1、托福独立口语如何得高分 托福独立口语如何得高分?评分标准中找关键?今天给大家带来托福独立口语如何得高分 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。独立口语如何得高分?评分标准中找关键独立口语4分满分得分评价TOEFL IBT Speaking Scoring RubricIndependent Tasks (Questions 1 and 2)Score:4General Description:The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It i
2、s highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following.(具体三点拆分在下面的三项技巧中)分析:很多人认为,独立任务题的4分,相对而言比后面的4题要容易拿到,因为可控的因素多,从而理所当然的认为:“独立任务更加简单,背诵答案、机经就可以了。”这种想法是错误的。大家必须知道:三大口语题型权重并列,就出题者而言,六道题并没有难易之分。而独立任务题,难就难在 “可控因素”上面。在不知道考官到底想
3、听什么,一气儿乱答的情况下,就造就了屡考屡败的窘迫局面。提分关键:完成口语任务语言内容45秒考生的语言陈述,是否能够完成任务要求,是决定满分与否的基本条件,诚然,ETS并不要求我们严格遵循45秒要求,毕竟人不是机器。45秒内,是否能够完整回答题目提出的问题是关键。说满45秒语言形式无论考生是否完成了任务能够把45秒钟时间说满(最多留3秒空白)的形式类似于写作对字数的要求,这一点大家必须铭记于心。说满时间的同时,语言表达的连贯性(语言形式要求)也是对于满分答案的基本要求。一. 发音Delivery:Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Spe
4、ech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility。本项得分考察的是对于语言形式的要求:口语语言传递(delivery)形式,即发音要求。需要强调的是,此处ETS要求的是发音(Pronunciation)本身,无关口音。发音技巧1)节奏、停顿适当,不要语速那么快,130words/min的基本语速是可以接受的2)发音清晰:元音饱满,辅音清晰。容忍适当的语音错误,
5、只要不影响理解。3)语调表意:此处指升调和降调,适当的升调降调表达,必然为具体内容表达增添光彩,没有重读,没有语调的答案和满分无缘(哪怕语调运用不太正确,也必须具有抑扬顿挫)。二. 语言运用Language Use:The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary.It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate).Some minor
6、 (or systemic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning。本项考察的是对于考生语言使用(形式和内容)的综合状况语言运用提分技巧:1)语法和词汇运用的“正确性”把握。就语法和词汇在实际考试的运用而言,使用“正确的词”和“正确地用词”是同样重要的两个方面。考试或者平时练习实际操作(限时说话的时候)说你能说的东西,比说你想说的东西更加重要。中国学生语法的常见错误,就是时态表达,综合使用陈述的时候,需依据内容使用不止一个时态,是得到4分的要求之一。2)就句型结构而言,“可控地”综合使用基本句子结构和复杂句子结构是满分的进一步要求,让
7、我们一起来看下下面这个满分例子。“My favorite movie is Amelia for two reasons. First, I have always wanted to go to France and Amelie was filmed in France. I am studying French and I love the sound of the language. I also think Paris is romantic and I want to go to the Louvre. Secondly, Amelie had very good directin
8、g. The way the director moved the camera made the movie exciting. So, for these reasons, Amelie is my favorite movie。”(75 words)简单75个字,综合了复杂句和简单句,四种时态正确运用,逻辑结构分明,细节明显有效,满分范本。三. 话题展开Topic Development:Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relati
9、onships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas)。话题展开,评测的是考生的语言形式要求。很多人认为这是逻辑要求,其实不然和写作类似(甚至弱于写作),此处话题的展开,更多的是语言形式的逻辑,也就是所谓Progression of ideas。话题展开提分技巧:,话题展开的部分评测是彻头彻尾的语言形式结构考察,在准备自己的答案和平时说话练习时,请密切把握如下基本标志词,以及其对应的内容,只有从形式上把握好结构,才能够真正实现话题的展开:最后作为总结,再次强调一下独立任务的提分要诀:1. 回答必须完成任务,是独立任务的关键
10、,这也是限时说话的意义所在;2. 回答必须具有清晰(clear)而确定(defined)的语言结构;3. 回答必须有具体的细节;4. 回答必须清晰而连贯,保持清晰连贯下的发音或语法错误可以容忍;5. 回答展现英语语法和词汇的牢固(solid)把握,即使出现错误,亦不可影响实际意义的表达。请记住,一定要在独立任务当中,说自己能说的话,考官想听的话,而不是机经答案里准备的话、考前死记硬背或者临场发挥高大上的话。托福口语范文:优秀领导者必备个性特征20XX年托福口语真题题目:20XX年8月21日托福独立口语Task 2:do you agree or disagree that to be a su
11、ccessful businessman, you have to have characteristics like being outgoing or friendly, etc.?Task 2Do you agree or disagree with following statement? If you want to succeed in business being outgoing and friendly is very important.20XX年8月21日托福口语真题Task2Do you agree or disagree with the following stat
12、ement: For the success of business, it is important to be friendly and outgoing.托福口语模板及参考答案:托福口语参考答案一:20XX年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 2I do agree with the statement. Coz first, in workplace, those personality traits help to build up a good relation with others, like your clients, business partners, and emplo
13、yees, which means efficiency and sometime potential business opportunities; but if a person is too introverted, arrogant or bossy, others may feel discouraged to exchange ideas with him, that will lead to misunderstandings and even a strained relationship; second, those features also help to maintai
