1、,Socrates,Group2: 刘珊,汪菲,黄黎,段雅琪,许春晖,梁俊,01,02,03,04,目录 Content,背景,苏格拉底的思想,苏格拉底的影响(同代与现代),关于苏格拉底的轶事和名言,苏格拉底与孔子的教育思想对比,Background,1. Age background2. Brief introduction3. Socratic problem,时代背景,公元前6世纪,希腊化时代,古希腊作为罗马帝国的一部分,哲学,政治,伦理,修辞,玄学,本体论,生物,美学,古希腊哲学主要研究理性和探究的作用。它通过许多方式对现代哲学以及现代科学发挥着影响。从古希腊希腊哲学家,希腊哲学家,中
2、世纪的穆斯林哲学家和伊斯兰科学家,到欧洲的文艺复兴与启蒙运动,再到现代的世俗科学,它都起到了一种清晰的不间断的影响。,理性和探究都并非起源于希腊。对于文明理论家来说,定义希腊的知识探究和诸如古埃及、古巴比伦等更老文明探究之间的差别,很长一段时间以来是他们的研究话题。,Brief introduction,公元前469-公元前399年雅典人士,古希腊著名的思想家、哲学家、教育家、公民陪审员。,他身为雅典的公民,据记载,苏格拉底最后被雅典法庭以侮辱雅典神、引进新神论和腐蚀雅典青年思想之罪名判处死刑。尽管苏格拉底曾获得逃亡的机会,但他仍选择饮下毒堇汁而死,因为他认为逃亡只会进一步破坏雅典法律的权威。
3、,柏拉图,亚里士多德,苏格拉底无论是生前还是死后,都有一大批狂热的崇拜者和一大批激烈的反对者。他一生没留下任何著作,他的行为和学说,主要是通过他的学生柏拉图和色诺芬著作中的记载流传下来。关于苏格拉底的生平和学说,由于从古代以来就有各种不同的记载和说法,一直是学术界讨论最多的一个问题。,色诺芬,Socratic problem,1. Socrates as a figure苏格拉底是柏拉图撰写的对话录中的主要角色。对话录中有多少是苏格拉底的原意、而又有多少是柏拉图自己的意见?由于苏格拉底自己从没有写下任何著作,这个研究的问题也经常被称为“苏格拉底问题”。另一个问题在于柏拉图究竟将苏格拉底虚构到了
4、何种地步,阿里斯托芬也写下许多挖苦嘲讽苏格拉底的作品,两人对苏格拉底的记载往往有极大差异。,2. Socrates as a philosopher要研究苏格拉底的哲学信仰并不是一件简单的事:由于他完全没有留下半点自己的著作,我们只能从柏拉图和色诺芬的记载中加以探索,然而他们两人的记载又往往是互相矛盾的,因此对于何者的记载更接近真相一直是争论的话题。有些人认为苏格拉底其实没有任何特定的信仰,而是只会加以盘问每种信仰;柏拉图在理想国中发表的冗长理论其实是柏拉图自身的想法。要从记载中区分柏拉图和苏格拉底两人的概念相当的困难,同时要解释他们的概念又更为困难。也因此,要从柏拉图和色诺芬等人的记载中寻找
5、苏格拉底的理念并不简单必须留意这些理念很可能不是苏格拉底本人所提出的,而可能更接近于这些记载者自己的看法。In Xenophons Symposium, Socrates is reported as saying he devotes himself only to what he regards as the most important art or occupation, that of discussing philosophy. However, in The Clouds, Aristophanes(阿里斯托芬) portrays Socrates as accepting pa
6、yment for teaching and running a sophist school with Chaerephon(凯勒丰). Also, in Platos Apology and Symposium, as well as in Xenophons accounts, Socrates explicitly denies accepting payment for teaching. More specifically, in the Apology, Socrates cites his poverty as proof that he is not a teacher.,S
7、ocrates Thoughts,All our information about him is second-hand and most of it vigorously disputed, but his trial and death at the hands of the Athenian democracy is nevertheless the founding myth of the academic discipline of philosophy, and his influence has been felt far beyond philosophy itself, a
8、nd in every age.,Philosophical Beliefs,The beliefs of Socrates, as distinct from those of Plato, are difficult to discern.If anything in general can be said about the philosophical beliefs of Socrates, it is that he was morally, intellectually, and politically at odds with many of his fellow Athenia
9、ns., Peopleneedtoemphasislogosand denytheabsoluteauthority.Peopleshouldunderstandoneself. Virtueisknowledge. Thefreeofthoughtisimportant.,Socratic Wisdom, Wisdom springs from an awareness of his own ignorance. (I only know that I know nothing)The best way for people to live was to focus not on accum
10、ulating possessions, but on self-development.Deals belong in a world that only the wise man can understand, making the philosopher the only type of person suitable to govern others.,Socrates virtue,Socrates believed the best way for people to live was to focus on the pursuit of virtue rather than th
11、e pursuit, for instance, of material wealth. He always invited others to try to concentrate more on friendships and a sense of true community.,The idea that there are certain virtues formed a common thread in Socrates teachings. These virtues represented the most important qualities for a person to
12、have, foremost of which were the philosophical or intellectual virtues. Socrates stressed that the unexamined life is not worth living and ethical virtue is the only thing that matters.,Socratic paradoxes,Many of the beliefs traditionally attributed to the historical Socrates have been characterized
