1、Translation and Relevance,Cognition and Context,Part One: Introduction,1.About the author,Degrees Ph.D.,Linguistics, University College London, 1989 M.A., Linguistics, University College London, 1983 Current positions Translation researcher, International Translation Department (1998 ) Translation c
2、onsultant Ethiopia Branch (2003 ) Linguistics consultant Ethiopia Branch (1991 ) International Translation Consultant (1991 ) Research interests Relevance theory, translation, cognition,2. Major Works:,Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context (2000) Relevance Theory :A Guide to Successful Co
3、mmunication in Translation (1992) SIL(Summer Institute of Lingustics) serves language communities worldwide, building their capacity for sustainable language development, by means of research, translation, training and materials development.,3. About the Book关联理论(Relevance Theory)最早是由Dan Sperber和Dei
4、rdre Wilson在关联性:交际与认知(Relevance: Communication and Cognition) 一书中提出来的,他们的学生Ernst-August Gutt根据关联理论对翻译进行了研究,并在五年后出版了翻译与关联:认知与语境(Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context)。,Part Two: Main points of the Book,1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,Chapter 1 begins with a sketch of the s
5、tatus quo and a critical evaluation.在第一章开头的部分,格特首先引用Steiner,Levy,Kelly,Wilss等人的观点,指出当今翻译研究的现状是“mass of uncoordinated statements”,接着并给出了几点可能的原因;(p1-2)One is that translation theorist were preoccupied for too long with debating unfruitful issuesAnother is that the understanding of translation has rema
6、ined inadequate because it has never been studied in its own right, but merely as a subdomain of some other subject,1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,之后又对Hofmann,Wilss,Schulte等人提出的“multidisciplinary scientific methodology research”这一新方案进行了批判,并进一步给出了当今翻译研究现状混乱不堪的三个根本原因: (P2-3)1. The ri
7、sk of (multidisciplinary) disintegration. There is a question whether a comprehensive account of translation in the form of a coherent and homogeneous theory can ever be achieved. (P3-4),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,2. The problem of determining the domain of the theory. Krings (
8、1986) comments that the notion of translation is used to refer to a variety of rather different phenomena. There have been three major lines of approach to this issue: shared intuitions; definition; culture-oriented 但是这三种方法均存在明显的缺陷。 (p4-5),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,格特又批判了Toury
9、 的观点:“the overall CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION underlying the corpus”。 (p6)因为这一观点的结果是:the culture-specific approach does not really resolve the problem of defining the theoretical domain: either it leads to the abolition of the intercultural study of translation or it does in fact rely on non-culture-spec
10、ific criteria for determining its domain.(p7),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,3.The problem of evaluation and decision-making Gutt 批判了Steiner,Newmark等人的观点,同时还挑战了Nida 的对等理论。(p9-10)另外,作者提出了两个问题:1) the problem of over-specification. 以Wilss的理论为批判对象;2)Is equivalencean evaluate cocept? 主要
11、针对House 的理论进行批判。(p10-12)之后,作者又对科学翻译思想进行论述,分别从结果论和过程论进行说明,并指出了它们的不足。(p17-20),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,最后,格特提出了:changes in scientific method. 这里主要包括两个主要转变:1. A shift in the domain of the theory: It domain is therefore mental faculties rather than texts or process of text produc
12、tion,and it is the aim of this study to explore the possibility of accounting for translation in terms of the communicative competence assumed to be part of our mind.2. A shift from description to explanation: Relevance theory is not a descriptive-classificatory approach. (p21)之后并引出了他自己的观点:Translant
13、ion as communication? 翻译是一种言语交际行为。(p22),2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,Chapter 2 introduces basic notions of relevance theory as found in Sperber and Wilson,and goes on to explore further what is generally involved when uttrances are used interpretively to interpretively to represent other utteran
14、ce.格特首先介绍了关于关联理论的一些基本概念,如“交际的推理本质”(The inferential nature of translation),交际者的“信息意图”(informative intention),交际中的明示程度,通过推理提供“交际线索”(Communicative clues)的“语义表达”(Semantic representations),从而指出交际是一种明示推理的过程。(p25),2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,The inferential nature of translation:The crucial mental fac
15、ulty that enables human beings to communicate with one another is the ability to draw inferences from peoples behavior.Looked at from the communicators end, his task is to produce a stimulus -verbal or otherwise-from which the audience can infer what he means, or ,in the terms of relevence theory, w
16、hat his informative intention is .The difference between non-verbal and verbal or linguistic communication, lies not in the presence or absence of inference, but rather in the degree of explicitness which the stimulus can achieve.(p24-25),Semantic Representation:linguistic expression are dealt with
17、first of all by a component or module of the mind that specializes in processing language data.This component is essentially a coding device which takes as input linguistic formulae that mean or represent something, that is, semantic representation. (p25),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,紧接着他又详细地介绍
18、关联理论中最重要的“最佳关联”(Optimal relevance)和 “关联原则”(Principle of relevance)最佳关联的目的就是使交际中的听话者花费最小的信息处理达到足够的或最大的语境效果:“The central claim of relevance theory is that human communication crucially creats an expectation of optiaml relevance, that is, an expectation on the part of the hearer that his attempt at int
19、erpretation will yield adequate contextual effects at minimal processing cost.”(p32)Principle of relevance:Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. (p32),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,之后格特又提出关联理论中的交际分为两种不同模式:
20、描述性运用(descriptive use)和解释性运用(interpretive use)Within relevance theory, this way of entertaining a mental representation is called the descriptive use of that representation: it is entertained as a description of the state of the affairs of which it is thought to be true. (p36)our mind can entertain
21、a mental representation or thought in virtue of its interpretive resemblance to some other representation. This use of representations is called interpretive use in revelance theory.,2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,并重点介绍了“意义相似”(Interpretive resemblance)概念,并主要从以下三个方面进行阐释:1. Interpretive resemblance
22、 between propositional forms: “Since all propositional forms have logic properties, two propositional forms may have some logic properties in common. Accordingly, we can say that mental representations whose propositional forms share logic properties resemble each otherin virtue of these shared logi
23、c properties. Such resemblance between propositional forms is called interpretive resemblance.(p36-39),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,2. Interpretive resemblance between thoughts and utterances: “Every utterance comes with a guarantees of faithfulness”- that is, in each case “the speaker guarante
24、es that her utterance is a faithful enough interpretation of the thought she wants to communicate”. (p41),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,3. Interpretive resemblance between utterances:格特在此处主要通过例子说明原文的话语与译文的话语之间的相似。(p41-45)最后,他指出“The main purpose of utterances is to convey the set of assumptions w
25、hich the communicator intends to convey.”(p46),3. Covert Translation,Chapter 3 deals with instances of translation where the relationship to the original seems incidental rather than crucial to the communication process.在该部分中首先提出了有关“隐性翻译”(Covert translation)的新论点。他认为只有在隐性翻译中才有可能达到功能对等,这也是他对翻译的根本界定,Ho
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