1、2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,1,英美报刊阅读Reading Course in American & British News Publications/Journalistic English,龚茜,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,2,课程描述,“英美报刊阅读”课程是按照教育部高教司所颁布的大学英语课程教学要求为基础较好、学有余力的Level 2和Level 3学生设置的,是为实现大学英语教学性质和目标所开设的一门课程。大学英语课程教学要求把是否能读懂英美报刊杂志作为衡量较高层次和更高层次学生的阅读理解能力的标准。较高要求的英语阅读能力要求:能基本阅读英语国家报刊杂志的一般性题材
2、的文章,阅读速度为每分钟80词;能读懂有一定,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,3,难度的文章,理解其意义,借助词典能阅读英语原版书籍和英语国家报刊杂志上的文章。因此,对于拥有一定词汇和基本语法的学生来说,读懂英语报刊不仅是验证语言能力高低的一种手段,也是提高英语阅读能力和了解外界信息的手段,同时还是将英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际知识结合的主要途径。,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,4,What is news? What are some categories of news?Which to read? What are the five elements of ne
3、ws? How are they presented in a news story,课程导入 (Introductory Questions),2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,5,News is the report of facts about what is happening,News value determiners/determinants:Timeliness “new”Importance, consequence, impact or significance: the issue is closely related to current social life an
4、d the public interests:,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,6,A definition of news is rather elusive. The stock answers are easy: news is when man bites dog; news is something people havent heard before; news is what editors and reporters say it is.There are different categories of news based on different standards.
5、News can be international, national, metro according to the locality and regions where news happens; news can be political, economic, sports, social, etc. according to the nature of news.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,7,消息的基本结构,Use concise words to report events/news factsBasic elements of news: 5whs+howBasic s
6、tructure: title+lead+bodyBut Writing style is flexible: Inverted Pyramid Style(倒金字塔结构)-Pyramid Style(金字塔结构)- Mixed Form of Inverted Pyramid and Pyramid Styles(倒叙顺叙混合结构),2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,8,1. Inverted Pyramid Style(倒金字塔结构)-also called flashbackTHE LEAD OFFERS THE MOST ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS TELLING WHO
7、WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY AND HOW OF THE STORYThe second paragraph has less important information and begins to fill in details about the lead. Later paragraphs contain still less important information. This way of framing a news story is called the “inverted pyramid” News stories are packaged in these st
8、andard molds for a very good reason.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,9,Eg: 1992, 7,31 afternoon, a airliner crash,Refer to word doc.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,10,Pyramid Style(金字塔结构): used to write complex /complicated emotional news event or story aimed to achieve suspense and interest (used to write soft news )Sometime
9、s a news story is very complexFormat: written in the chronological styleWith the climax at the end/beginning+body+ending不意味着事无巨细记流水账、需要概括力 、抓住从一个阶段过渡到另一阶段的转折点或波峰来写。Eg. Pet Deer Killer Fined $400,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,11,Mixed Form of Inverted Pyramid and Pyramid Styles(倒叙顺叙混合结构):crowned with a so called
10、 “inverted pyramid” summary lead-first provide the outline of news event, then write according to the natural sequence of news events归纳性导语+精彩的结尾powerful, appealingEg. Police hurt in street violence,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,12,There are usually five basic elements in news: who, what, why, when and where, wh
11、ich the public is mostly concerned of, and which the reporters stick to in writing the news. An additional element may be “how”, which gives people some detailed information about the process of the event.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,13,Newspapers are publications usually issued on a daily or weekly basis, th
12、e main function of which is to report the news. Newspapers also provide commentary on the news, advocate various public policies, furnish special information and advice to readers, and sometimes include features such as comic strips, cartoons, and serialized books. In nearly all cases and in varying
13、 degrees, they depend on the publication of commercial advertising for their income. Despite the development of cinema, radio broadcasting, and television in the 20th century, newspapers remain a major source of information.,Part One: The Newspaper,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,14,Newspapers in Britain:national
14、 and local newspapers: 11 national & many local (be divided into serious papersthe QUALITY PAPERS/broad sheet & the TABLOIDSGUTTER PRESS)National papers generally give information about films, concerts, and other events happening in London/Local newspapers give information about films, concerts, and
15、 other things happening in the neighborhood, including, e.g. info abut local people who have been married or died recently.,Background Knowledge: Newspapers in Britain and the Us,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,15,Politics: most national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion and people choose the news
16、paper that they read according to their own political beliefs. Most newspapers are RIGHTWING. These are the Daily Telegraph(serious newspaper), the Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Star, the Sun and Today (all tabloids)Right-wing: The Times; Left-wing: the Guardian, The Daily Mirror (tabloid); the c
17、enter: the Financial Times,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,16,Daily and Sunday newspapers: daily newspapers published on every day of the week except Sunday; All Sunday newspapers are national including both serious and gutter papers/larger than daily often having 2 or 3 sections/there is also a magazine called t
18、he COLOUR SUPPLEMENT.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,17,Daily and Sunday newspapers: daily newspapers published on every day of the week except Sunday; All Sunday newspapers are national including both serious and gutter papers/larger than daily often having 2 or 3 sections/there is also a magazine called the CO
19、LOUR SUPPLEMENT.,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,18,1. The Times 泰晤士报2. The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报3. The Observer 观察家报(1993年4月被(The Guardian)吞并)4. The Financial Times 金融时报5. The Guardian 卫报6. The Economist 经济学家7. Daily Mirror 每日镜报8. The Sun 太阳报,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,19,National and local newspapers: more than 1500 dai
20、ly newspapers covering national and international news/expressing different political opinionsUSA Today while the two respectable newspapers (the Los Angeles Times & the Washington Post ) cannot be bought everywhere.Other important newspapers: the Boston Globe(sold in New England), the Chicago Tribu
21、ne(sold in the Midwest), the Christian Science Monitor & USA Today(sold nationally) & the Washington Post(on the East Coast)Weekly newspapers in all parts of the US covering local news which fewer people read them,Newspapers in the US,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,20,National and local newspapers: more than 150
22、0 daily newspapers covering national and international news/expressing different political opinionsUSA Today while the two respectable newspapers (the Los Angeles Times & the Washington Post ) cannot be bought everywhere.Other important newspapers: the Boston Globe(sold in New England), the Chicago
23、Tribune(sold in the Midwest), the Christian Science Monitor & USA Today(sold nationally) & the Washington Post(on the East Coast)Weekly newspapers in all parts of the US covering local news which fewer people read them,Newspapers in the US,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,21,Daily and Sunday newspapers: daily news
24、papers published on every day of the week except Sunday; Sunday newspapers are very big, often having several separate parts containing many longer articles , a lot of advertisements (the CLASSIFIEDS for jobs and things for sale) ,CARTOONS & COMIC STRIPS(humorous drawings/the FUNNIES) and a colorful
25、 magazine,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,22,1. New York Times 纽约时报2. Washington Post 华盛顿邮报3. Los Angeles Times 洛杉矶时报4. International Herald Tribune 国际先驱论坛报5. Christian Science Monitor 基督教科学箴言报6. USA Today 今日美国7. Time 时代8. Fortune 财富9. Readers Digest 读者文摘10. Newsweek 新闻周刊11. Business Week 商业周刊,2022/11/22,英美报刊阅读,2
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