13、 as paradoxical because they seem to conflict with common sense. The following are among the so-called Socratic paradoxes:,No one desires evil.No one errs or does wrong willingly or knowingly.Virtueall virtueis knowledge.Virtue is sufficient for happiness.,Comparison of Educational Thoughts between
14、Confucius and Socrates,Comparison on living backgroundComparison on teaching aimsComparison on teaching objectsComparison on teaching contentsComparison on teaching methods,Comparison on living background,Socrates and Confucius both lived in the periods of political and social changes during which t
15、raditional values and practices were being challenged Though Socrates lived in a democratic society, Athens was in a turning period from prosperity to downfall and decay. Socrates sought to enable the Greeks to know and think for themselves. Confucius lived in the end of the Spring and Autumn Warrin
16、g State period. At that time, the land was in a state of dispute, decay and saw rapid changes. Facing moral turpitude and bankruptcy, Confucius was full of melancholy and looking for a stable and a good social lubricant, which is “Zhou Li” in his mind,Comparison on teaching aims,As for Socrates, edu
17、cation was required for solving the problem of societys moral failureEverybody was able to broaden knowledge,process virtue, increase ability and improve moral character by education. “ Virtue is knowledge” is considered as one of his most famous propositions. Socrates devoted himself to educating s
18、tudents to pursue the nature of virtue and he sublimated education up to the philosophyConfucius educational aim was to cultivate talents who were capable of serving the governmentHe attempted to developjun zi which means”gentleman”.The final educational goal of Confucius was to bring up talents for
19、 the country and to build a ideal societyHe emphasized the sentiment and humaneness by sublimating the education up to the ethics,Comparison on teaching objects,Socrates believed education could promote peoples level although they were born with distinctions. Socrates devoted himself to the public e
20、ducation. He taught all kinds of students who enjoyed learning from him no matter where they were from, which social class they were in, what occupation they were working on,and how old they were. He often gave lectures on square,market and other public places so that he was called street-speaker by
21、 the citizen of Athens,Comparison on teaching objects,Confucius believed that everyone is entitled to be educatedThere should be no class distinctions. He thought education should be equal and universal. In addition, Confucius paid much attention to his students personality, which is the base of his
22、 teaching. He taught students according to their aptitudes Socrates and Confucius both made no social distinctions in teaching even if they lived in different countriesThey all broke the monopoly of noble school and made the populace have access to education,which satisfied educational wish of most
23、ordinary people and complied with the need of development of society.,Comparison on teaching contents,Socrates lived in a period of moral degradation, so he viewed virtue and morality as the most important educational content. Besides, his teaching content also contained political education, astrono
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