1、1,Netflix Culture:Netflix文化:Freedom & Responsibility自由与责任,2,We Seek Excellence我们寻求卓越,Our culture focuses on helping us achieve excellence我们的文化聚焦于帮助自己达成卓越,3,Seven Aspects of our Culture文化的7个方面,Values are what we Value(价值观来自于我们推崇和珍视的价值)High Performance (追求高绩效)Freedom & Responsibility(自由和责任)Context, no
2、t Control(情景管理而非控制)Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(认同一致,松散耦合)Pay Top of Market(支付市场最高工资)Promotions & Development (晋升和成长),4,Many companies have nice sounding value statements displayed in the lobby, such as:众多公司在大堂展示动听的价值观,诸如:,Integrity正直Communication沟通Respect尊重Excellence卓越,5,Enron, whose leaders wen
3、t to jail, and which went bankrupt from fraud, had these values displayed in their lobby:安然公司,高层入狱,公司因欺诈而破产,在它的大堂里展示着这些企业价值观:,Integrity正直Communication沟通Respect尊重Excellence卓越,(These values were not, however, what was really valued at Enron这些字眼显然并非是安然公司真正的价值观),6,The actual company values, as opposed t
4、o the nice-sounding values, are shown by who gets rewarded, promoted, or let go公司真正的价值观和动听的价值观完全相反,是具体通过哪些人被奖励、被提升和被解雇来体现。,7,Actual company values are thebehaviors and skillsthat are valued in fellow employees真正的价值观是被员工所重视的行为和技能。,8,At Netflix, we particularly value the following nine behaviors and s
5、kills in our colleagues在Netflix,我们特别珍视以下9项同事们拥有的行为和技能,meaning we hire and promote people who demonstrate these nine也意味着我们雇佣和升迁能够体现这9项特质的员工,9,You make wise decisions (people, technical, business, and creative) despite ambiguity你在对人,对技术、对商务和对创新上能够做出明智的决定,摒弃模棱两可You identify root causes, and get beyond
6、treating symptoms 你明辨事物根由,不为表象所惑You think strategically, and can articulate what you are, and are not, trying to do 你能战略性思考,有自知之明,并努力做到You smartly separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later 你能很聪明地分清楚哪些事现在必须完成,哪些事可以稍后跟进,Judgment判断力,10,Communication沟通力,You listen well, instead
7、 of reacting fast, so you can better understand 你善于聆听,而非快速反驳。如此你能够更好地理解You are concise and articulate in speech and writing 你在说和写的时候简洁清晰You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you你待人接物心存敬意,不在意对方的身份,也不在意对方持有异议You maintain calm poise in stressful situations 在重压之下
8、,你也能镇定自若,11,Impact影响力,You accomplish amazing amounts of important work 你能完成众多重要工作You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you 你的同事能仰仗你持续输出的强大工作能力You focus on great results rather than on process 你注重结果而非过程You exhibit bias-to-action, and avoid analysis-paralysis 你偏好先
9、发制人而非谋定后动,12,Curiosity好奇心,You learn rapidly and eagerly 快速学习且渴望学习You seek to understand our strategy, market, customers, and suppliers努力理解公司的战略、市场、用户和供应商You are broadly knowledgeable about business, technology and entertainment 拥有对商业、技术和娱乐的广泛认知You contribute effectively outside of your specialty 在你专
10、长之外也能有效提供贡献,13,Innovation创新,You re-conceptualize issues to discover practical solutions to hard problems你能重构概念以找出难题的特别解决之道 You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest better approaches你能挑战成见,给出更好的方法You create new ideas that prove useful 你能想出的新点子且被证实有效You keep us nimble by minimi
11、zing complexity and finding time to simplify 你能通过降低复杂度,找到简化时间的方法以保持公司的敏捷,14,Courage勇气,You say what you think even if it is controversial 你想说什么就说什么,哪怕有所争议You make tough decisions without agonizing 你能毫无痛苦地作出艰难决定You take smart risks 你能明智地冒险You question actions inconsistent with our values 你能质疑和我们价值观不一的
12、行为,15,Passion热情,You inspire others with your thirst for excellence 以你对卓越的渴望激励他人You care intensely about Netflixs success 你对公司的成功深系于心You celebrate wins 你热爱胜利You are tenacious你坚忍不拔,16,Honesty诚实,You are known for candor and directness 众人认为你坦白直率You are non-political when you disagree with others 你不同意他人意
13、见时并非出于公司政治的考量You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face 你不背后议论他人You are quick to admit mistakes 你能很快承认错误,17,Selflessness无私,You seek what is best for Netflix, rather than best for yourself or your group你寻求的是什么对Netflix最好,而不是什么对你自己和你的小团队最好 You are ego-less when searching for
