1、原发性醛固酮增多症,广东省人民医院冯颖青,Forms of primary aldosteronism,Aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA)Bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia (IHA)Primary (unilateral) adrenal hyperplasiaAldosterone-producing adrenocortical carcinomaFamilial hyperaldosteronism (FH)Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (FH type I)FH typ
2、e II (APA or IHA),Number of diagnosed cases of PA per year,The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 89, No. 3 1045-1050,Prevalence of PA in hypertensive patients,Percentage of PA patients with hypokalemia,The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 89, No. 3 1045-1050,only
3、 a small proportion of patients (between 9 and 37%, depending on the center) were hypokalemic.,A, From 19571985, 248 patients were diagnosed with primary aldosteronism at Mayo Clinic; 57% had surgically confirmed APA, and 11% had probable APA; the remainder (33%) had probable or confirmed bilateral
4、IHA. B, In 2019, 120 patients were diagnosed with primary aldosteronism at Mayo Clinic; 20% had surgically confirmed APA, and 8% had probable APA; the remainder (72%) had probable or confirmed bilateral IHA.,bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (2/3 of cases) and aldosterone-producing adenoma (1/3 of cases
5、) Schimenbach, Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Sep;20(3):369-84,肾上腺皮质病变Aldo储NA排K 血容量 PRA 自主性 低K BP,机制,临床特点,1.BP : 血容量,平滑肌内NA,Aldo增加血管对NAR的反应. 最早最常见,病程进展, BP逐渐,轻中度.以DBP 为主 伴头晕,头痛.2.低K血症 乏力,软瘫.突然发生,以下肢为主,持续数小时,自行缓解.寒冷, 劳累,利尿剂为其诱因.有感觉异常.发作间期不等.3.心律失常4.OGTT下降,胰岛素抵抗,5.失K性肾病: 低K 远曲小管空泡变性 肾小管浓缩功
6、能障碍 夜尿 Aldo依赖ACTH,夜间分泌 储NA口干,多饮6.代谢性硷中毒和低血钙.H交换 细胞内H 细胞外H 代碱 细胞外游离Ca 手足抽搐,尿PH碱性.低K一定程度后,启动排NA系统,故很少浮肿.7.GFR , 尿蛋白,Conn四条:高血压PRA,低NA不能激发Aldo,高NA不能抑制尿17-羟皮质酮和皮质醇正常标准中无低血K,但当高血压合并低血K时,首先考虑原醛。早期常表现为正常血K性原醛。,诊断,10%的人存在无功能的肾上腺肿块,因此,不能单凭CT诊断。,血清(浆)K+、尿K+排量血清(浆)Na+浓度正常或略高于正常血氯化物浓度正常或偏低。如血K+25mmol / 24h;血K+
7、20mmol / 24h,则说明肾小管排钾过多但上述血、尿电解质浓度测定前至少应停服利尿剂24周。,化验检查,测定卧、立位血浆Ald 、PRA及 AngII的方法如下:于普食卧位过夜,如排尿则应于次日4am以前,48am应保持卧位,于8am空腹卧位取血,取血后立即肌肉注射速尿40mg(明显消瘦者按0.7 mg/kg 体重计算,超重者亦不超过40mg ),然后站立位活动2小时,于10am立位取血。(PST),化验检查,利尿剂、血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂、长压定可增加肾素的分泌,而B阻断剂却明显抑制肾素的释放。,影像学诊断MRI对较小的APA的诊断阳性率低于CT扫描,故临床上不应作为首选的定
8、位方法。B超APA阳性率只有50% ,BAH更低。CT只能发现5-10MM的肿瘤,5MM不能分辨,CT,Comparison of Adrenal Vein Sampling and Computed Tomography in the Differentiation of Primary Aldosteronism,Steven B. Magill, Hershel Raff, Joseph L. Shaker, Robert C. Brickner, Thomas E. Knechtges, Michael E. Kehoe and James W. Findling Endocrine-
9、Diabetes Center, Departments of Medicine and Radiology, St. Lukes Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215,Purpose : compare AVS and CT imaging of the adrenal glands in patients with hyperaldosteronism in whom CT imaging was normal or in whom focal unilateral or bilateral adrenal abnormalities wer
10、e detected,The diagnosis of primary aldosteronism was made in 62 patients based on an elevated plasma aldosterone to PRA ratio and an elevated urinary aldosterone excretion rate. 38 patients had CT imaging and successful bilateral adrenal vein sampling and were included in the final analysis.,Compar
11、ison of CT imaging and adrenal vein sampling,Conclusion: adrenal CT imaging is not a reliable method to differentiate primary aldosteronism. Adrenal vein sampling is essential to establish the correct diagnosis of primary aldosteronism.,原醛的筛查,立,卧位的血ARR=ALDO/PRA。各种文献对比值报道不一,25可疑, 50可能性大。,如果同时运用下述标准:A
12、LDO/PRA30, ALDO20ng/dl, 其诊断原醛的灵敏性为90%,特异性为91% 。,原醛的确诊,FST,氟氢可的松0.1mg q6h,共4天测定立位ALDO60pg/dl,立位PRA 1.0ng/ml尿钠的排泄3 mmol/kg/天血K正常。服药4天后10Am的血浆皮质醇必须低于7Am 的皮质醇,盐负荷试验,静脉和口服静脉:生理盐水2L,4小时内静注完,测定血ALDO 5ng/dl,PA确诊。口服:高钠饮食3天(300mmol钠/d),测定24小时尿ALDO 10g/d, PA确诊,盐负荷试验,高钠试验正常人及高血压病人血钾无明显变化,原醛症患者血钾可降至35毫摩尔/升以下,安体舒
13、通(螺内脂)试验,安体舒通具有竞争性拮抗醛固酮对肾小管的作用,但并不抑制醛固酮的产生,对肾小管也无直接作用,因此只能用于鉴别有无醛固酮分泌增多,而不能区分病因是原发还是继发性。,服安体舒通300mg/d(60 mg,5次/日),共服710天为试验日,分别于对照日和试验日多次测定血、尿K+、Na+、Cl- CO2结合力,血气分析,血压,夜尿次数等,原醛症病人一般服用安体舒通1周后,尿钾减少、血钾上升、血浆CO2结合力下降,肌无力、四肢麻木等症状改善,夜尿减少,约半数病人血压有下降趋势。,How Should the Clinician Distinguish between IHA and AP
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