新编经贸英语口译教程第七单元 市场营销ppt课件.ppt
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1、Unit 7 Marketing,Overview,Sentence InterpretationInterpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C)Passage Interpretation (C-E)Extra Exercises,Unit 7 Marketing,Sentence InterpretationInterpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C)Passage Interpretation (C-E)Extra Exercises,Sentence Interpretation
2、,(1) Chinas gross domestic product reached 33.5 trillion yuan, up 8.7 percent from a year earlier. (国内生产总值) (2) The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan, up 9.8 percent in real terms. (人均可支配收入) (3) The central government spent 127.7 billion yuan on medical and health care,
3、 an increase of 49.5 percent. (医疗卫生),Sentence Interpretation,(4)财政收入达6.85万亿元,同比增长11.7%。(fiscal revenue) (5)加快发展连锁经营和电子商务以降低经营成本和销售价格。 (chain-store operations) (6)在激烈的市场中,国有企业要站稳脚跟,发展壮大,必须具有一定的核心竞争力。 (core competitiveness),Unit 7 Marketing,Sentence InterpretationInterpretation Skills Passage Interpre
4、tation (E-C)Passage Interpretation (C-E)Extra Exercises,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,口译中的习语是如何定义及分类的? 习惯用语(idioms),简称习语,惯用语,是种固定的表达法,所以又叫做set phrases。习语一词的含义甚广,一般指那些常用在一起,具有特定形式的词组,其蕴含的意义往往不能从词组中单个词的意思推测而得。汉语习语通常包括成语、俗语(folk adages)、格言(motto)、歇后语、谚语(proverbs)、俚语(slang)、行话(jargon)等。但英语中的习语没有汉语的习语分类详细
5、,我们从翻译角度总结英汉习语,可将其分成以下三类:a.英汉习语所用设喻形同义同; b.英汉习语所用设喻形异义同; c.英汉习语所用设喻形同义异。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,对于以上几种习语在口译时,有何对策? 习语是国家风俗人情及历史文化背景的反映,其翻译过程不仅是一个简单的文字解码过程,更是一种语言文化的传递过程。因此,在习语翻译过程中,除了信息传递、意思表达的一般问题以外,还会存在因文化不同与社会因素而产生的更大障碍,口译工作更是如此。我们在翻译习语时大致有三种处理方法: 一是直译, 二为意译, 三是在译入语中找出与之意思对应的习语来代替。为确保所翻译出的语
6、言传达了相对准确的意思和信息,通常需要在必要时加以补充解释,以防重要的意思和信息漏译误译。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,(i) 形同义同英汉两种语言虽然文化背景不同, 但广大民众往往具有相同的社会经验和心理状态, 这就造成了一些习语在其形象或喻体上完全相同或基本相同; 其含义也基本相同, 甚至完全相同。因此, 在翻译这类习语时, 可以直接找出译入语中与源语中意思相对应的习语来代替。例如,Walls have ears(隔墙有耳);constant dropping wears the stone (滴水穿石);The spirit is willing but t
7、he flesh is weak(心有余而力不足)。另外, 一个语言里的有些习语是从另一语言中借用来的, 并被广泛使用, 成为借入语的固定习语。英汉两种语言中都有不少这样的借用的习语, 如汉语中的“以眼还眼, 以牙还牙”、“武装到牙齿”、“披着羊皮的狼”等习语就是从英语的“an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”、“armed to the teeth”、“a wolf in sheeps clothing”移植来的, 而英语的“to lo se ones face”、“to save ones face”也是从汉语中的“丢面子”、“保面子”借用来的。,I
8、nterpretation Skills-Idioms,(ii) 形异义同在不同的文化背景下产生, 两种不同的生活环境决定了英汉同义习语的不同比喻, 即不同的喻体或形象。但即使是这样, 有时候我们仍然可以发现英语和汉语中存在不少形象虽然不同, 但是含义却基本相同或完全相同的对应的习语。例如,cast pearl before swine(对牛弹琴);Like a cat on hot bricks(热锅上的蚂蚁);a flash in the pan(昙花一现)等.(iii) 形同义异英汉两种语言中还有一些习语形象和结构非常相似, 但是含义相差甚远, 若用直译法翻译这样的习语, 则可能译错。如
9、pull ones leg,指开玩笑而不是拉后腿的意思;childs play,指简单容易而不是视同儿戏的意思;strange bedfellows,指萍水相逢而不是同床异梦的意思;in the same boat,指处于困境而不是同舟共济的意思;to be touch and go,指危险处境而不是一触即发的意思;throw a sprat to catch a whale, 指舍小利而求大利而不是抛砖引玉的意思;类似的这类形同义异的习语还有很多,翻译时应特别注意。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,以上习语翻译大部分侧重的是英译汉,而具体针对汉译英,特别是很多带有典
10、故的汉语习语,口译时,在保证信息的尽可能传递的前提下,又兼顾时效性和文化因素,我们可以参考如下处理方式:(i) 直译例如,姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩(like Chiang Tai Kung fishing, they have case the line for the fish who want to be caught);瑞雪兆丰年 (a timely snow promises a good harvest);人海战术 (huge-crowd strategy)等,这类习语简单易懂,直译利于中国文化走向世界。(ii) 意译例如,36计走为上计(make oneself scare);待字闺中
11、(not yet engaged of a girl);君子之交淡如水(a hedge between keeps friendship green)等,这种处理方法可以避开文化障碍,保证口译的时效性。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,(iii) 借用译入语中相似的习语例如,班门弄斧(teach ones grandmother to suck eggs); 拆东墙补西墙 (rob Peter to pay Paul); 抛砖引玉(throw a sprat to catch a whale)等,用译入语中的相似习语替代源语,利于听众听懂并接受。(iv) 直译加注例如
12、,三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮(three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind );强龙难压地头蛇 (even a dragon from the outside finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies);嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗(follow your husband wherever he goes - to be co
