1、,Practice of International Trade Chapter 1,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,You Are Who You Are,Performance 30%,Attendance 15%,Exercises & homework 15%,Final exam 70%,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Starting from iPhone,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Objectives,To master the procedure of International Trade practiceTo learn how to make required docu
2、mentsTo master standard business terms and expressions,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,目录CONTENTS,C1 Introduction to International Trade 国际贸易导论C2 Business Negotiation and Conclusion of the Contract 交易磋商与合同订立C3 Quality and Quantity of Goods 商品的品质与数量C4 Packing and Marking 包装与标志C5 International Trade Terms 国际贸易术语C6 Int
3、ernational Cargo Transport 国际货物运输C7 Cargo Transport Insurance 货物运输保险C8 International Payment 国际支付C9 Inspection/Claims/Force Majeure and Arbitration 检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁C10 Performance of the Contract 进出口合同的履行,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.1 What Is International Trade?,Viewed from the international sphere, the exchange
4、s of goods and services across international boundaries or territories are worldwide trade transactions, and also known as international trade or world trade.,A. The definition of international trade,国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。国际贸易由进口贸易(Import Trad
5、e)和出口贸易(Export Trade)两部分组成,故有时也称为进出口贸易。,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Some concepts:,Foreign Trade(对外贸易): From the perspective of one country, international trade is also called foreign trade.Visible Trade(有形贸易): Trade in goods which can be actually seen passing through ports or airport, entering or leaving one co
6、untry.Invisible Trade(无形贸易): Trade in services and technologies,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Tangible goods,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Intangible services,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,Case Study,Suppose that an America-based multinational company set up two subsidiaries in China. The parent company signed a sales contract with the subsidi
7、aries, which stipulated that the parent company would make the delivery to one of the subsidiaries in Shanghai, which should forward some of the goods to another subsidiary at Chengdu. Question: Is the transaction between the parent company and the two subsidiaries an international trade?,英文版国际贸易实务第
8、一课导论,国际性的判断标准,买卖双方当事人的营业地处于不同国家当事人具有不同的国籍订立合同的行为完成于不同国家货物须由一国运往另一国,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,Why do countries trade? Shouldnt a strong country such as the United States produce all of the computers, television sets, automobiles and cameras it wants rather than import such products
9、from Japan? Why do the Japanese and other countries buy wheat, corn, chemical products, aircraft, manufactured goods, and informational services from the United States?,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,1)Resources reasons Climate conditions and terrain Agricultural produce Colombia and Br
10、azil,Coffee beans coffee,A big wheat exporter,The US Great Plains states 北美中部大平原,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,1)Resources reasons,(2) Natural resources,Middle East : 70% worlds total oil reserve 40% world total outputOver 2/3 of the oil that Western Europe and Japan consume,英文版国际贸易实务第
11、一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,1)Resources reasons,(3) Technologies and labor,Importing advanced equipment from the US, Japan,(4) Capital resources,The lack of capital- developing countries are unable to modernize their industries and economies with advanced machinery, equipment, and plant they a
12、re not yet able to manufacture.,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,1)Resources reasons,(5) Geographical location and transport costs,US VS Canada,EU,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,1)Resources reasons,(6) Insufficient production,Only 1.2% labor - in food production,Importing US$
13、25 billion annually,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,(1)Opportunity Cost,Definition: The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. (New Oxford American Dictionary )Opportunity cost is a key concept in economics, and has been describe
14、d as expressing the basic relationship between scarcity and choice,为了得到某种东西而所要放弃另一些东西的最大价值;也可以理解为在面临多方案择一决策时,被舍弃的选项中的最高价值者是本次决策的机会成本;还指厂商把相同的生产要素投入到其他行业当中去可以获得的最高收益。,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,(1)Opportunity Cost,Given a choice of producing one product or another,
15、 it is more efficient to produce the product with the lower opportunity cost, using the increased production of that product to trade for the product with the higher opportunity cost.,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,So you should carefully calculate your cost and benefit and make a wiser choice! Think of your opport
16、unity cost of studying here?,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,(2)The principle of absolute advantage 绝对优势,Adam Smith(1723-1790) The Wealth of Nations,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,(2)The principle of absolute advantage 绝对优势,L: literH: ho
17、urY: yard,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,In France: Cost of Wine: 1 unit = 1/6 hourCost of Cloth: 1 unit = 1/4 hourIn England:Cost of Wine: 1 unit = 1 hourCost of Cloth: 1 unit = 1/5 hour,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,You and your friends decided to help with fundraising for a local
18、 charity group by printing t-shirts and making birdhouses.Scenario 1: One of your friends, Gina, can print 5 t-shirts or build 3 birdhouses an hour. Your other friend, Mike, can print 3 t-shirts an hour or build 2 birdhouses an hour. Because your friend Gina is more productive at printing t-shirts a
19、nd building birdhouses compared to Mike, she has an absolute advantage in both printing t-shirts and building birdhouses.,当两个国家生产两种商品,使用一种生产要素劳动时,如果刚好A国家在一种商品上劳动生产率高,B国家在这种商品上劳动生产率低,则A国该商品生产上具有绝对优势。两国按各自的绝对优势进行专业生产分工并参与贸易,则两国都能从贸易中得到利益。这种贸易利益来自专业化分工促进劳动生产率的提高。,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Tr
20、ade?,2)Economic reasons,(3)The principle of comparative advantage 比较优势,On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,David Ricardo,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,(2)The principle of comparative advantage 比较优势,Born to win,天生我材必有用,理财 你我 1分,营销 你我 3分,我们的分工合作关系是建立在比较
21、优势之上,而不是绝对优势之上。,因为你的时间精力是有限的。尽管你什么都比我行,但你不能什么都自己做。当然你可以选择什么都自己做,但那样你得到的收益会少于和我合作你所得的份额。,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,比较优势理论(Theory of Comparative Advantage)可以表述为:每个人都消费本国和世界各国许多其他人所生产的物品或者劳务,一个可以用较少投入生产该物品的人被称为在生产该物品上具有绝对优势,生产该物品的机会成本比较小的人称为具有比较优势,而贸易的好处则是基于比较优势,而不是绝对优势,贸易可以使得每个人的状况变得更好,因为它使得人们可以专门从事自己具有比较优势的活动,但
22、这个原理并不仅仅适用于个人。在两国间,劳动生产率的差距并不是在任何商品上都是相等。对于处于绝对优势的国家, 应集中力量生产优势较大的商品,处于绝对劣势的国家,应集中力量生产劣势较小的商品,然后通过国际贸易,互相交换,彼此都节省了劳动,都得到了益处。,(2)The principle of comparative advantage 比较优势,英文版国际贸易实务第一课导论,1.2 Why International Trade?,2)Economic reasons,要注意区分“绝对”与“比较”绝对优势是自己的某种商品跟别人的一个比较,即处于绝对优势或劣势;比较优势是自己多种商品之间的一个比较,
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