1、托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:重听题和判断题 掌握好固定题型的解题思路,能够帮助大家更有效率地进行解答。今天给大家带来托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:重听题和判断题重听题重听题是托福听力题目中一种非常特殊的题型。在这种题目中,讲述人会把录音材料中的一小部分内容重新读一遍,然后让考生根据这段重新听到的内容找出符合要求的选项。在考试中,每道重听题中都会给出一个耳机的图标。其常见的提问方式为:Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question.Wha
2、t does the professor mean when she says this?重听题的解题思路比较多样化。有些题目考查所重复段落的含义,有些题目考查段落中某个习惯用语的含义。考生要根据自己所听到的内容,辨别出题人想考查的到底是哪方面的内容。另外,有些重听题中虽然重复了一部分*内容,但是必须结合重复的内容在录音材料中的上下文去推理才能得出答案。所以考试在做题时要保持清醒的头脑,如果发观从重复的内容中找不到答案,就要立刻回忆,从上下文中去寻找正确答案。是非判断题是非判断题也是托福考试改革后出现的较为新颖的题型,一般是列出很多与录音材料中所提及的内容较为相似的句子,让考生辨別究竟哪些是录
3、音材料中提到的。以下例题是其常见的出题方式:The professor discusses how an animal becomes a fossil after its death. Indicate whether each sentence below is a step in the process.YES/NOThe animal dies.The hard tissues decompose.The soft tissues decompose.The hard tissues remain.是非判断题多数情况下与细节题考查的内容有类似之处,需要考生多关注录音材料中的细节之处。是
4、非判断题的YES和NO的答案个数并不是平均分配的,但一般不会出现所有答案全是YES或者NO的情况,考生可以利用这一点,在做题时判断自己的选项是否选得合适。2020托福听力练习:能喷射甲烷的生物The first life on Earth appeared about four billion years ago. One place these pioneering organisms may have emerged is at hydrothermal vents, deep underwater. Where unusual chemistry provided energy for
5、primitive life-forms to survive. Life-forms like the methane-belching microbes found at the vents today.Now, for the first time, researchers have found evidence of methane-producing life in similarly extreme conditions, but at the surface of the Earth at a spring in northern California, called The C
6、edars. The water there is extremely basic with a pH of 11.6. And it contains no oxygen. Not an easy place to survive.Researchers tested water and sediment at the Cedars. Some samples got dosed with mercuric chloride to kill any life present. Those dosed samples produced no methane. But the samples i
7、n which microbes were allowed to survive did put out methane. Confirming that at least some of the methane at the springs is indeed biological in origin. The findings appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.The finding has implications for climate change alleviation. A geologic
8、ally similar spring in Oman has been proposed as a site for carbon storagepumping CO2 underground, where it gets incorporated in stone. But the extremophiles at The Cedars can use CO2 to make methanean even more potent greenhouse gas. So imagine pumping CO2 into the ground and having it come back up
9、 as methane. Penny Morrill, a biogeochemist at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This will not necessarily happen, but it is something to be tested for before fully implementing a carbon capture and storage technology at one of these types of sites.Morrill says the studys also a reminder that lif
10、e is tenacious. We should not let our biases prevent us from looking for evidence of life in what we would otherwise consider an unexpected place. Including other planets and moons.地球上的第一个生命出现在约40亿年以前。这些先驱生物出现的其中一个地方是深海热泉和深海。那里不寻常的化学物质为原始生命形态提供了生存下去的能量。现在深海热泉发现了能喷射甲烷的微生物。研究人员首次发现了能产生甲烷的生物生活在类似极端环境的证
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