1、复旦:2016.07.23肆 多义性、同词化与语义图 (详纲),吴福祥 中国社科院语言研究所,多义性、同词化与语义图,0. 引言1. 多义性与同词化2. 语义移变与语义关联3. 语义图模型 3.1 什么是语义图模型 3.2 如何构建概念空间和绘制语义图 3.3 怎样进行概念空间的动态化4. 基于语义图模型的汉语语义移变研究 4.1 语义图模型的引介与综述 4.2 基于语义图模型的个案研究 4.3 语义图模型相关问题的探讨5. 结语,0 引言,“多义性” (polysemy)、“同词化 (colexification)以及“语义移变”(semantic shift)是人类语言中普遍可见的语义变异
2、现象,也是近年来历史语义学、语法化、词汇(语义)类型学以及语义图研究普遍关注的热点课题。本文在介绍和综述相关概念和研究成果的基础上指出,汉语的语义演变研究,特别是历史词汇和词汇语义演变研究,应该深入了解和充分借鉴上述框架、视野、方法和成果。,1. 多义性与同词化,1.1 多义性(多功能性)1.1.1 什么是多义性?“多义性” (polysemy),也称“多功能性” (polyfuctionality),是指语言中某个编码形式(词汇形式、语法成分、语法范畴以及结构式)具有两个或两个以上不同而相关(related)的功能。语言形式的多功能性是人类语言的一个普遍特征,常见的多功能形式是词汇语素(实义
3、词)和语法语素(语法词及词缀)。比如下面的(1)是多功能实义词,(2)-(3)是多功能语法词,(4)则是多功能词缀。,1.1.2 多义性(多功能性)的两种类别,语素多功能性有两种类别:一是“多义性”(polysemy),另一是“异类多义性”(heterosemy)。“多义性”是指一个形式具有两个或更多不同但相关的意义或功能,这些意义或功能属于相同的形态句法范畴,具有这种多义性的语素被称为“多义语素”(polysemous morphemes) (参看Lyons 1977:561;Lichtenberk 1991:476;Heine 1992:358;Taylor 1995:99;Croft &
4、 Cruse 2004: 111) 。,Heine (1992:358) 认为,典型的多义性语素需满足下面的要求: (5) 多义性的特征: (a) 具有两个或两个以上不同但相关(related)的意义; (b) 这些意义只关联于一个语言形式,该语言形式通常是但 并非必然是一个词汇项; (c) 该语言形式属于同一个句法范畴(syntactic category)。,根据所关联的意义或功能的性质,多义语素可分为“词汇性多义语素”(多义实词)和“语法性多义语素”(多义虚词和多义词缀)。比如( 6)中现代汉语“搞”的三种意义均属词汇范畴,故“搞”为词汇性多义语素;另一方面,(7)中现代英语of 所有的
5、意义均属功能范畴,故of为语法性多义语素。,“异类多义性”(heterosemy) 是“多义性”的一个特别的类,这个术语由Persson (1988) 最早使用,指的是一个特定形式具有两个或两个以上不同而相关的意义或功能,这些意义或功能历史上来自相同的语源成分,但在共时层面属于不同的形态-句法范畴或者关联于不同的形态句法环境(参看Persson 1988; Lichtenberk 1991; Heine 1992; Enfield 2006)。,Lichtenberk 对异类多义性的经典定义: (8) 一个语源成分的反映形式具有若干源自该语源成分因而历史上相关的不同意义或功能,而这些反映形式属
6、于不同的形态句法范畴。比如一个动词、方向小词和体标记最终都源于相同的历史来源,那么我们就有了一个“异类多义性”实例。“异类多义性”这个定义也包括这类情形:一个语法反映形式在音系上可能业已弱化,而词汇反映形式则不必此。(Lichtenberk 1991:476),根据Lichtenberk (1991),“异类多义性”具有以下特点: (9) “异类多义性”的特征:(a) 具有两个或两个以上不同而相关的意义,这 些意义源自一个共同的语源成分;(b) 这些意义通常但非必然用一个形式来表达, 如果表达这些意义的形式多于一个,那么其 中必有语音弱化形式;(c) 这些意义所关联的形式属于不同的句法范畴。,
7、“异类多义性”跟“多义性”的主要差别在于,后者的不同意义或功能所关联的语言形式具有相同的句法范畴,而前者的不同意义或功能则属于不同的句法范畴。此外,“异类多义性”的不同意义或功能所关联的语言形式可以多于一种,而“多义性”的不同意义只关联一种语言形式。这类具有“异类多义性”的语素被称为“异类多义性语素”(heterosemous morphemes)。比如现代汉语的“得”就是一个比较典型的 “异类多义性语素”,1.1.3 为什么要研究多义性,1.2 同词化,“同词化”(colexification/colexify)这个术语是法国语言学家亚历山大弗朗索瓦(Alexandre Franois)创造
8、的,指的是两个或两个以上的意义(sense)被编码(code)或词化( lexify)为同一个词汇形式(the same lexeme)。换言之,若意义A和意义B在某个语言里用同一个词汇形式来表达,那么就可以说,在这个语言里意义A和意义B被同词化了。,For example, Figure 1 showed that English colexifies the senses immediately andundiluted; rectilinearandright-handare colexified in French; rectilinear anddirectly are colexi
9、fied both in English and in French. One of the advantages of the term “colexification”, which I am proposing here, is to be purely descriptive, and neutral with respect to semantic or historical interpretations contrary to the term “semantic shift”, chosen for example by Anna Zalizniak (this volume)
10、. Franois 2008: 170,Franois (2008: 167),One interest of the colexification model is to be readily exploitable for typological research. For example, one may want to check what proportion of the worlds languages colexify the two sensesrectilinearandhonest, as French and English do: is this connection
11、 found only in a few scattered languages? Is it an areal phenomenon covering, say, Western Europe? Is it well represented in other parts of the world? Or is it universally common?, CLICS 网页的相关说明, Conceptual links, which constitute our main interest in colexification, are clearly not the only possibl
12、e reason why two concepts can be expressed by the same form in a given language. The most prominent among the others ishomonymy, which is in very simple terms an accidental similarity in form, often arising from sound changes causing originally distinct lexical items to collapse phonologically. Such
13、 cases may lead to spurious links in the database (compare, for example, the links between the concepts arm and poor which are due to homonymy in some Germanic languages)., To deal with this issue in a consistent and generally applicable way (even if the history of the lexical items in question is n
