1、1. that one stray request from a patienteven one that is quite relevantmight send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (Para.1) 如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然崩塌一样。2. . Im piling yet another pill onto her . (Para. 3)我还要再给她另加一种药3 shes caught one of my
2、 neurons in mid-fire (Para. 4) 她让我如火如荼的思绪戛然而止4. My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay. (Para. 4)我的本能反应是举手,阻止她打断我的思路。,unit1 Text A,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Text A,5. We merely zip back and forth between them, generally losing accuracy in the process.我们人类只是在两个想法之间来回快速转换,通常情况下,
3、在转换的过程中丢失了精准。6.The more thoughts we juggle, the less we are able to attune fully to any given thought. (Para. 8) The higher up, the heavier the fall. The more, the better.7.My choices seem to boil down to entertaining fewer thoughts, accepting decreased accuracy for each thought, giving up on thorou
4、gh documentation, or having a constant headache from neuronal overload. (Para. 10)boil down to:归结为 It boils down to a question of ethics.它可归结成一个伦理学问题。,unit1 Text A,8.In some cases, having a dedicated and competent clinical partner such as a one-on-one nurse can come close to simulating a second brai
5、n, but most medical budgets dont allow for such staffing indulgence. (Para.12) 有些情况下,有个专注、出色的临床搭档,如一对一的护士,就仿佛有了第二个大脑,不过大多数医疗预算不会如此大方,这样配备人员。,unit1 Text A,Vocabulary test,_ overload(神经过载) a typical office _(典型的诊所就诊) DEXA _(DEXA扫描) medical _(行医),visit,scan,practice,neuron / neuronal,_ report(乳房X-线检查报告
6、)_ examination(体检)_ of a medication(药物的副作用),mammogram,side-effects,physical,Text A,Vocabulary test,_control(血压控制)health _(健康保持) perpetual _(永久的恐慌)_ physicians(执业医生)_ field(移植领域)medical _(医疗预算)paracetamol _(扑热息痛药片)_ cap(防孩子打开的盖子),panic,blood pressure,maintenance,practicing,transplant,budget,tablet,ch
7、ildproof,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Language Building-up,Text A,Suggested answers language building-up,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Task 1. 2 Match each of the following definitions with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.,colonoscopy,结肠镜检查(术),hypertension,高血压,mammogram,乳房X线照片,neuron,神经元,神经细胞,nut
8、ritionist,营养学家,osteoporosis,骨质疏松,Text A,Suggested answers language building-up,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Task 1. 2 Match each of the following definitions with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.,transplant,移植,pneumonia,肺炎,podiatrist,足病医生,refill,再配(处方),Text B,This conventional wisdom fo
9、rmed the basis for daily confrontations between an increasingly restless and resentful patient and an increasingly adamant and doom-predicting clinical clerk. (Para. 4)有的病人越来越焦躁不安、越来越愤愤不满,有的临床医生越来越固执己见、越来越热衷于生死决断。这种传统智慧就成了这些病人和临床医生之间天天对抗不断的基础。My subsequent clinical course was far from uneventful. (P
10、ara. 9)我后来的“临床之路”远非平淡无奇,Text B,they had fallen from 48 to 46 the previous month! (Para. 9)(染色体的数量)在上个月已经从48条变为46!(人体到底有多少条染色体?这个问题经过了几十年的反复,到1954年才确定为23对,46条。)I am proud to have contributed to this development, to the skepticism that drives it, and to the better informed treatment decisions and choi
11、ces which have been made possible as a result.对于随机试验的发展、对于驱动这种发展的怀疑态度、以及对于因此而可能做出更好的知情治疗决定和选择,我有一份贡献,对此我感到自豪。,Text B,Vocabulary test,_ clinical trial(随机临床试验)random _(随机分配)patient _(病人的预后)_group(对照组)a 10-year _ study(10年的跟踪研究),randomized,allocation,prognosis,control,follow-up,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Lang
