1、1,习语的翻译,2,Content,一、习语的特点二、习语的翻译,3,一、习语的特点,广义的习语(idioms),包括俗语(colloquialisms)、 谚语(proverbs)和俚语(slang expressions)。英语习语是在英语的发展过程中,经过长期的社会实践提炼出来的短语和短句,是语言的精华部分。习语大都具有鲜明的形象,适合用来比喻事物,且短小精悍,易懂易记,为广大人民群众所喜闻乐见。,4,辨认习语,()违背常理的句子 My neighbours are continually quarrelling, but it is usually a storm in a tea-c
2、up . 我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事儿大吵大闹。,5,()违背语法规则的表达。 He was blown to kingdom come. 他被炸死了。 Im afraid this sudden wet weather has put paid to ( =finish, destroy ) our picnic. 恐怕这突如其来的雨天已使我们的野炊泡汤了 。,6,()以like, as等简单的词开头的习语。 He accepted his defeat like a lamb ( =meekly ) . 他毫无反抗地接受了自己的失败。 Theyre the same heig
3、ht, or as near as (=nearly; almost) makes no difference. 他们全是一般高,分不出谁高谁矮。,7,二、习语的翻译,一、直译法 所谓直译法,是指在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联想的前提下,在译文中保留英语习语的比喻、形象、和民族色彩的翻译方法。,8,under ones nose armed to the teeth packed like sardines sour grapes a gentlemans agreement the Trojan horse the heel of Achilles the sword of Damoc
4、les the cold/hot war,在某人鼻子底下武装到牙齿挤得象沙丁鱼罐头酸葡萄君子协定特洛伊木马阿基里斯的脚跟悬在达摩克里斯头顶上的剑冷/热战,9,A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命。Barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人。A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔。A light heart lives long. 不恼不愁,活到白头。,10,二、直译加注Dont know, Captain, but it sounds like Grace is in there talking to her boss
5、at NIS. She mentioned killing off the investigation. Sounds to me like some serious circling of wagons has been going on. 不知道,上校,不过听起来葛瑞丝好像正和她的调查局老板谈话,她提及撤消调查。听起来像是真的要把大篷车围起来了。( circling of wagons 涉及美国的文化背景,美国人从东部向西部移民时,路上常遇印第安人袭击,于是他们就把大篷车围起来自卫。此处指当权者怕调查深入,火烧到自己身上,于是撤销调查自保。),11,三、意译法1)They didnt in
6、vite him, for he is a wet blanket.他们没有邀请他,因为他是个令人扫兴的人。2) Among so many well-dressed and cultured people the country girl felt like a fish out of water.在众多穿着体面而又有教养的人群里,这位乡下姑娘感到很不自在。3)We still love each other very much ,but we fight like cat and dog. 我们常吵吵闹闹,但仍很相爱。,12,四、兼用直译和意译The captain scratched t
7、he beginnings of five oclock shadow and look away. 上校一边用手抓着下午五点钟长出来的络腮胡子茬,一边向远处望去。(这句里的 ”five oclock shadow”, 如果直译为“五点钟的阴影”,中国读者一定难以理解,只好一部分直译,一部分意译。),13,五、汉语同义习语套用法I think, and I certainly hope, those stories are terribly exaggerated. Our intelligence says they are. Still, where theres smoke我觉得,我当然
8、也希望,这些报道是夸大了。我们的情报人员说是这样。不过,无风不起浪“where theres smoke”是习语“where theres smoke, theres fire. ”(有烟必有火;无火不起烟)的简化。Well, its too late to hide now. I must try to avoid suspicion by throwing them off the scent.如今即使赶着躲,想罢也躲不及了,少不得要使个金蝉脱壳的法子。英语习语“to throw (put) sb. off the scent”与汉语成语“金蝉脱壳”形象喻义很接近,都含有“用计脱身”的意义
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