1、哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的处理,同一气道,同一策略,1,内 容,哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的流行病学过敏性鼻炎对哮喘的影响哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的诊治白三烯受体拮抗剂在哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎中的作用,2,多数哮喘患者伴有过敏性鼻炎,约 80% 的哮喘患者伴有过敏性鼻炎,单纯哮喘,单纯过敏性鼻炎,过敏性鼻炎+ 哮喘,Bousquet J et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001;108(Suppl 5):S147-S334.,3,欧洲和亚太地区的哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎调查,Erkka Valovirta, Ruby Pawankar. Survey on the impact of comor
2、bid allergic rhinitis in patients with asthma. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2006, 6(Suppl 1):S3,4,中国哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎流行病学研究,南通大学附属第二医院调查了95300名哮喘和过敏性鼻炎患者,结果显示过敏性鼻炎患者哮喘的发生率是25.92% ,哮喘患者过敏性鼻炎的合并率为40.49% 我国哮喘联盟2010年调查显示呼吸专科门诊就诊的哮喘患者合并过敏性鼻炎的发生率高达70%,Fanny WS Ko, Mary SM Ip, CM Chu et al. Prevalence of allergic rhinit
3、is and its associated morbidity in adults with asthma: a multicentre study. Hong Kong Med J 2010;16:354-61.,1. Ma L, Chen DL, Zhang RX et al. A related heredity epidemiological research on allergic rhinitis and asthma in Nantong region. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2010 Jun;45(6):5
4、02-5.,香港,内地,5,Rafea Shaaban. Lancet 2008; 372: 104957,鼻炎与哮喘的发展 一项长期的人群研究,6,Rafea Shaaban. Rhinitis and onset of asthma: a longitudinal population-based study. Lancet 2008; 372: 104957,研究结果,7,研究结论,鼻炎,即使是非变应性的,也是哮喘发病的一个重要预测(危险)因素;,Rafea Shaaban. Rhinitis and onset of asthma: a longitudinal population-
5、based study. Lancet 2008; 372: 104957,8,Burgess. J Allergy Clin.Immunol. 120(4),863-869 (2007),儿童过敏性鼻炎与哮喘的发展 一项长期的纵向调查研究,9,研究结论,儿童时期的过敏性鼻炎是哮喘发生的危险因素,增加其哮喘发生风险3倍;儿童时期过敏性鼻炎分别增加其在青春前期、青春期和成人时期哮喘发生风险7倍、4倍、2倍;儿童时期过敏性鼻炎增加哮喘新发风险,以及哮喘从儿童时期持续到中年的可能。,Burgess. J Allergy Clin.Immunol. 120(4),863-869 (2007),10,成
6、人过敏性鼻炎与哮喘 增加哮喘发生率约3倍,23-year follow-up of first-year college students undergoing allergy testing; data based on 738 individuals (69% male) with average age of 40 yearsAdapted from Settipane RJ et al Allergy Proc 1994;15:2125.,121086420,发生哮喘的患者%,10.5,过敏性鼻炎(基线)(n=162),3.6,非过敏性鼻炎 (基线)(n=528),p0.002,11,
7、过敏性鼻炎增加哮喘急性加重风险(IMPACT-post hoc),Post hoc analysis of medical resource use/asthma attacks in asthmatic patients with and without concomitant allergic rhinitis over 52 weeksAdapted from Bousquet J et al Clin Exp Allergy 2005;35:723727.,252015100,哮喘急性加重患者%,21.3,哮喘+过敏性鼻炎患者(n=893),17.1,哮喘患者(n=597),p=0.0
8、46,12,过敏性鼻炎令哮喘患者急诊就诊的风险增倍(IMPACT-post hoc),Post hoc analysis of medical resource use/asthma attacks in asthmatic patients with and without concomitant allergic rhinitis over 52 weeksER=emergency roomAdapted from Bousquet J et al Clin Exp Allergy 2005;35:723727.,急诊就诊患者%,哮喘+过敏性鼻炎患者(n=893),哮喘患者(n=597),
9、,p=0.029,1.7,3.6,13,重度哮喘控制不佳与同时存在中重度鼻炎相关,Ponte EV, et al. Allergy. 2008;63(5):564-9.,14121086420,OR,随访期内急诊就诊,哮喘未得到控制,无鼻炎 轻度鼻炎 中重度鼻炎,1.9,3.83,1.23,12.68,14,过敏性鼻炎对哮喘的影响,鼻炎,即使是非变应性的,也是哮喘发病的一个重要预测(危险)因素;不论儿童还是成人,过敏性鼻炎都是哮喘发病的危险因素;过敏性鼻炎加重哮喘患者负担,影响哮喘的控制情况。,Rafea Shaaban. Rhinitis a
10、nd onset of asthma: a longitudinal population-based study. Lancet 2008; 372: 104957Burgess JA. Allergy Clin.Immunol. 120(4),863-869 (2007),15,可能的机制,16,鼻炎与哮喘关系的疾病模型,Alkis Togias. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2003 Jun;111(6):1171-83,鼻炎与哮喘是呼吸道同一疾病的两个表现鼻炎的程度越重,哮喘病情越重,17,CARINA Study in Asthma Patients With A
11、R然而,哮喘患者中AR诊断和治疗不足,18% 哮喘患者未被诊断 AR,34% 哮喘患者未治疗 AR,OTC=over-the-counter medicationAdapted from Kocevar VS et al. Presented at the 15th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1721, 2005.,18,哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的管理,19,ARIA指南的目标,更新临床医生关于过敏性鼻炎的知识突出过敏性鼻炎对哮喘的影响提供以循证医学为基础的过
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