1、语音语调知识,语音语调知识,发音器官音标音节单词重音规则句子重音,6.音变6.1 元音的清晰度6.2 音长6.3 失去爆破/ 不完全爆破6.4 连读6.5 同化6.6 元音省略和弱化,7.词尾读音8.连读9.意群和停顿10.语调,影响英语发的主要器官:唇、齿、舌、腭、鼻腔、声带,1. 发音器官,2. 音标-元音,Kingsoft 体,Jones体,辅音,辅音,清浊成对有10双,清辅音: h浊辅音 : r l w j m n ,声带振动,Listening Exercise Sounds for information,1. The speaker wants to have a look at
2、 the _. A. cartB. card2. What was the girl doing?A. Sopping.B. Sobbing.3. The man must be fond of _.A. writingB. riding4. What did the man do?A. He hit the dog.B. He hid the dog.5. The boys were _.A. prayingB. playing6. What are they going to do?A. Try it.B. Dry it.,Sounds in perception and producti
3、on,1.a. What does faith mean?Belief.b. What does face mean?Surface.2.a. How do you spell math?MATH.b. How do you spell mass?MASS.3.a. How do you like Rods place?Ive never been to his place.b. How do you like Rods plays?Most of them are very good.4.a. Did anyone explain the loss?Yes. It was a terribl
4、e loss.b. Did anyone explain the laws?Yes. It was quite complicated.5.a. Wheres the other half?Its in the desk.b. Wheres the other hearth?Look for the fireplace.,Listening Exercise Sound discrimination,1.thinthing2.winwing3.ton tongue4.sanesame5.shesee6.yokejoke7.fin thin,8.yetjet9.westvest10.worsev
5、erse11.truechew12.twicetrice13. leafreef14.blightbright15.fleshfresh,3. 音节,1、音节一般是以元音来划分的,一个元音就是 一个音节 一个音节:eye, friend 二个音节:our, blackboard2、一些辅音因发音响亮(成音节辅音),也可自成音节成音节辅音:/l, m, n/bottle, people, cotton, bottom,3.1 音节的类型 -1,1、开音节:以元音字母结尾的音节hi, he relation, secret,notion2、相对开音节:以辅音字母和一个不发音的 -e 结尾的音节 n
6、ame, scene, amusement 3、闭音节:以辅音字母结尾的音节map, bag, dullvictory, umbrella, instruction,音节的类型-2,4、元音字母组合音节 wait , play, beneath, believe, snowy, surround, certainly 5、-r(-re)音节 various, serious, fire, our during /vris/ /siris/ /fai/ /au/ /dju:ri/6、成音节辅音音节:bottle, bottom, button,3.2 音节的划分-1,在两个音节的相邻处有两个辅音
7、字母(辅音字母组合和r除外),一般一个属于前一音节,一个属后面音节。例:let-ter, Eng-lish, ap-ple。2.在两个音节的相邻处只有一个辅音字母时,一般这个辅音字母属后一音节,例:stu-dent, lo-tus。3. 在两个音节相邻处有两个r时,一个属前一音节,一个属后一音节,前面的元音节按闭音节读音,例:sor-ry, mar-ry, mir-ror,bor-row,音节的划分-2,4. 相邻音节是元音字母+r+其它辅音字母时,元音字母+r属于前面的重读音节,例:fur-ther,cir-cle5. 相邻的音节是元音字母+r+其它元音字母时,r属于前面的重读音节,按re音
8、节的规则读音,例:dur-ing,ser-ious。6. 有字母组合的单词划分音节时,一定要将字母组合划在一个音节内,例:neigh-bour, plea-sure,给下列双音节词划分音节,并标出重读音节,local freedommusicfinishcultureablehonournationdiscussbirthdayblackboard,arrivebesidecompareconnectenlargeemployexpenseinformmistakepreparerepeatdepend,perfect(v.)import(v.)present(v.)object(v.)pro
9、test(n.)herselfmachine,单词的重读规则,4. 音节的重读规则-1,一、单音节:重读二、双音节词1、大多数词的重音在第一音节上;2、重音在第二个音节上的规律: 1)单词有前缀:alike, mistake 2) 与名词或形容词同形的动词 increase, perfect, object, record 3) 反身代词 4)少数来自法语的词汇:machine, police, hotel,音节的重读规则-2,三、多音节词1、重音一般在倒数第二个音节remember, establish, important2、有前缀的,重音在词根上,即在前缀后的音节determine, e
10、ncourage, invisible, inadequate, 3、带有后缀的多音节词的重音在后缀前一个音节上musician, politician, energetic, electricity4、下列后缀重读 -ee employee, interviewee, trainee -eer engineer, volunteer5、下列后缀前两个音节重读 -tive negative, relative,Read aloud 重读音节,reality conflict affect reframe technique negativedefeatgrateful cherish perf
11、ormance,depressioncommercialspokesmanviewpointaudiencepracticalproductivecommitmentessentialdistributor,5. 句子重音,1、实义词重读 名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、感叹词和某些代词(指示代词、反身代词、不定代词和疑问代词) 2、功能词不重读 冠词、助动词、情态动词、人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、联系动词、连词和介词(单音节介词),There are certain “safe” topics that people usually make small talks about. The w
12、eather is probably the number one thing that people who do not know each other will discuss. Another topic that is generally safe is current events. As long as you are not discussing a controversial issue, such as a recent law concerning equal rights, it is usually safe to discuss the news.,6. 音的变化,
13、元音:清晰度 音长变化 省略、弱化,辅音:浊化 同化 失去爆破,在朗读中,英语的元音和辅音音素会发生变化。,6.1 元音的清晰度,1、 amount, delay, export, authentic【元音在重读音节前,发音模糊 】2、corporate, popular, family, favorite, dictionary【连续两个或几个轻读音节结尾,前面的轻读音节模糊】,6.2 音长,音长:重读音节中元音的长短音节内后面没有辅音 后面有浊辅音 后面有清辅音 stay stayed state tea team teach music amuse cute,6.3 省略与弱化,省略:在
14、多音节的词中,非重读音节的元音/ 或 /i/会被省略factory, history, university, seldom, practical缩略与弱化:youre , Id like to, Ill, Theyve,1.a/eI/ Weve got a dog.2.an/n/n/ Take an apple.3.her/h:/ /h/, /:/, / Whats her name?4.his/hIz/Iz/ John had his haircut.5.our/a/:/ We can do it on our own.6.some /sm/ /sm/, /sm/ Get me some
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