1、雅思口语考试模板的那些事儿 当学生们在练习雅思口语时,会搜集、整理一些雅思考试口语模板。今天给大家带来雅思口语考试模板的那些事儿,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试 模板的那些事儿一些雅思考试的考生口语不是很好,就会准备一些模板类的东西来死记硬背,这样做的效果并不能快速提高雅思口语。模板的利用要有方法,才能让其发挥出应有的功能。下面是一个接受过模板洗礼的考生给告诉最近一次考雅成绩时的感叹。貌似模板成了没有的东西,细一琢磨,这个考生在回答许多问题的时候,模板根本都没有用上,好不容易用上的一些,也走了形,关键是,变异后的雅思口语模板还有问题。比如:模板 What I
2、want to add here is that .变异成了What I want to here is that . (add 丢了)其次,有限的用对了模板的句子,在模板以外的自己填充进去的部分,语法还是有问题,比如:The reason may have something to do with the fact that stress.显然 that之后并没有一个完整的句子跟着,所以前面一大串的框架,因为后面的内容而功亏一篑了。雅思口语考试范文大家还是需要慢慢总结的。那么雅思考试口语模板到底应该怎么用呢?首先,如果你的语法功力欠缺火候,最好模板不要改动,以免改错。其次,自己填充进去的内容
3、部分,要找人改过,从语法到词汇的搭配。第三步,就是在考试前在嘴里把这些答案反复念够20遍,背熟。如果你语法功力还可以,那么就可以在模板基础上举一反三,甚至把模板张冠李戴,只要意思是符合逻辑的就可以。比如,罗列观点的模板可以用来混搭给出理由的模板。举例说明:罗列观点的模板:The first point Id like to make is.给出理由的模板:The explanation for this is that.混搭后: The first explanation for this is that.雅思考试口语模板的作用如同练武的套路,在熟练之前,严格按照套路一板一眼地练习,熟练之后,
4、再去自由组合、发挥。如果不熟练,那就只能被动招架了。雅思口语话题:A plan in your lifeA plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)You should say:What it was aboutWhen you made itHow it workedAnd how you felt about the result雅思口语思路:按照现在时-过去时-将来时的结构去完成这个part 2 话题。平时喜不喜欢做计划,都喜欢关于什么的呢。这个具体的计划是什么,什么时候定的,为什么。如果去做了,会有什么优点呢。(结
5、果)还有什么好处呢。会有什么值得担心的呢。别人有没有同样的想法。以后要不要还要做别的计划。误区:不确定时态的时候可以稍微去看一下you should say部分,给自己一些提示。比如这里一看大部分都是过去时态,那个整个的内容应该就是过去的计划。语料:most of the time 大部分时候study related 与学习相关的a plan of mine 我的计划guide book 导游书totally on my own 完全靠自己book hotel rooms 订酒店a guided tour group 旅行团do a lot of research 做很多研究all sort
6、s of information 各种信息be desperate to know 急切的想知道have a blast 很开心it is pissing down 下大雨雅思口语话题范例: Well, to be honest, Ive got to say its a pretty difficult topic for me, cause you might not know this, but most of the time, its my mom who does all the planning for me, especially when it is study relate
7、d. So if Ive got to choose a plan of mine and tell you a little bit about it, perhaps I can just bring up the one I did for my trip to Sri Lanka.In fact, way before last year, I bought Lonely Planet Sri Lanka when it was on sale, you know, its a guide book. They do all sorts of destinations. And the
8、n there was this one day, I realized that edition I had been having was going out of date soon, cause I saw the new version was coming out soon. So I thought it was time to plan a trip soon. You might not know this but normally I would love to go somewhere totally on my own. By accident one of my fr
9、iends heard about my idea and she said she wanted to join me. So I booked our tickets and the hotel for the first night. We didnt choose to go with a guided tour group, so we had to do a lot of research online before hand. Luckily I found a good website called tripadvisor which gave me all sorts of
10、information I was desperate to know.This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Colombo, which is the capital. Even now, Im feeling so lucky that I came up with the idea of travelling cause I really had a blast on that beautiful island. What I liked the best was the trip was quite spontaneous. I di
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