1、托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:结构题和态度题 托福听力考试的题型是比较固定的,并不会突然冒出一些大家没见过要求奇奇怪怪的特殊题型。今天给大家带来托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:结构题和态度题结构题结构题是以录音材料的行文结构、展开顺序作为考查内容的题型,常见的提问方式有以下几种:What is the organization of this passage?How is the lecture organized?What method does the professor use to develop his
2、idea?在实际考试中,结构题考得并不多,但是解答起来却令很多考生感觉头疼。因为任何一篇录音材料都不会主动讲出“*是一种怎样的结构”,因此想从讲述人所说的内容中直接找到答案是很困难的。那么想解答这种题目,考生就需要在复习时熟练掌握托福听力的录音材料有哪几种常见结构,每种结构有什么特征。只有这样,在做题的时候才能够做到有针对性地听题。态度题态度题是考查说话人对某话题所持的态度的题型。这种题型考查的范围比较广泛,有些题目考查说话人对某人的态度,有些则考查说话人对某事件的态度,还有的题目会考查说话人对某观点的态度。态度题常见的提问方式如下:What is the professors attitud
3、e toward the expert on the television programme?在解态度题时,讲话人的语气和语调是一个非常重要的解题因素。在录音中,如果说话人突然出现声音变大、语调降低或者说话重复、结巴等现象,往往都从侧面表明了其对某一事物所持的态度。考生在听到这样的句子时一定要加以辨识。2020托福听力练习:害羞的鱼类更喜欢追随同样胆小的鱼When you think of a leader, you may think of an individual who is above all bold. But a new study of fish called stickle
4、backs shows that shy individuals actually prefer to follow fish that are similarly timid.Researchers had trios of sticklebacks with known personalities play follow the leader. The fish were placed in a tank that had some plastic plants at one end and some food hidden at the other. In some of the gro
5、ups, a bold fish and a shy fish acted as leaders, while another shy fish followed. And in other groups, it was a bold fish that did the following. The researchers recorded whether the follower sallied forth more frequently with the fish that was behaviorally similar or the one that was different.Wha
6、t they found is that shy fish were more likely to emerge from under cover when an equally wary fellow was already out there. Bold follower fish did not seem to care which leader they followed.Of course, no matter which fish a stickleback chose to stick with, the bold fish did lead more expeditions o
7、ver the course of the experiment than their more retiring friends. Thats because the bold fish initiated more trips, regardless of who might be tailing them. The findings are in the journal Biology Letters.The researchers write that when offered a choice of leaders, sticklebacks prefer to follow ind
8、ividuals whose personality matches their own, but bolder individuals may, nevertheless, be able to impose their leadership, even among shy followers, simply through greater effort. We may soon see if such tendencies also hold true in humans, when Americans decide who theyll follow in November. Unles
9、s, of course, something fishy happens.你可能认为领导者通常都是非常大胆的个体。但是一项有关刺鱼的新研究表示,害羞的鱼类更喜欢追随同样胆小的鱼。研究人员将已知性格的三只刺鱼分为一组,观察它们追随领导者的情况。刺鱼被放在一个水箱里,水箱的一头有一些塑料植物,另一头藏有一些食物。在有些组中,一只大胆的鱼和一只害羞的鱼充当领导者,而另一只害羞的鱼则跟随它们。而在其他组中,跟随的却是一只大胆的鱼。研究人员记录了跟随者采取行动的频率,看它们是跟随行为相似的鱼出现的次数更多,还是跟随性格相反的鱼出来的次数更多。研究人员得出的结论是,当同样谨慎的鱼出现时,害羞的鱼更可能从
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- 托福 听力 常见 题型 解题 思路 讲解 结构 态度