14、n a happy and harmonious family atmosphere, successful businessmen are usually very busy, so they should be more patient, caring and outgoing when dealing with family members who they love the most; a happy family life is just the precondition for a successful business career.托福口语参考答案二:Personally, I
15、 totally agree with this statement and business people should be sociable and laid-back. For whatever business people like, marketing manager, sales manager, and even Chief Executive Officer, they need to be friendly. since it can broaden their social connection. Sociable business people attend many
16、 social activities, like marketing events, expositions, charitable activities. Thus, they can get to know more business partners and potential clients. Additionally, social people tend to break the ice and build rapport easily, and therefore, it is more likely for them to close business deal.(济南新东方
17、孟炎)托福口语参考答案三:Sample answer:I would support the statement by the following points.Firstly, business is partially about interacting with people, in which interpersonal skill plays a real critical role. For a negotiation between two firms, the process of getting to know each others needs is on the top
18、of the list. In order to get to that point, the languages and behaviors the head of the firm use matter a lot to show its kindness and respect to the counterpart. Being friendly and out going is one of the keys during the whole process.Secondly, for the harmonious phenomenon in the firm. You persona
19、lity, to some extent, substantially affects the connections among these departments, like the manufacturing department and marketing. If the leader uses his charm in getting two of the departments cooperate in a project. Chances are high for the firm to succeed.托福口语范文:儿童青年和成年期哪个阶段更难20XX年8月21日托福独立口语T
20、ask 1:Which period do you think is most challenging: childhood, teenager or adulthood?Task 1Which of the following period do you think is the most difficult one: childhood, teen period and adulthood.Task1Which of the following period of life do you think is the hardest?Childhood, teenager, adulthood
21、.托福口语模板及参考答案:托福口语参考答案一:I would say the toughest period during ones life is adulthood. Not like the childhood, we are pursuing our degrees in universities or already doing a job to make a living. In school, we are constantly under lots of pressure, we have to finish the assignments like problem sets,
22、 presentations, research papers. After graduation, we have to fulfill all kinds of responsibilities as a professional. On the other hand, being a child or an adolescent is much easier, they just have fun and do not have to worry about anything.托福口语参考答案二:20XX年8月21日托福口语真题答案解析Sample answer:Life gets ha
23、rder as you grow. It is when I started to make a living by myself that my awareness of the pressing status arouses. All concerning of life is coming like a torrent overwhelming my head. I was totally at a loss about handling these issues.Little did I know, that money comes from hard work, which is u
24、nknown to me when I actually got every cent from my parents during school time. Now, I have to learn the ways of standing up to life.托福口语参考答案三:20XX年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 1I think adulthood is the most difficult period in ones life. First,children and teenagers major tasks are to have fun and learn well
25、in school. Those are basically all they need to fulfill. But for adults, they have to shoulder more responsibilities. For example, they need to make money to support their family, spend time to educate kids while take care of their aging parents at the same time. They also have to compete fiercely in workplace for promotion or a pay rise. Thus, they have little time for themselves. Especially in the cosmopolitan cities like Beijing, where the living standards areexorbitant, andthe living pressure for adults is overwhelming.托福独立口语如何得高分