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1、第二单元 记忆训练,The importance of a good memory in interpretingThe ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information.,Shortterm Memory: The duration of STM is very short. It is u
2、p 6 to 30 seconds. Memory in interpreting only lasts for a short time. Once the interpreting assignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers.,Longterm Memory: Long-Term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ide
3、as and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later. To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later. Long-term memory is a learning process. And it is essentially an important part of the in
4、terpreters acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in LTM may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life.,Short-term memory training,口译记忆有三种类型:-即瞬时记忆:只能使语言信息保持0.25秒至2秒,之后记忆的信息便会消失,它是最短的记忆。译者要有瞬时获取信息的能力,这也是口译人员需要具备的基本素质之一。-短时记忆:短时阶段记忆阶段贮存瞬时记忆输入的信息。虽然信息保持的时间短,但对口译人员来说,短时记忆却
5、相当重要,它是译者进行高强度脑力活动的关键时刻。 -长时记忆:经过加工的语言信息进入长时记忆阶段。长时记忆的信息容量要大得多,信息的保持可以从短时直至终身,是大脑长期保持信息的主要手段。在口译的记忆过程中它配合短时记忆共同完成大脑的记忆工作。,训练方法:,最初阶段:建议采用短篇经过改写的文章作为训练材料,进行复述联系。时间大约掌握在5-6分钟。注意在开始阶段的时候不宜采用复杂内容,或者书面的文章进行训练,但是应该有一定的逻辑性。这一阶段练习的目标应该是保证大的框架的完整,逻辑的清晰。这一阶段应该保证相当的训练量。保证至少4个小时每天的训练量,基本上两个星期,直到感觉处理内容比较顺手-前提需要考
6、核自己复述的内容的质量。 中期阶段:经过一段时间短篇的练习后,可以开始逐渐增长篇幅,内容难度适当的调整,但不宜书面,过于专业的东西。因为这一阶段是记忆的训练而并非内容以及语言上的训练。时间可以增加到7-10分钟,注意这一阶段仍然是保证内容逻辑框架的完整性。同样考核复述质量。两个周的练习基本是在巩固前面的成果。,最后阶段:在这一阶段练习中可以把时间控制在10分钟左右,但这一阶段的练习的经历就应该放在内容的细节方面加强。试着努力地回忆起更多的细节的东西,当然大的框架结构始终应该保证的。上面提到的是基本的训练途径,始终建议同自己的language partner进行训练,这样对于质量评定上还有所掌握
8、习伙伴)以适当的语速现场发布源语信息,长度应掌握在1至5分钟之内。2)接受训练者凭记忆储存源语内容,并尽量用译语记忆。3)接受训练者用译语对原文的内容进行要点复述。4)复述后可进行讲评、切磋,探讨遗漏信息的性质和原因。5)练习可分阶段进行。复述的内容逐渐由大意进入细节,并逐渐提高对细节准确性的要求。(6)整个过程中不允许记笔记。,口译记忆有两种方法:1.逻辑记忆2.形象记忆,逻辑记忆:主要通过对语言信息进行纵向的逻辑分层,并强化横向细节信息间的联系,从而对信息的点(具体的信息内容)、线(各点之间的联系)和面(整体概念)进行全面的把握。 包括:逻辑分层记忆法和细节信息记忆法形象记忆:图像记忆,以
9、感知过的事物的形象为内容的记忆。,I Theory and skills:,口译中的逻辑分析指的是对讲话进行纵向和横向的分析。纵向分析是指分清关键信息和辅助信息,即找出逻辑的层次;横向分析则是明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比对照、举例说明等。,纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,即在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;而每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻辑的下一个层次。,横向分析的练习则要求我们找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模式,如:概括(generalization)、分
10、类(classification)、因果(cause-effect)、对比对照(compare & contrast)、按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列(sequencing)、列举(simple listing)、提出问题-解决问题(problem-solution)等。找逻辑关系可以根据线索词汇,如英文里表示概括关系的线索词汇有:to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole等;表示顺序的词汇有:first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, d
11、uring, when, finally, meanwhile等;表示对比的词汇有:likewise, as well as, in common with, both, similarly,compared to等;表示对照的有:on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently等;表示因果的则有:so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to等等。,例1:中国人的待客规则,一是要热情,态度上不能慢待,别人
13、司老板,更要主动买单,不要让教授或公务员买单。总的说来,表面的热情要有高度。过去是酒要喝到醉,要喝度数高的、价钱贵的酒。现在,劝酒的方式缓和多了。不再强迫喝,不喝醉,喝低度酒。现在的待客之道是:热情、主动、考虑健康。待客之道变得比较宽容合理了。,本文介绍了中国的三种待客之道,分别是:热情,量足,送礼物;针对每一种待客之道,举例对比说明了对待不同地区不同对象的的各自做法;在不同对象中又分析了这么做的各自原因,分别是。就这样将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。,中国待客之道:1.热情 美国人:低成本 香港人:讲究
