第6章 模拟滤波器设计ppt课件.ppt
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1、第6章 模拟滤波器设计,6.1 滤波的基本概念6.2 模拟滤波器的设计原理6.3 典型的模拟滤波器本章内容参考:郑君里等信号与系统(第二版)下册第十章 模拟与数字滤波器MATLAB: Signal Processing Toolbox,6.1 滤波器的基本概念(1)滤波与滤波器,滤波技术是信号处理的一种基本而重要的技术。采用这种技术,可以从信号中提取所需要的部分,抑制不需要的部分。所谓信号处理,在一般情况下,就是指对信号进行滤波(filter)。对信号进行滤波的系统,称为滤波器(filter)。英汉双解词典对filter的解释:filter:滤光器,滤色镜,滤波器,n. vt. vi.Any
2、of various electric, electronic, acoustic, or optical devices used to reject signals, vibrations, or radiations of certain frequencies while passing others.一种电学的、电子学的、声学的或光学的设备,用于在通过其它物时限制特定频率的信号、振动或放射。,滤波器是一种频率选择装置,可以使输入信号中的某些特定频率范围的分量通过,阻止或较大地衰减输入信号中的其他频率范围的分量,所以又称为频率选择性滤波器。滤波器的这种频率选择特性,由滤波器的频率特性H
3、(j)来决定。,频率特性:频率特性:幅频特性:相频特性:,(2)滤波器的分类,从不同的角度,可以对滤波器进行不同的分类。根据所处理的信号类型的不同,可以将滤波器分为模拟滤波器和数字滤波器两大类。模拟滤波器是连续时间系统,用来处理模拟信号或连续时间信号。数字滤波器是离散时间系统,用来处理数字信号或离散时间信号。模拟滤波器设计是数字滤波器设计的基础。,根据滤波器的频率选择作用的不同,可以将滤波器分为以下4类:低通滤波器(lowpass filter)高通滤波器(highpass filter)带通滤波器(bandpass filter)带阻滤波器(bandstop filter)其中低通滤波器是基
5、器的性能指标,通带 0 p 中,,阻带s中,,:通带截止频率s:阻带截止频率p:通带波纹s:阻带波纹,:通带峰值波纹,s:最小阻带衰减,实际低通滤波器的性能指标:只考虑幅频特性,不考虑相频特性。,通带: 使信号通过的频带。阻带:抑制噪声通过的频带。过渡带:通带到阻带间过渡的频率范围。c:截止频率,半功率点,功率衰减1/2,-3db衰减点,幅值衰减理想低通滤波器:过渡带为零,阻带内幅值|H(j)|=0,通带内幅值|H(j)|=常数,H(j)的相位是线性的。,6.2 模拟滤波器的设计原理,根据拉普拉斯变换与傅里叶变换的关系,可得从模拟滤波器的传递函数H(s)来确定模拟滤波器的频率特性H(j)的方法
7、到一些有用的结论。如果系统满足此条件,那么可以得到下面的重要结论。,在因果系统中,系统单位脉冲响应函数h(t)的傅里叶变换就是系统的频率特性H(j)其中单位脉冲响应函数h(t) 一般是实函数。因为,即频率特性H(j)的翻转H(-j)与其共轭H*(j)相等。此结论为实函数的傅里叶变换的重要结论。,所以可得,假设二:假设所分析的模拟滤波器的频率特性H(j)的模的平方函数|H(j)|2可以表示为频率的平方2的函数。如果频率特性H(j)满足此条件,那么则有,所以有,又因为,现在的问题是:如何由A(-s2)得到H(s)?,进而有,假设三:假设所分析的模拟滤波器为稳定系统。如果系统满足此条件,那么可以进行
8、以下的一些推断。对于给定的A(-s2),首先在s复平面上标出A(-s2)的极点和零点。由(1)式知, A(-s2) 的极点和零点总是成对出现,而且对称于s平面的实轴和虚轴。选用A(-s2)的对称极点和零点的任意一半作为H(s)的极点和零点,则可得到H(s)。,h(t)是实函数,H(s)H(-s)的零、极点分布,根据系统的稳定性判据,当极点位于左半平面时,则系统稳定。为了保证系统H(s)的稳定性,应当选用A(-s2) 在s平面的左半平面的极点作为H(s)的极点,而零点则可以选用任何一半的零点。,进一步说明:(1)极点的归属:为了保证系统H(s)的稳定性,如果位于左半平面,则此极点归H(s)。如果
10、成。,例:,解:,极点:,零点: (二阶),零点:,的极点:,设增益常数为K0,6.3 典型的模拟滤波器,三种典型的模拟滤波器:(1)巴特沃兹滤波器(Butterworth Filter) (2)切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshev Filter)(3)椭圆滤波器(Elliptic Filter)这三种著名滤波器的特点:性能良好、理论完善。本节内容主要参考:MATLAB: Signal Processing Toolbox,6.3.1 巴特沃兹滤波器(Butterworth Filter),Butterworth filters are characterized by a magnitude
11、response that is maximally flat in the passband and monotonic overall. In the lowpass case, the first 2N-1 derivatives of the squared magnitude response are zero at = 0. The squared magnitude response function is,其中c为有效通带的截止频率。N为滤波器的阶数。并可称为N阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器。,Butterworth Filter,N阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器的特点:(1)=0处的最大平坦幅频
12、特性,前2N-1阶导数为0。(2)-3dB截止频率(参数c ),半功率点。,(3)幅频特性的陡峭程度由阶数N决定。(4)幅频特性单调下降。,幅频响应,N阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器没有零点,是一个全极点滤波器。可以证明,H(s)H(-s)的2N个极点为,N阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器的H(s)H(-s)的2N个极点的分布特点:(1)2N个极点在s平面呈象限对称分布,均匀分布在Buttterworth圆上。(2)极点间的角度间隔为 。(3)极点不在虚轴上。(4)当N为奇数时,实轴上有极点。(5)当N为偶数时,实轴上无极点。,H(s)H(-s)的零、极点分布(a)N=3(三阶),H(s)H(-s)的6个极点对称分
13、布。(b)N=4(四阶),H(s)H(-s)的8个极点对称分布。,MATLAB Function 1: buttapFunction Name: Analog Lowpass Filter PrototypesPurpose: Butterworth analog lowpass filter prototypeSyntax: z,p,k = buttap(n)Description: z,p,k = buttap(n) returns the poles and gain of an order n Butterworth analog lowpass filter prototype. T
14、he function returns the poles in the length n column vector p and the gain in scalar k. z is an empty matrix because there are no zeros. The transfer function is,例:z,p,k = buttap(2)计算结果:z = p = -0.7071 + 0.7071i -0.7071 - 0.7071ik = 1,例:z,p,k = buttap(3)计算结果:z = p = -0.5000 + 0.8660i -0.5000 - 0.866