12、uage building-up,Text B,Vocabulary test,a medical _(内科病房)infectious _(传染性肝炎)severe _(身体严重不适)bilirubin _(胆红素代谢)permanent _ damage(永久的肝损伤),ward,hepatitis,malaise,metabolism,liver,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Text B,Vocabulary test,exacerbate _(加重病理生理状况)medical _(医学文献)clinical _(临床调查)_ of relapse(复发率)clinical _
13、(临床流行病学),pathophysiology,literature,investigation,metabolism,epidemiology,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Text B,Vocabulary test,strict _ _(严格的卧床休息)hospital _(住院)recurrent _(反复发作的黄疸)clinical _(临床病程),bed rest,stay,jaundice,course,Unit 1 Doctors Life,Text B,Vocabulary test,_morphine(静脉注射吗啡)_blood pressure(舒张压)bra
14、in _(大脑血灌注)_care(初级保健)aorto-coronary arterial _(主动脉冠状动脉旁路)_ treatment decision(知情治疗决定),intravenous,diastolic,perfusion,primary,bypass,informed,Unit 1 Doctors Life,“Emergence” is in fact regression, a return to the standard that prevailed universally in the previous century,“出现新病” 实际上是一种退步,又回到上个世纪普遍存
15、在的水平。which never really went away, though upscale opera buffs might have thought it was confined to productions of “La Boheme”虽然上层社会的歌剧迷们也许觉得结核病只是歌剧波西米亚人中的创作,而事实上,结核病就从来没有消失过。歌剧波西米亚人的女主人公咪咪死于肺结核。“The war has been won”, one scientist recently quipped. “By the other side.”“战争胜利了” ,最近有位科学家嘲弄道。”是对方(传染病)
16、获胜。”,Page 27,Task 1 Medical Terminology,Page 33 -34,Text A Suggested Answers,Peoples minds are infected by spin a contagion of half-truths, fearful fictions, and blatant deceit.(Para.3)人心被蛊惑,受各种歪理邪说的感染,有半真半假的报道、有恐怖骇人的杜撰、还有赤裸无耻的欺骗。They work long hours and schedule our time to the hilt.(Para.4)他们(那些需求
17、)长期存在,把我们的时间挤得满满当当。Spin occurs when we live unconsciously, pushed and pulled in so many directions that they loose a grip of our inner and outer realities.(Para.3)我们受蛊惑是因为我们活得浑浑噩噩,被逼得东奔西撞、晕头转向,以至于无法把握我们的内心真实和身外现实。,Text A,Unit 5 Healthy LivingSpin occurs when we live unconsciously, pushed and pulled
18、in so many directions that they loose a grip of our inner and outer realities.(Para.3)我们受蛊惑是因为我们活得浑浑噩噩,被逼得东奔西撞、晕头转向,以至于无法把握我们的内心真实和身外现实。However, some people go through life on automatic pilot. (Para.2)然而,有些人的生活是走一步,算一步。unit10A solution to ED boarding may thus be to invert the current paradigm of inc
19、entives and reimbursement and reprioritize our scarce health care resources and hospital beds for patients with emergency or urgent conditions,解决急救室拥挤的一种方法是,转变当前的奖励和报销模式,让有紧急需求的病人优先享有稀缺的医疗资源和病床,a health_ (健康危机)physical_(身体症状)energy and_(能量和活力)be completely _ from sth.(完全免疫)_of falseness(虚假的病毒)stress
20、ful_(有压力的生活方式)_emotion(健全的感情)_health(脆弱的健康)to _ our mind, body, and spirit(平衡心理,身体和精神)_life(精神生活)the _to wellness(通向身心健康的“路障”)_emotions(被压抑的感情)_feelings and emotions(真情实感)_influences(心理影响)fully _human beings(十全十美的人),Text A Language Building-up,Vocabulary Test,crisis,symptoms,vitality,immune,virus,li
21、festyle,robust,fragile,balance,spiritual,blockages,repressed,genuine,integrated,physiological,Unit 5 Healthy Living,Text A,fragile,虚弱的,脆弱的,unconscious,无意识的,blockage,障碍物,vitality,生机,活力,triple,增至三倍,Task1 / Medical terminologyMatch each definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equival
22、ent.,Suggested answers,2,Language building-up,Unit 5 Healthy Living,_teeth(蛀牙)_professor(营养教授)burgeoning_(迅速膨胀的腰围)_water(瓶装水)caloric_(热量摄入)to curb_ (节制食欲),Text BLanguage Building-up,Vocabulary Test,decaying,intake,appetite,nutrition,waistline,bottled,Unit 5 Healthy Living,Text C Language Building-up
23、,Vocabulary Test,protein,obesity,lean,dietary,grains and_ (谷物和蛋白质)childhood_ (儿童肥胖症)_protein (精益蛋白质)_habits (饮食习惯)_of life (生活质量)_category (乳制品类)prevention of _ (糖尿病的预防)sodium_ (钠的含量),quality,diary,diabetes,content,Unit 5 Healthy Living,Text A,He was large and powerfully built but never seemed to lo
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