14、吃 老家人:点些没吃过的菜; 同学、同事:不能点太便宜2.量要足3.出吃饭还要有别的表示 外国人:最不值钱的东西-小盘子、小手帕 中国人:贵的,要积极买单过去:喝到醉,要喝度数高的、价钱贵的酒现在:热情、主动、考虑健康,例2:,澳大利亚和中国在生态环境上有很大的差别,我认为原因很多。首先是由于中国的人口密度较大,其次是经济情况不同。澳大利亚的经济主要依靠第一和第三产业,比如农业、旅游业,它们对环境的污染相对较小;而中国的经济更依赖于第二产业(工业),第二产业对环境污染最大。另外,澳大利亚是一个发达国家,在经济上有能力制定比较严格的环境保护法规。第三是历史的原因。虽然澳大利亚的土族居民有六万多年
15、的历史,但是他们是游牧民族,所以对生态环境没有重大影响。澳大利亚重要的人类活动只有两百年的历史。在中国,重要的人类活动已有几千年之久。第四,中国的环境保护还没有受到应有的重视。第五个原因是澳大利亚人和中国人的社会文明意识有所不同。,澳、中生态环境差别原因: 1 人口密度 2 经济情况: 澳:第一、三产业(两例、结果) 中:第二产业(结果) 此外,澳:发达国(环保法规) 3 历史:(重要人类活动史比较) 4环保重视程度 5文明意识,例3:,1.1 三种错误的饭后习惯医生提醒人们,随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,人们的保健意识也随之增强了,许多人认为饭后吃点水果是现代生活的最佳搭配。无论是在餐厅、饭店
17、加了胃的负担。对此,医生建议人们,在饭后一小时内最好不要饮茶,应待饭后一小时胃内食物消化得差不多时再饮用茶水,这样对消化功能和物质凝固也不会产生太大的影响。“饭后百步走,活到九十九”,这种说法也是不科学的。人的胃在饭后是处于充盈状态的,即使是非常轻微的运动也会使胃受到震动,从而增加胃肠负担,影响消化功能。对此,医生建议,饭后适当休息三十分钟,待胃内的食物适当消化后,再活动较为适宜,这样也不会对消化系统产生太大的影响。,三种错误的饭后习惯:1。饭后吃水果:影响消化功能:食物阻滞在胃内-引起腹胀、腹泻或便秘 2。饭后饮茶:冲淡胃液,影响胃内食物的正常消化3。饭后散步:增加胃肠负担,影响消化功能,例
18、4:Why do we have eyebrows?,Those tiny little hairs above our eyes that many women pluck or paint play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes.Just like an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from rain, our hairy eyebrows keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat. When its pouring with rain ou
19、tside or when sweat runs down our foreheads, our eyebrows divert the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes. Our eyebrows angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but a
20、lso keep the salt in the sweat from burning or irritating our eyes.Eyebrows have other roles also. As one of our most expressive facial features, eyebrows help us determine how people are feeling without having to ask them. If a persons eyebrows are drawn in a frown, the chances are that they are an
21、gry or upset.What is more, over the years, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concepts of beauty or fashion. Big, thick and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more attractive.,Why do we have eyebrows?1. important role in
22、keeping moisture out of our eyes. 1) umbrella-dry from rain or sweat 2) see more clearly 3) from burning or irritating our eyes2. other roles- facial features 1) frown- angry or upset3. Eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concepts of beauty or fashion. 1) Big, thick and hairy -unat
23、tractive 2) thin, plucked - more attractive,例5:,Girls dont do as well at math and science as boys. There are several reasons for this. The first and most important reason is that they arent encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in math and science problems and that build skills for pro
24、blem solving or understanding how things work. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. As a result, they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions. Second, studies have shown that teachers dont expect girls to
25、be good at math. Even female math and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers dont expect girls to excel, they dont try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in these studies. Finally, girls dont have many role models to look up to.