15、0i -1.0000 k = 1.0000,MATLAB Function 2: butterFunction Name: Analog Filter DesignPurpose: Butterworth analog and digital filter designSyntax:b,a = butter(n,Wn)b,a = butter(n,Wn,ftype)b,a = butter(n,Wn,s)b,a = butter(n,Wn,ftype,s)z,p,k = butter(.)A,B,C,D = butter(.),Description:butter designs lowpas
16、s, bandpass, highpass, and bandstop digital and analog Butterworth filters. Butterworth filters are characterized by a magnituderesponse that is maximally flat in the passband and monotonic overall.Butterworth filters sacrifice rolloff steepness for monotonicity in the pass- and stopbands. Unless th
17、e smoothness of the Butterworth filter is needed, anelliptic or Chebyshev filter can generally provide steeper rolloff characteristics with a lower filter order.,例:For example, design a 9th-order Butterworth lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of 400 Hz, based on a 2000 Hz sampling frequency.解:b,
18、a = butter(9,400/1000)计算结果:分子多项式的系数:b = 0.0011 0.0096 0.0384 0.0895 0.1342 0.1342 0.0895 0.0384 0.0096 0.0011分母多项式的系数:a = 1.0000 -1.7916 2.5319 -2.1182 1.3708 -0.6090 0.1993 -0.0431 0.0058 -0.0004,Now calculate the 256-point complex frequency response for this filter, and plot the magnitude and phas
19、e with a call to freqz.freqz(b,a,256,2000);,MATLAB Function 3: buttordFunction Name: Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequencyPurpose: Calculate the order and cutoff frequency for a Butterworth filterSyntax: n,Wn = buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs)n,Wn = buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs,s)Description:buttord calculates t
20、he minimum order of a digital or analog Butterworth filter required to meet a set of filter design specifications.,n,Wn = buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs) returns the lowest order, n, of the digital Butterworth filter that loses no more than Rp dB in the passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the sto
21、pband. The scalar (or vector) of corresponding cutoff frequencies, Wn, is also returned. Use the output arguments n and Wn in butter.n,Wn = buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs,s) finds the minimum order n and cutoff frequencies Wn for an analog Butterworth filter.,例:For data sampled at 1000Hz, design a lowpass Butt
22、erworth filter with less than 3dB of ripple in the passband, defined from 0 to 40Hz, and at least 60dB of attenuation in the stopband, defined from 150Hz to the Nyquist frequency (500Hz). 解:(1) Calculate the order and cutoff frequency:Wp = 40/500; Ws = 150/500; n,Wn = buttord(Wp,Ws,3,60) 计算结果:n = 5W
23、n = 0.0810,(2) Design the filter:b,a = butter(n,Wn)计算结果:分子多项式的系数:b = 1.0e-003 * 0.0227 0.1136 0.2272 0.2272 0.1136 0.0227分母多项式的系数:a = 1.0000 -4.1768 7.0358 -5.9686 2.5478 -0.4375(3) Plot the filters frequency response: Now calculate the 512-point complex frequency response for this filter, and plot
24、the magnitude and phase with a call to freqz.freqz(b,a,512,1000);,6.3.2 切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshev Filter), Chebyshev Type I FilterThe Chebyshev Type I filter minimizes the absolute difference between the ideal and actual frequency response over the entire passband by incorporating an equal ripple of
25、Rp dB in the passband. Stopband response is maximally flat. The transition from passband to stopband is more rapid than for the Butterworth filter.,其中VN(x)为N阶切比雪夫多项式:,c为有效通带的截止频率。为与通带波纹有关的参数,越大,则波纹越大,0 1 。,Chebyshev Type I Filter,切比雪夫I型滤波器的特点:(1)通带内具有等波纹;(2)阻带内单调下降。,幅频响应,巴特沃斯滤波器与切比雪夫I型滤波器的比较:(1)Butt
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