conversationse. Contradicting Certain nonverbal behaviors can contradict spoken words.,1. paralanguage(副语言)2. silence (沉默 ),Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Text C Paralanguage and Silence,1. Paralanguage
12、,a. voice set the context in which the speaker is speaking: the situation gender mood age persons culture b. voice qualities volume pitch tempo rhythm articulation resonance nasality accent c. vocalization: characterizers qualifiers segregates,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Chapter
13、6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,2. Silence,Silence is a form of nonverbal communication that may be interpreted in various ways depending upon the situation, the duration of the silence, and the culture. The use of silence in communication is also important. Silence can communicate agreement
14、, apathy (冷漠), awe (敬畏), confusion, contemplation (沉思), disagreement, embarrassment, obligation, regret, repressed hostility, respect, sadness, thoughtfulness, or any number of meanings. Case-analysis: A Quarrel,What is the basic barrier in the communication between Smith and Li Hua?,1. chronemics(时
15、间行为)2. proxemics pr:ksi:mi:ks(空间行为),Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Text D Time and Space,1. Chronemics,The sense of time Monochronic and polychronic views of time,Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,a.Time is c
16、yclical (循环的)b. Time is linear (线性的),Western cultures think time is linear a flow from the past to the present to the future.,Life on earth evolved in response to the cycles of day and night and the ebb and flow of the tides.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,The sense of time,a. Monoc
17、hronic time b. Polychronic time,Polychronic time means being involved with many things at once.,Monochronic time means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Monochronic and polychronic views of time,Activity:,Recall your own experienc
18、e about waiting for someone who is late for an appointment, or when you are late for an appointment. Describe your feelings under such circumstances.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,2. proxemics,a. Fixed features of space b. Semifixed features of spacec. Personal space,Proxemics refe
19、rs to the study of spatial relations. The study of proxemics includes three aspects of space: (a) fixed features of space. (b) semifixed features of space, and (c) personal space,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,a. Fixed features of space,Architecture and spacing of buildings belong t
20、o this aspect of space.For example, a person in the United States can drive on a highway for miles and never see a sign of people or dwellings. Therefore, he may be amazed at the closeness of people in China. Intercultural communicators need to realize that cultures have alternative approaches to sp
21、ace and ways of using it.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,b. Semifixed features of space,Semifixed features of space refer to spatial arrangements of movable objects within a room, such as furniture arrangement and seating.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Chapter 6 No
22、nverbal Intercultural Communication,Furniture arrangement,French space is a reflection of French culture. Everything is centralized, and spatially the entire country is laid out around centers.In Germany, where privacy is stressed, office furniture is spread throughout the office.In Japan, where gro
23、up participation is encouraged, many desks are arranged hierarchically in the center of a large, common room absent of walls.Chinese geomancy (泥土占卜), feng shui, is the art of arranging the physical environment to establish harmony with the natural environment to achieve happiness, prosperity, and he
24、alth.,Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication,Seating,In the United States, they tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated or stand beside them. The Chinese often experience uneasiness when they face someone directly or sit on opposite side of a desk or table from someon
25、e.,c. Personal space In the United StatesHall reports that psychologists have identified four zones from which U.S. people interact: the intimate zone, the personal zone, the social zone, and the public zone.2. In India In India, there are elaborate rules about how closely members of each caste may
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