26、Not very many math and science teachers are women, especially in the later grades. When the media picture mathematicians and scientists, they usually picture men. As a result, girls arent inspired to choose these fields as careers. In summary, several factors work together in the home, in schools, a
27、nd in society at large to send a subtle message to girls. Girls almost always get the message; as a result, few girls excel at math and science.,1. are not encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in math and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how
28、things work2. studies have shown that teachers dont expect girls to be good at math 3. girls dont have many role models to look up to,二、形象记忆,形象记忆:以感知过的事物的形象为内容的记忆,是对事物的形状、体积、质地、颜色、运动等具体形象的识记、保持和重现。分为静态形象记忆和动态形象记忆静态形象记忆:常用于描述性的语篇,适用于空间结构、人物景象等静态信息的记忆。动态形象记忆:实质对于事物描述类或动作完成类信息,译员可以把它们想象成动态的画面,储存在短时记忆中,
29、稍后提取信息时就像电影重放一样,能迅速全面地复述出所记忆的内容。常见于这两类场景:事物描述类和动作完成类,Example 1,I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrrupting our conversaiton. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof! I became invisible, absent from the conversation. The park w
30、as filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing other people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies. Evidently, the untethered electronic voice is preferable to human contact.,听到这一段生动形象的描述之后,译员便可在头脑中勾画这样一副图景:自己正与一位朋友在公园中散步、
31、闲谈。突然,谈话被朋友的手机打断。然后放眼四周,发现到处是只顾自己拿着手机讲话而无暇互相交流的人们。译员就这样通过现实化、形象化的方法将一篇复杂的描写转化成生活中一个再熟悉不过的镜头摄入了头脑。然后,译员再用译语将眼前的这幅图景按照自己的方式描述出来即可。这样不仅记忆深刻、全面,而且译员也不会陷入机械的“找词翻译”的误区。,Example 2,My home town is a beautiful place, but it is not very big. It stands beside a wide river at the foot of low green hills. There
32、are about eleven thousand people in it. The streets are wide and straight, and there are many new houses and shops along them. There is a modern hospital and some fine schools. You can see trees and flowers everywhere.,Example 3,How do you sit in your computer? You may sit cross-legged; you may stre
33、cth out your legs and rest them on the little stool under your desk; or you may tuck one leg under your bottom, as long as you feel relaxed that way.,例4,武汉地处长江中游,乘船上可抵重庆,下可达上海。武汉还是全国的重要铁路枢纽,京广、武广、武九铁路在此交汇,连接豫、湘、赣等省,因此又有“九省通衢”之称。,动态形象记忆-事物描述类:此类信息中,描述的对象随时间的推移会发生位置、形状、性质、成分或状态的改变。此时译员可以按照时间或逻辑顺序将原文“拍
34、成电影”,使信息形象化、生动化、便于记忆。,这几个雕像讲的就是博饼这个习俗的来历了。当年郑成功带兵驻厦门,中秋节来临,将士们思念家乡,郑成功为了排遣大家的乡愁,就组织大家三五成群郑股子,谁赢了就奖给他月饼。,Photo A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, and then orders the bartender(酒保
35、) to prepare another double martini. After he finishes that, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini. The bartender says, Look, buddy, Ill bring ya martinis all night long - but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you
36、 order a refill. The customer replies, Im peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know its time to go home.,Blind Date After being with her all evening, the man couldnt take another minute with his blind date. Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the
37、phone so he would have an excuse to leave. When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, I have some bad news. My grandfather just died. Thank heavens, his date replied. If yours hadnt, mine would have had to!,动作完成类:此类信息的特点是整体性和连贯性,每一段信息都与其他信息紧密相关,不可或缺。记忆这类信息
38、也是一个“放电影”的过程。,水中呼吸练习:站在水中,两手向前伸,手心朝下,头连同上身一上一下运动,水中呼气,出水吸气,反复练习;然后呼吸配合手的划水动作,手漂在水面时头入水,呼气,手向下45度划水时头自然出水吸气;,彗星是一种星际物质。随着它逐渐靠近太阳,亮度迅速地增强,并拖着长长的明亮稀疏的彗尾。古人看见彗星从天空飞过时,认为其实怪异之星,因为它有头有尾,形状像扫把,所以给它起名叫扫把星。,I have just moved to a house in BridgeStreet. Yesterday a beggar knocked at mydoor. He asked me for a
39、meal and a glassof beer. In return for this, the beggarstood on his head and sang songs. I gavehim a meal. He ate the food and drankthe beer. Then he put a piece of cheesein his pocket and went away. Later aneighbor told me about him. Everybodyknows him. His name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house in the street oncea month and always asks for a meal and aglass of beer.,具体操作:,1)由训练者(或练习伙伴)以适当的语速现场发布源语信息,长度应掌握在1至5分钟之内。2)接受训练者凭记忆储存源语内容,并尽量用译语记忆。3)接受训练者用译语对原文的内容进行要点复述。4)复述后可进行讲评、切磋,探讨遗漏信息的性质和原因。5)练习可分阶段进行。复述的内容逐渐由大意进入细节,并逐渐提高对细节准确性的要求。(6)整个过程中不允许记笔记。,The End!,