1、朱小山 QQ:455722342,葡萄酒礼仪,目 录,认识葡萄酒,葡萄酒礼仪,认识葡萄酒,葡萄酒的起源 葡萄酒的酿制过程 葡萄酒的品种 葡萄酒在世界各地的分布 决定葡萄酒好坏的6大因素,法国葡萄酒10大产区 法国葡萄酒的4大等级,没有人知道是谁“发明”了葡萄酒。它可能是一个偶然的发现。在收获后,有些葡萄被留在了容器里经过了冬天,天然的酵母和葡萄中的糖把葡萄汁变成了葡萄酒。 Nobody knows who invented wine. Its discovery was probably accidental. After harvesting, some grapes were left i
2、n a container over the winter and the natural yeasts and sugars converted the juice into wine.尽管考古学家追溯葡萄酒起源到几千年前,但最早的葡萄酒证据是在大概公元前一万年,在一个伊朗的粘土罐里发现的。Although archaeologists have traced the origins of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) back tens of thousands of years, the first evidence of wine having actual
3、ly been made from grapes comes from a clay pot found in Persia (now Iran) dating from around 10,000 years B.C.,葡萄酒的起源(Origin of wine),葡萄酒的酿制过程(How is the wine made?),葡萄 需要3年才能结果Grapes 3 years to grow采集及运到酿酒厂Harvest and transport to winery挤压 / 发酵Press/ferment在橡木中成年 Age in oak 在瓶中成年Age in bottle出厂Rele
4、ase,葡萄酒的品种(wine varieties),常见的红葡萄品种Common Red grape varieties,Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠Merlot 梅洛Pinot Noir 黑皮诺Shiraz 切拉子/设拉子,葡萄酒的品种(wine varieties),常见的白葡萄品种 Common White grape varieties,Chardonnay 夏多内/莎当妮Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维翁/长相思Riesling 雷司令/薏丝琳Gewrztraminer 琼瑶浆/格乌香茗纳Pinot Gris 灰皮诺,葡萄酒的品种(wine varieties
5、),特殊品种的葡萄酒 Special wine making process,冰葡萄酒Ice wine高度葡萄酒Fortified wine汽酒Sparkling wine,葡萄酒在世界各地的分布(Wine from around the world),旧世界与新世界Old world vs new world,葡萄酒在世界各地的分布(Wine from around the world),旧 世 界Old World Countries,法国France意大利Italy西班牙Spain德国Germany葡萄牙Portugal,葡萄酒在世界各地的分布(Wine from around the
6、world),新 世 界New World,美国USA澳大利亚Australia新西兰New Zealand智利Chile南非South Africa,法国葡萄酒10大产区,香槟产区 Champagne阿尔萨斯产区 Alsace卢瓦尔河谷产区 Vallee de la Loire 勃艮第产区 Bourgogne 汝拉和萨瓦产区 Jura et Savoir 罗纳河谷产区 Rhone Valley 波尔多产区 Bordeaux 西南产区 Sud-Ouest 朗格多克鲁西雍产区 Languedoc-Roussillon 普罗旺斯科西嘉产区 Provence et Corse,法国葡萄酒10大产区,
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