1、Lesson22 Byheart 熟记台词,run(ran,run) v.(戏剧, 电影等)连演,连映-,Thefilmissosuccessfulthatitrunsfor severalweeks.The play will run (for) thirty nights. 这戏将连演一个月。 run errands (为别人)跑腿,跑差使。 run a hotel 经营旅馆。 run sb. into trouble 使某人为难。 let things run their course 听其自然。,Corruption is running wild among officials at
2、 all ranks.,He who runs may read (it). 跑着都读得出,明显易懂。 The train runs daily. 火车每天开行。 The river runs clear thick. 这条河流清澈混浊。 Shelves ran round the walls. 架子靠墙四面摆满。 The childs nose runs. 这孩子流鼻涕。 A thought ran through my mind. 我脑子里闪过一个念头。 His eyes ran down the page. 他看了看这一页。 His letter runs as follows. 他的信
3、这样写着。 So the story runs. 据说(事情)就是这样的。 How your tongue runs! 瞧,你讲个没完。,run for 去叫();参加的竞选,做的候选人。 run for an office 做候补人;钻营作官 run into five editions 出到第五版 The train makes a run of 100 miles in 2 hours. 火车两小时跑100英里 the run of events 事态的趋势;形势。 the common run of mankind 普通人,常人 the ordinary common run 普通人,
4、普通物品事件,linepl. 【戏剧】台词。 memorize ones lines 记诵台词。,a fishing line 钓鱼线。 hang the clothes on the line 把衣服挂在绳子上 an air line 航空线。 a line of supply 【军事】补给线。 a face covered with deep lines of care 满面愁容。 relations in the female line 母系亲属。,go step over the line 越界;超越限度。have good lines in ones face 面孔的轮廓很好。 gu
5、iding line 方针。 Hold the line, please. (电话)请等一等。 a production line 生产线。 the first line of defence 第一道防线。 a road lined with trees 两旁种着树的路。 People line the streets to welcome. 人们夹道欢迎。 a face lined with age 因年老起了皱纹的脸。,Falter v.支吾, 结巴说,- Hehaspracticedthepoemseveraltimes, sohehasnocausetofalter. 他练习这首诗好多
6、次了,所以没有理由结巴。His voice began to falter.他的声音开始发颤。,Stammer v.口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说,He stammered out his need.他结结巴巴地说出了他的需要。His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker.口吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。Stagger,cast(cast,cast) v.选派扮演角色,- Theactorwascastintheroleofhero. 这个演员在剧中扮演英雄的角色。Role n.角色, 任务The boy cast a st
7、one into the water.男孩把一块石头扔进水中。The candle cast a dim light on the table.蜡烛在桌上投下黯淡的光。The high bell tower cast a long shadow on the grass.高高的钟楼在草地上投下长长的影子。,The afternoon sun, shining on the coin, cast a tiny shadow on the ground.午后的太阳照在那枚硬币上,在地面上投下了一个小小的阴影。Americans elect a president every four years,
8、 and only citizens over 18 can cast a vote.美国每四年选一出一位总统,但只有年满18岁的公民才能投票。,Imprison v.关押(= putsbin prison 关押某人)- Hewasimprisonedfor10years.,imprisonment n.关押 - sentencesbtolifeimprisonment 判名人终生监禁prison, jail = gaol n.监狱 - sendsbtoprison / putsbinprison / throwsbintoprisoninprison 坐牢(不加the) - Heisinpr
9、ison/jail/gaol. = Heisbehindbars. 他在铁窗之后。,Reveal v.使显露, 揭露, 揭穿,- Thesecrethasntbeenrevealed.Reveal vt.把什么露出来 - Acurtainwasupandrevealedthebeautifulscenery.(n.风景, 景色)Disclose vt.揭发(- disclosethetruth)Discover vt.发现Uncover vt.揭开具体的盖子 - Averytightdressrevealsthebeautifulfigure.Revealable adj.可展现的Reveal
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