14、ot known) we recommend to employ a typological criterion to distinguish between homonymy and polysemy (seeCroft 1990): for semantic connections to be accepted as genuine rather than accidental, the connection should be detectable in more than one language family., We should, however, point out that
15、this criterion has been developed and originally applied by the afore-mentioned author in the realm of polyfunctionality of grammatical markers, that is, items belonging to a paradigmatically relatively well-structured set of items with a manageable semantic range. When applied to lexical meanings,
16、there is a danger that the criterion rules out a set of genuine, but simply rare, semantic associations. Still, we feel that our approach is justified, methodologically because it offers a simple and non-subjective decision criterion, and conceptually because our approach relies on cross-linguistic
17、data in the first place., 多义性与同词化的联系与区别,多义性:形式到功能的投射 = 符意学(semasiology); (一般)演变产物同词化:功能到形式的投射 = 定名学(onomasiology); (多半)命名策略,2. 语义移变与语义关联,2.1 什么是语义移变 语义移变(semantic shift) 是俄国语言学家Anna A. Zalizniak创造的一个术语,指的是词的意义变异(variation of meaning)现象,这种词义变异既可以是共时的(一词多义),也可以是历时的(语义演变)。, The idea that synchronic pol
18、ysemy and diachronic semantic change are two aspects of the same phenomenon has been suggested by many scholars (see e.g., Trubaev1976, 1988; Tolstoj 1997: 15; Vinogradov 1994a: 17; Sweetser 1990: 9; Blank 2000: 10; Traugott Evans & Wilkins 2000: 549). Zalizniak 2008:218,Synchronic polysemy and diac
19、hronic semantic change are two aspects of one and the same phenomenon: indeed, a semantic change from one meaning to another normally involves a transitional phase of polysemy at which a form has both meanings. Thus, for instance, a very common semantic shift to grasp to understand, usually mentione
20、d in linguistic manuals as well as in the newest works on diachronic semantics, took place diachronically in the Russian verb ponjat, Italian capire, German begreifen and many other words of different languages where the verbs going back to grasp only display the meaning understand at present stage.
21、,At the same time, this shift has been reproduced in the form of synchronic polysemy, for example, French saisir, Russian skhvatyvat, English to grasp (e.g., He grasped her hand vs. I cannot grasp what you mean) etc. (Zalizniak et al. 2012:634),2.2 语义移变的类型, Depending on the nature of a relationship
22、between linguistic units expressing meanings A and B we distinguish six types of realizations of a semantic shift, synchronic polysemy being the most significant one both quantitatively and methodologically.,(A) Synchronic polysemy,A and B are meanings of a polysemous word; cf. French femme woman an
23、d wife, English to grasp to seize and to understand.,(B) Diachronic semantic evolution of a word in one language or from an ancestor language to a descendant language; e.g., semantic change from Old Russian postii to overtake, to run down to Russian posti to understand, from Latin demoror stay too l
24、ong, linger to French demeurer live, inhabit (in some place).,(C) Grammaticalization,a semantic shift of a lexical item resulting in a grammatical meaning, often within a specific construction, e.g., Portuguese entrar from to enter to entrar a +inf. to begin to do smth. or from English to go to to b
25、e going to to intend to do smth. However the cases of grammaticalization are secondary for our catalogue because our project is mainly focused on lexical meanings (meanings that have lexical expression).,(D) Cognates,meanings A and B belong to words of two sister languages diachronically going back
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