1、1,Lecture Two,Advertisements Translation,2,Contents,I. Review and comments on the assignment II. General introduction to advertisement III. Notes in E-C advertisements translation IV. Notes in C-E advertisements translation V. Exercises VI. Summary VII. References for further reading VIII. Assignmen
2、ts,3,温哥华的辉煌是温哥华人的智慧和勤奋的结晶, 其中包括多民族的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不足3000万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可以说,加拿大除了印第安人外,无一不是外来移民, 不同的是时间长短而已。,I. Review and comments on the assignment,The glory of Vancouver is the result of the intelligence and industry of the Vancouverers, including the contributions by a variety of o
3、ther ethnic groups. Canada is a vast country with a sparse population. Its territory is larger than China, while its population is less than 30 ,000,000. It is its long pursued national policy to absorb immigrants. (To attract immigrants is one of Canadian long-term policies.) It can be said that al
4、l Canadians, except the Indian aboriginals, are immigrants who are different from each other only in the length of time they have settled there.,4,温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数的多民族城市。现今180完温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4个居民中就有一个是亚洲人。而25万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性作用,其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的, 使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。,Vancouver is one of the very
5、few multinational cities in the world. Among the present 1.8 million residents in Vancouver, half are not native(not born in this city, and one in every four is (a quarter are) of Asian origin. The 250,000 Chinese play a crucial role in Vancuvers economic transformation. Half of the Chinese have com
6、e to the city just in the past five years and made it the largest Chinese gathering center outside Asia.,5,1. 广告的分类 1)经济广告 商品广告 劳务广告 声誉广告 2)非经济广告,II. General Introduction to Advertisements,6,II. General Introduction to Advertisements,2.广告的功能与作用 1)传递信息,沟通产需 2)激发需求,增加销售 3)促进竞争,开拓市场 4)介绍知识,指导消费 5)丰富生活,
7、陶冶情操,7,II. General Introduction to Advertisements,3.广告的词语特点 广告英语用词与普通英语有着较大的区别。广告英语的创作遵循AIDA原则,即ATTENTION引起注意 INTEREST激发兴趣 DESIRE刺激需求 ACTION采取行动。要说动对方,你首先要引起对方的注意(ATTENTION),令他产生兴趣(INTEREST)。,8,1) 创新造字,引起注意在英语广告中,创作人员故意把一些大家熟悉的字词拼错或加上前缀、后缀,以达到生动有趣引人注意的目的,通过这些词语有效地传播商品信息。如下面这则造字(COINAGE)广告:The Orange
8、mostest Drink in the world.显而易见,这是一则饮料广告,orange + most +est, most, -est 都是英语形容词的最高级,在这里与orange 连用,使读者联想到这种橙汁饮料的“高纯度、高营养”。,9,再如“天美时”牌手表Timex, 用time + excellent, 充分强调了手表的超强的准确性。所以在英语广告中,用super-, ex- 构成的词频频出现,其目的就是为了强调产品或服务的优异性。如:supercalendered;supercolossal;superexcellent; superfine; supernatural; su
9、perlight; Rolex; Playtex; Kleenex,10,再看一则错拼(misspelling)广告:Drinka PintaMilkaDay这是一则牛奶广告,连起来读的效果相当于Drink a pint of milk a day. 但of 这个词常被弱,而其后的milk 一词又以辅音开头,与字母a的发音相同,便成了它们的后缀,不但可引起人们的注意和兴趣,而音律优美,琅琅上口。,11,2) 英语及其它语并用,增强广告的传播效果 英美国家中,许多产品从国外进口或本国生产却富于国外风味。所以广告中经常出现多种语言(最为常见的外语有法语和西班牙语)并用的现象,表示产品的异国风味或优
10、秀的质量,以吸引消费者的注意。Order it in bottles or in cannes.Perrier with added je ne sais quoi.je ne sais quoi 为法语,意为I dont know what. 这样既增加了读者对饮料的好奇,又表明了它是正宗的法国风味,无疑增加了产品的吸引力。,12,另有一则旅游广告,画面上左边是伦敦标志性建筑议会大厦顶部的大本钟(Big Ben),右边是巴黎标志性建筑埃菲尔铁塔(the Eiffel Tower),从两建筑物的上部连起了一行字:START IN DOWNTOWN LONDON AND IN 3 HOURS,A
11、RRIVEZ AU CENTRE DE PARIS.这则广告意为“从伦敦闹市起程3小时抵达巴黎市中心”。有趣的是前半句用的是英语,从伦敦出发,而抵达巴黎市中心则是法语,一方面表示直达,另一方面表示需要改变的只是语言,体现了创作者的别出心裁,达到了妙趣横生的效果。,13,3)使用形容词及形容词的比较级和最高级 An unrivaled international collection of exceptional natural fibre bedding, clothing, intimate apparel and personal accessories, for discerning a
