1、雅思口语高分离不开这些备考资料 雅思口语资料有哪些?这是许多考雅小伙伴在备考中都会问到的问题。今天给大家带来雅思口语资料分析 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语资料分析丨口语高分离不开这些备考资料!一. 雅思口语基础训练资料1. 雅思口语评分标准备考雅思口语之前,小站君建议大家先了解一下雅思口语评分评分标准。其实网上有很多关于口语评分标准的*,但是可信度有待商榷,建议大家去雅思考试官网查看,不仅有口语部分评分标准,听力、阅读和口语部分的评分标准也都有详细解读。2. 雅思OG口语部分雅思OG是雅思的官方指南,它其实也是由许多练习题目组成的。OG口语部分的练习题是最接近
2、口语真题的,而且每套题都附带有答案解析。大家在备考初期要利用好OG,了解口语的出题方向。3. 基础口语模仿材料其实雅思口语考试中的话题都是一些偏日常的对话,所以大家在备考初期可以使用一些基础类型的资料。小站君推荐大家使用新概念系列资料来练习,建议大家使用二和三做跟读模仿和背诵,为口语练习打好基础。二. 雅思口语题库1.口语题库选用雅思口语题库是是口语备考中的必备资料之一。备考雅思的同学都知道雅思口语是有变题季的(一般为1月、5月和9月),在变题季之内,雅思口语考试备考所使用的题库是相同的。比如你报考了三月份雅思考试,则应该选用1月份以后的新版口语题库。2.口语题库如何利用口语题库量很大,全部练
3、习练习一遍时间不太够。小站君建议大家先将题目归类,然后每天练习不同类型的口语题目,准备一些各类话题通用的语料。练习的时候做好规划,及时给口语练习做录音,做完练习以后要对照范文学习提高。三. 雅思口语课外练习资料除了基础口语训练材料和口语题库外,一些口语的课外练习资料也非常优质,比如一些提升口语表达的书籍,一些关于口语常见话题语料总结的书籍等等,这些资料能够帮助大家应对不同类型的话题,在考试中多样化运用句式和语料,让口语答案不落俗套。课外资料的利用要量力而行,如果大家备考时间充裕,可以利用这些课外资料让口语水平更上一层楼,如果备考时间紧张,建议大家使用基础类口语材料和题库备考即可。上文中,我们总
4、结了三类不同的雅思口语备考资料,建议大家在备考中应该按阶段高效利用。另外,大家要注意的一点是,雅思口语如果想拿高分,在练好表达能力和熟悉话题的基础上,要让口语答案更加新颖一些,这样才能引起考官兴趣,拿到更高的分数。雅思大作文模板:教育是为了社会还是个人Task:Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both vi
5、ews and give our own opinion.雅思大作文模板范文参考:What education serves for has been immersed in conflict for decades. Some firmly believe that it aims to produce efficient and capable promoters for the social progress, whereas others argue that to achieve personal fulfillment should be its ultimate goal.Per
6、sonally, the utilitarian function of education is quite understandable, for to boost a sustainable and bright prospect for the society is the shared objective of human beings at all historical stages and social levels, and education, as such a pivotal approach, has long been resorted to. That is why
7、 schools and academies were conventionally designed to cultivate future bureaucrats or pioneers in a specific field. Even nowadays the contents of text books are chosen and courses and programs decided basically in accordance with the current social demands.Besides, let us not forget that it is publ
8、ic schooling that has provided many young minds with opportunities to get free education and thus to change their destiny; therefore, it would be perfectly rational for these beneficiaries to be dedicated to their communities and to pay back afterwards.Admittedly, however, learning something to one
9、s heart content, one will automatically involve him or herself in it, actively find ways to surmount the difficulties on the way and turn a painstaking process into an enjoyable one, which consequently brings about a decent career, higher social status, in a word, happiness. But if individuals have
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