13、ntented with the man a woman has married)等,加注的方法使听者对习语中涉及的部分带有源语文化内容的词能更好的理解,更真切地感受其意义。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,(v) 直译意译结合例如,曾经沧海难为水(one who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers. To a sophisticated person there is nothing new under the sun.) 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全(better be a piece of broken jad
14、e than an unbroken tile, rather stand on principles than accept humiliation);前怕狼后怕虎 (fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind,with hesitate in doing something)等,这种方法既传播了汉语言文化也使听者更容易明白习语的内涵。(vi) 正文引出典故例如,塞翁失马,安知非福(Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise。An old man by the name of Saiweng lost a
15、horse and did not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.);守株待兔(Be lack of innovation. Stay by a tree hoping to catch a hare just because once a hare accidentally died there.); 宝山空回(Be unable to benefit from seeing great master. Return empty-handed from treasure mountain.) 对于这类牵涉典故的习语,可以视情况而
16、定,先意译其意思,若后面遇到需要引出典故时,可以将其具体内容点出。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,英汉语言中的数字习语,该怎么翻译呢?英汉数字习语在习语中占有相当大的比例。因各国人民价值观念千差万别, 其内涵便有很大差异。通过对比英汉习语,我们将其归纳为以下几种情况:(i) 完全对应例如,A fall into a pit, again in your wit(吃一堑, 长一智);Have two strings to ones bow( 一弓应备二弦,即 作好两手准备);千里之行, 始于足下(Every march of a thousand miles begi
17、ns with one step)等,这类英汉习语中的数字一一对应,完全吻合,翻译起来难度不大。(ii) 不完全对应例如,Six of one and half a dozen of the other(半斤八两);It takes two and sevens(七上八下);狡兔三窟(It is a poor mouse that has only one hole)等,这类英汉习语中的数字不是一一对应,不能完全吻合,需要引起注意。,Interpretation Skills-Idioms,(iii) 不对应例如,Decathlon(男子十项全能);五十步笑百步(The pot calls t
18、he kettle black);鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利(Two dogs strive for a bone and the third runs away with)等,这类习语里的数字有时英有汉无, 有时汉有英无。翻译数字习语时,了解习语中的数字的实指意义与虚指意义对于正确理解和掌握英汉数字习语至关重要。总之,要做好习语的口译,口译工作者在平时的学习生活中应加强文化背景知识和习语知识的积累与广泛了解。在口译的过程中除了要考虑习语的感情色彩,典故意义,文化背景,准确传达说话者的信息之外,还肩负有使听众更快更好地理解说话者的意图的责任。这样才能增强交际各方的相互理解,促进交际各方的顺利交流。,
19、Unit 7 Marketing,Sentence InterpretationInterpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C)Passage Interpretation (C-E)Extra Exercises,Word Match,retailer special deal online shopper post-Thanksgiving weekend quintessentially initial subdued year-on-yearonline traffic limited-time free shipping,年同比 零
20、售商 初始的 限时免发货费 特惠活动 感恩节过后的周末 典型的 网上流量 网上购物者 不显著的,有节制,Passage Interpretation (E-C),Leading US retailers are today unleashing a lot of special deals aimed at online shoppers. /美国主要零售商今日将推出大量针对网上购物者的特惠活动。/,retailer: 零售商,retail commerce零售商业wholesalers批发商wholesale business批发商业agents代理商dealer经销商distributor
21、分销商distribution center配送中心intermediate trader中间商 subcontract分包specialty store(S.S) 专业店discount store折扣店convenience store(CVS) 便利店super market超级市场warehouse store仓储式商场vending machine自动售货机,Passage Interpretation (E-C),In another word, they are making effort to improve sales over the busy post-Thanksgiv
22、ing weekend, but have delivered sales only slightly ahead of last year. /也就是说,在感恩节过后的繁忙周末,尽管各商家使出浑身解数促进店内销售,但结果仅较去年同期略有增长。/,ahead of:在之前,这里表示超过、增长,表示超过的词语还有:exceed, outnumber, outstrip, pass, forereach, outclass, override, overrun, overtake, surpasseconomic growth 经济增长new economic growth point 新经济增长
23、点regional economic growth 区域经济增长sustainable growth rate 可持续增长率Economic Value Added(EVA) 经济附加值Growth Stock 成长型股票future growth value(FGV) 未来成长价值/未来增加值Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) 创业板市场,Passage Interpretation (E-C),A consulting company measured the number of people going into about 50,000 stores and e
24、stimated that shoppers spent $10.7bn on the day after Thanksgiving, only 0.5 percent up from last year. / 一家咨询公司对约5万家商店的顾客人数进行了评估调查。他们估计,在感恩节第二天,购物者消费了107亿美元,同比仅增长0.5%。/,Passage Interpretation (E-C),Last year, this company once estimated that post-Thanksgiving sales rose 3 percent, although on the w
25、hole seasonal sales slumped last year./去年,该公司估计,感恩节次日的销售额增长了3%。但是,去年全年的季节性销售总体上出现了大幅下降。/,Passage Interpretation (E-C),However, JC Penney Company, a company that has more than 1,000 lower-cost department stores and aims at the typical middle-American shopper, thought its Friday sales had been strong
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