12、dults and some very fortunate children.,14,4.广告英语的句法特点 1)大量使用省略句, 省略主语、谓语或其它成份, What a good time for a good taste of Kent!剑牌香烟,其味无穷,其乐无穷。 Fresh up with seven-up. 饮七喜,提精神。,II. General Introduction to Advertisements,15,2) 频繁使用疑问句和祈使句据统计,每30句广告语中就有一句疑问句,这是因为疑问句要求读者对问题作出回答,易激起共鸣。如:Are you going grey too
13、 early? You will buy this special gift to your darling, dont you?,16,祈使句具有明显的劝购导向作用,如:Our sandalwood soap not only possesses all the merits sandalwood soap may have, but also does no harm whatever to your skin. Just try it, and you will see our sincere recommendation is rather convincing. 我厂生产的檀香皂不仅
14、具有檀香皂的独特优点,而且对皮肤无害。君请试之,方知言而有信。,17,3) 多用并列结构,少用主从结构More services. 更多的服务。More data. 更多的数据。More speed. 更快的速度。More revenue. 更多的收益。Less cost. 更少的花费。Less time. 更少的时间。Less space. 更少的空间。Less complex. 更少的繁杂。,18,4) 多使用一般现在时If youre doing business in the Philippines, it pays to get the pick of the crop.保管发财!,
15、19,5. 广告英语的修辞特点 1 )对比修辞 2) 双关语(pun) 3) 拟人(personification) 4)明喻(simile)与暗喻(metaphor) 5) 重复(repetition) 6) 押韵(rhyming),II. General Introduction to Advertisements,20,1)对比修辞Tides In. Dirts Out.太渍放进去,污垢洗出来。Cancer is often curable. The fear of cancer is often fatal. 癌症是可医治的,对癌症的恐惧却是致命的。Slow cooked taste
16、for your fast paced world. 为您紧张忙碌的世界提供慢火烹调的美味。,21,2)双关Make your every hello a real good buy. 每个电话都将可能给你带来一笔价钱合理的买卖。More sun and air for your son and heir.我们的浴场阳光充足,空气新鲜,这无疑对您的儿子您未来的继承人一定会有裨益的。,22,美的”牌家用电器的广告语:“美的”家电,美的全面,美的彻底。“美的”一共出现三次。但由于“美的”牌的英译是Midea,没有“美”的含义,所以翻译时就难以做到音意双全,一箭双雕。三个“美的”可以用三个beaut
17、iful来代替,但必须得“拐个弯儿”:Midea home appliances are beautiful beautiful from head to toe,beautiful inside out,23,拟人(personification) 幸福太妃糖,幸福的获得。Lucky Chocolate Toffe, Lucky Acquisition.Lucky Chocolate Toffe Brings Luck.牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。Peony Stands Out for Fragrance.,24,明喻(simile),服装广告标题:Light as a breeze, soft
18、as a cloud. 轻如微风,柔若浮云。某洗发液的广告语:It gives my hair super shine, super body, and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.它令我秀发柔顺光滑,熠熠生辉,幽香飘逸,犹如绿茵草坪,清新芬芳。,25,Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.没有橘子汁的早餐就像没有阳光的日子。轻如拂面春风,软如天上浮云。Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.You can spread your w
19、ing with Open Studies.开放大学让你展翅飞翔.,26,暗喻( metaphor),旅游保险公司的广告语:Youre better off under the Umbrella. Umbrella旅(行)保(险)公司让你无忧无虑尽情享受旅程乐趣。,27,Blessed by year round good weather, Spain is a magnet for sun worshippers and holiday makers. 西班牙蒙上帝保佑,一年四季天气晴朗,宛如一块磁铁,吸引着酷爱阳光,喜好度假的人们。这则广告语中西班牙被比作了磁铁magnet,说明那里是人们
20、度假休闲的绝好去处。,28,换喻(metonymy),日本东芝公司为其生产的计算机所做的广告为:Pick an Ace from Toshiba.东芝品牌,卓越超群。 在扑克牌中A是最大的牌,此广告借A牌喻指其产品卓越超群的性能和质量,读者可放心购买,满意使用。,29,头韵 (Alliteration),头韵是由相邻的起首字母(元音或辅音)发音相同而产生渲染对比的效果,加深印象、宣泄感情,经常在广告中使用。如: Its flavor wins favor. 以我茗香,赢君品尝。(以香取胜。)(茶) Safety, Security and Simplicity. 安全,安心,实用。(手机) W
21、onder where the yellow went. 祛黄除斑,功效非凡。,30,尾韵 (End-rhyme/Consonance) Pepsi-cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, thats a lot,Twice as much for a nickel, tooPepsi-cola is the drink for you.,31,仿拟 (Parody)仿拟修辞是借某种固定形式,如词句、语篇等,而造出的异于原形式的表达手段。泰晤士报的广告语:We take no pride in prejudice就是仿拟奥斯汀的名著PRIDE AND P
22、REJUDICE,,32,反复Only Brother Your Very Own Brother.值得信赖,唯有兄弟。Double delicious. Double your pleasure.双份美味,双份愉悦。Were not in the computer business. Were in the results business. 我们不卖电脑,我们卖的是成效。,33,“三优”牌家具的广告语:优良的质量,优惠的价格,优质的服务。Unrivalled quality. Unbeatable prices. Unreserved service.,34,夸张,美国花旗银行(Citib
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