14、the best ideas 当大家一起找寻最佳方案时,你没有那么多自我要维护You make time to help colleagues 你愿意花时间帮助同事You share information openly and proactively你能主动开放地分享资讯,18,Seven Aspects of our Culture文化的7个方面,Values are what we Value(价值观来自于我们推崇和珍视的价值)High Performance (追求高绩效)Freedom & Responsibility(自由和责任)Context, not Control(情景管理而
15、非控制)Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(认同一致,松散耦合)Pay Top of Market(支付市场最高工资)Promotions & Development (晋升和成长),19,Imagine if every person at Netflix is someone you respect and learn from设想一下,如果公司里的任何一个员工,你都发自内心地尊重,而且能够从他们身上学到东西,20,Great Workplace is Stunning Colleagues最好的工作环境是拥有一群超级棒的同事,Great workplace i
16、s not espresso, lush benefits, sushi lunches, grand parties, or nice offices最好的工作环境不在于上等咖啡、丰厚福利、日本料理、盛大派对和漂亮办公室 We do some of these things, but only if they are efficient at attracting and retaining stunning colleagues我们也会做上述的事情,但那只是因为这样才能吸引和留住那些超级棒的同事。,21,Like every company, we try to hire well和许多公
17、司一样,我们努力将招聘做好,22,Unlike many companies, we practice:和许多公司不一样,我们实行: adequate performance gets a generous severance package仅仅做到称职的员工,也要拿钱走人,23,Were a team, not a family我们是个团队,不是个家庭Were like a pro sports team, not a kids recreational team我们就像个专业运动队,而不是小孩子过家家Netflix leadershire, develop and cut smartly,
18、 so we have stars in every position因为Netflix的领导能够明智地聘用、培养和裁员,所以我们在每个岗位上都是明星员工,24,The Keeper Test Managers Use:管理者的员工去留测试:,Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving,for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Netflix?我手下的员工里,如果有人要辞职去同业公司做类似工作,有哪些人是我会拼命挽留的?,25,The ot
19、her people should get a generous severance now, so we can open a slot to try to find a star for that role如果不是,那么这样的员工我们只能让他们拿钱走人,这样我们才能空出位子,为团队找到明星员工。,The Keeper Test Managers Use:管理者的员工去留测试:,Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving,for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight har
20、d to keep at Netflix?我手下的员工里,如果有人要辞职去同业公司做类似工作,有哪些人是我会拼命挽留的?,26,Honesty Always永远保持诚实,Asa leader, no one in your group should be materially surprised of your views作为领导者,你团队中的任何一名成员都不应该对你的评估感到特别惊奇,27,Candor is not just a leaders responsibility, and you should periodically ask your manager: “If I told
21、you I were leaving, how hard would you work to change my mind?”坦诚不单是领导者的责任,作为员工,你也应该定期地询问你领导:如果我告诉你我要辞职,那你会多大程度上努力挽留我?,Honesty Always永远保持诚实,28,All of Us are Responsible for Ensuring We Live our Values我们所有人都有责任确保价值观的延续,“You question actions inconsistent with our values” is part of the Courage value质疑
22、和我们价值观不一致的行为”是勇气那一章的一部分。Akin to the honor code pledge: “I will not lie, nor cheat, nor steal, nor tolerate those who do”和我们的荣誉准则一致:“我不撒谎,不欺诈,不偷窃,也绝不容忍这么做的人。,29,Pro Sports Team Metaphor is Good, but Imperfect专业运动队的比喻很好,但有瑕疵。,Athletic teams have a fixed number of positions, so team members are always
23、competing with each other for one of the precious slots运动队有固定的位置数量,所以成员们会为了宝贵的位置而相互竞争。,30,Corporate Team合作团队,The more talent we have, the more we can accomplish, so our people assist each other all the time我们的团队能力越大,我们所取得的成就也就越大,所以我们的人始终彼此帮助。Internal “cutthroat” or “sink or swim” behavior is rare an
24、d not tolerated内部人员之间的倾轧行为非常少见,而且不被容忍。,31,We Help Each Other To Be Great我们彼此帮助,共同成就。,32,Isnt Loyalty Good? 忠诚有益?What about Hard Workers?如何对待勤奋员工?What about Brilliant Jerks? 如何对待不羁天才?,33,Loyalty is Good忠诚有益,Loyalty is good as a stabilizer忠诚就像稳定器一样有益。People who have been stars for us, and hit a bad pa
25、tch, get a near term pass because we think they are likely to become stars for us again那些想成为明星员工的人表现低迷,会得到原谅,因为我们认为他们很有可能会再次成为我们的明星员工。We want the same: if Netflix hits a temporary bad patch, we want people to stick with us我们也想得到同样的回馈:如果Netflix遭遇短期低迷,我们希望员工会和我们紧密团结在一起。But unlimited loyalty to a shrin
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